Yi Tian couldn't tell which road Xun King's Heir took at the three-way intersection in the passage. Suddenly, the complexion slightly changed, he couldn't help but become impatient.

At this time, the vibration under the soles of the feet came again, and the entire passage trembles. After a lot of sand and gravel leaked from the top of the passage, it made Yi Tian's eyes shine. Obviously, the concentration of Cold Ice True Qi in the road on the left is constantly increasing. Although he is not sure, Duan Xiaolou has a high probability of taking this road.

After putting away the mind, open the divine sense to explore the farthest, but in this Baicao Corridor, the divine sense seems to be restricted by the restriction in the passage, and it can only probe up to three or four miles away.

But this is enough. Yi Tian found that there seemed to be high-frequency spiritual pressure fluctuations in the depths of the passage. Needless to say, Duan Xiaolou and Ren were doing it.

The body exerted force under the feet rushed into the left passage like an arrow from the string. Along the way, Yi Tian glanced over the restriction on the stone wall of the passage and found that all around was placed under the gravity formation. The more you fly forward, the more you will be affected by Formation, and you will consume 10% more spiritual power to maintain your escape speed from two miles away.

Not long after, what came into view in the distance was the mess everywhere, and the passage seemed to have come to an end. More and more spell attacks continued to be heard, and Yi Tian rushed out of the passage and only saw in a flash in front of him.

Two spells, one red and one blue, are colliding fiercely, igniting spiritual power and arcs ejecting disorderly all around the cave.

Blue's spiritual light reveals bursts of cold air, which is naturally the spell of Duan Xiaolou, but Yi Tian found that Duan Xiaolou at this time is no longer as free and easy as just entering. Here, there is no advantage of the right time and place, and the rune of all around restricts the escape technique, which is naturally more difficult than playing against the outside world.

And his opponent turned out to be a spirit plant. When Yi Tian saw the appearance of the spirit plant, he started to think, isn't this the'Asura Blood Vine' of the Asura Imperial Family? It's just that this Asura blood vine is a mature and complete body. I have never understood that the'Asura blood vine' is full of crimson after it matures. The middle flower bud opens up to three feet in size, and the center of the stamen has red stems that are not flowing down. Stenchy red juice.

In addition to the stamens, there are many vines sticking out all around. The thinnest vines are like a baby's arm, and the thickest part of the stem is at least like a bucket.

The blue aura in Duan Xiaolou's hands is obviously the cold air fused with the real water of Xuanyin, and it is the nemesis of these'Asura Blood Vine'. It's just that he seems to have played for some time again, and the spiritual power consumes a lot of time, otherwise he won't be suppressed by the opponent.

Seeing that I appeared in time Duan Xiaolou yelled: "Fellow Daoist Yi here, we quickly joined forces to remove this'Asura Blood Vine'."

He said: "Secondly, be careful, wait for me to help you," Yi Tian took out the Taiyuan sword to sacrifice in his hand, and then turned into thousands of filaments moved towards the stamen of the'Asura Blood Vine'.

Who knows that Duan Xiaolou yelled eagerly: "No, Fellow Daoist Yi, don't irritate it."

The thousands of filaments are like raindrops before they are finished. It hits the'Asura Blood Vine' as usual, leaving small wounds after the sword wire. Suddenly, a large amount of red juice flew out from it and turned into a rain of tens of thousands of blood.

Duan Xiaolou exclaimed: "Be careful that it is poisonous." After speaking, he stepped back.

Yi Tian also realized that his shot was too reckless, and flew away from the passage when he came and went.

After the sound of'Zila Zila' sounded several times, the roots of the trees sprang out from the passageway. The red vines directly blocked the retreat.

The red juice flew onto all around the stone wall and suddenly made a'zi zi' sound, and at the same time it left small scars.

Didn't expect the juice of'Asura Blood Vine' is so corrosive, Yi Tian suddenly felt that his scalp was numb. The sap splashed onto the shield continuously consumes spiritual power, which increases the spiritual power that is already consumed by heavy attacks by another 30%.

Yi Tian suddenly found that the weight-bearing feeling on her body was gradually disappearing, and she swept through the divine sense to discover that the restriction Talisman originally portrayed on the cave’s thin-forty wall was just like this. The trouble is scratched.

As a result, the load-bearing environment that originally restricted oneself gradually became invalid.

Looking back at Duan Xiaolou, I also changed his energy. Yi Tian asked: "What is the clever strategy of the world?"

"If you can't be the enemy, let's withdraw for the time being. Take a break and try again. This'Asura Blood Vine' is at least 20,000 to 30,000 years old, and we can't take advantage of it even if we force it," Duan Xiaolou replied.

"Don't forget to evacuate first, you leave first, and I will break after you," Yi Tian solemnly replied. Since he has made up his mind to leave, there is no need to think about anything. After retracting the Taiyuan Sword, Yi Tian hurriedly took out the Brahma Golden Bell and shook it quickly using the remaining power of the sound wave vibration to shake all around the vines away.

When Duan Xiaolou saw the front road opened his face and got up with joy, he threw his legs to the entrance of the passage and ran straight, but before reaching the exit, there was a violent vibration under the ground.

Then a square meter of soil under his feet burst open, and a bucket-thick vine rushed out of the ground and stopped in front of him.

The tip of the scarlet vine is a deep red flower bud, the size of a foot.

With a'bang', the buds opened and two round stamens appeared under the head cover, directly hitting the retreating Duan Xiaolou and directly buckled him.

Yi Tian's expression is shocked. If Duan Xiaolou is here, he can't get rid of the relationship, and then there will be trouble.

I stretched out my hand to sacrifice the Taiyuan sword and moved towards the neck below the bud, but didn't expect this'Asura Blood Vine' to have a spirituality. I felt the crisis and shrank directly. Back to the ground.

Yi Tian swept away in a blink of an eye, and saw the underground soil arched rapidly beside the main stem. After ten breaths, several vines rose from the ground, and one of them swallowed Duan Xiaolou bud.

It's just that a faint blue light appeared on the bud at this time, and then a layer of frost condensed all around. The flower bud began to freeze from the inside to the outside, and the flower bud seemed to gradually wilt after being affected by the cold, and finally it was frozen into a straight icicle standing over there.

Yi Tian knew that Duan Xiaolou at this moment should not have a mortal danger, but was trapped for a while. It seems that the only way to rescue him first is to look at the'Asura Blood Vine' Yi Tian in front of him. The ice marrow flame is also in his hands.

I wanted to use the wood cane technique to deal with the Asura blood cane, so it is the best policy to use the other way to return to the body. But I don't know the state of Duan Xiaolou at this time. If he knows that he can also control the'Asura Blood Vine', it is definitely not a good thing.

Fortunately, Duan Xiaolou reminded himself that Cold Ice True Qi didn't have it, but it was as effective as Ice Marrow Flame.

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