After Yi Tian said that, Hao Ren, who was sitting on the opposite side of the Luang car, showed a slightly relaxed expression. After thinking about it, he replied: "What Yi senior said, this Cultivation is not all smooth sailing. Some people have a smooth sailing at the beginning of the first year, but after encountering the bottleneck level, their cultivation progress will often be stuck. Many people get stuck at the bottleneck and have no chance of breaking through for life."

"Do you know this truth shows that you are not confused by the achievements in front of you, and the lack of successor usually appears in those early-Stage cultivation base brave and diligent cultivators," Yi Tian explained: "In Shangling Nine Realms This kind of existence is not a minority."

"Oh, what Yi senior said should have traveled through several interfaces. I wonder if the cultivator there is stronger and weaker compared with my Asura clansman?" Hao Ren Hearing this seems to be interested in asking.

Yi Tian startedled in his heart to know that he lost his speech, and he didn't use the formal way to travel through other worlds. It would not be good to say that he was leaked and learned of his origin.

I made a haha ​​replied right now: "Naturally, the Asura cultivator is better, so I also came here to see Asura's real style."

Hao Ren was hearing this face with a complacent expression: "Nayi senior will definitely pay off this trip, although my Asura clansman has a sparse mouth, and the cultivator technique after successfully cultivating it is even more as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns. . But as long as the six-eye real body strength is turned on, it can be more than doubled. Compared with other cultivators from all walks of life, it has an overwhelming advantage in going solo, even if it is one-to-many. , But I don’t know it at this time," Yi Tian replied.

"Shangling Nine Realms has long been rumored that when you encounter the Asura cultivator, you will escape one-to-one, two-to-one rivals, and three-to-one siege. Although it is a bit exaggerated, it is not true The difference is not much," Hao Ren explained.

Yi Tian immediately tasted this sentence in his heart, and then his face doesn't change and said: "This is the first time I heard it at this time, but it can be circulated in Shangling Nine Realms. It’s been a long time and naturally has its own unique truth. But I don’t know how much do you know about Peak cultivators from all walks of life?"

"Since it’s an easy senior exam, I’ll be ugly," Hao Ren straightened his expression. Said: "Although I haven't left the Asura world, I can conclude that there are very powerful cultivators in Nine Realms in Shangling Nine Realms by combining the news of foreign cultivator and the information stored in the Imperial Family library. Among them, Buddhist Sect is especially important. The Great Lightning Zen Temple, Demon Realm Heavenly Demon Clan, Monster Realm Divine Beast descendants and Spirit Realm are the most away from the Fire Palace."

Didn't expect Hao Ren also spent some time in this area. The four types of cultivator in his mouth, except for the descendants of Monster Realm Divine Beast, the other three are similar to what he knows. However, Monster Realm is a place where I must go to find an opportunity to understand the situation there in advance. It is very necessary.

"You are right, but looking at these four types of cultivator, they will lose half of their strength in front of Asura clansman," Yi Tian nodded replied.

"It is true. The special thing about my Asura cultivation technique lies in my personal strength," Hao Ren added.

Yi Tian then turned around and pointed at the location of the'Heavenspan Road' again and said: "This ancient pagoda is naturally guarded and not close to people waiting for leisure, but it can't stand that many cultivators want to enter. Test your own strength. Wouldn't the number of people waiting in line with such a large number of monks and less meat be so great?"

Seeing that Hao Ren returned to a familiar topic, he was also energetic, and he reached out and pointed at the'Heavenspan Road'. The location said: "Yi senior, please see. Actually, there are three roads leading to the ancient pagoda, corresponding to the three gates of Nascent Soul, Spirit Transformation and Distraction. That is to say, as long as the cultivation base enters the Nascent Soul Stage, you can come here. I have broken through."

"Didn't it mean that each cultivator only entered the ancient pagoda of'Heavenspan Road' three times in his lifetime?" Yi Tian said.

“It’s true, the three daoist sects correspond to the three different stages of the cultivator. It’s okay if you go to each stage once, but most people will leave the opportunity after the Divine Transformation Stage. Even Divided Spirit Stage, so that you can reach a higher level," Hao Ren pointed to himself and said: "I have only used one chance now, and Duan Xiaolou also once. As for Prince Wei’s nephew, Qiao Yongjun, he has gone in twice. However, he almost broke through the 8th floor."

so that's how it is, it seems that the strength of these people should still be almost on par, and Hao Ren slightly lost that's all. Yi Tian thought for a while and then asked: "So how many cultivators can break through to the 9th floor?" Hao Ren brightened his eyes: "There are at least a dozen, among which the lowest cultivation base is Distracting mid-stage cultivator, throwing away the grandmothers who have entered the Integration Stage, Prince Wei and King Xun, there are still nine alive."

Are there many people, Yi Tian muttered in his heart. This can be distracted by the mid-term breakthrough to 9-Layer, I am afraid Luo Ziyan is undoubtedly, I don't know what realm her cultivation progress has reached now. When I met him in the Old Feng City of Spirit Realm, I was stabilised by her. This can be regarded as the first time I was frustrated by the same level of cultivation base in Spirit Realm.

Think about the tentative question: "Surely the queen must be in the mid-distraction cultivation base breakthrough to the 9th floor, right?"

"That's that, the Queen Your Majesty It’s obvious to all that my grandmother personally taught that natural strength is far stronger than the same-level cultivator. It is unceremonious to say that in Shangling Nine Realms, it can be counted as a cultivator of the same level as her mention on equal terms. ," Hao Ren said proudly.

"So among those who broke into 9-Layer, are there other distracting mid-term cultivators?" Yi Tian asked.

Hao Ren replied after thinking about it: "Only Shui Cangyue, the guardian of Princess Qingcheng, is the first Divided Spirit Stage expert under Grandma's grandmother, Luo Yao, Great Commander, who also exhausted three opportunities in the late stage of distraction Only on the 9th floor."

Hearing two familiar names on his face, Yi Tian was happy, and didn't expect these two people to be famous on the list. Needless to say, they have naturally become the steamed buns of the three Integration Stage cultivators vying to win.

But I have had intersections with them, and I don’t seem to find anything too powerful. Or maybe I inadvertently covered up the rays of light on them.

But it is very likely that these people who broke into 9-Layer will encounter them when they participate in the Asura fire source Secret Realm trial this time. It seems that it is very necessary to investigate the fictitious reality of these people in order to make plans and think about countermeasures.

"Yi senior can take the time to check on the stone tablet in front of the ancient tower on'Heavenspan Road', but any cultivator up to 6-Layer can record his own name and final record. Engraved on it," Hao Ren said again.

"There is such a record, I really want to visit when I have time," Yi Tian said with a smile.

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