After coming out of Exquisite Fortune Land, Yaojing had been waiting a long time ago, and Yi Tian only symbolically ordered nodded with him. Then he accepted the two palm-size seven-aperture glass cores in his hand.

According to Yaojing's words, one big and one small treasure, the big things are reserved for her own use, as for the small one for Luo Ziyan, it can be considered as able to deal with Luo Yilan.

When he left the cave, Yi Tian took Luo Xiao along with him by the way. Although he was still in a coma now, his life was safe, and there were still some things he needed to understand.

Thanks to Yaojing Haosheng and told him to watch the Liuli Caves closely. In the future, only those who hold their seals can come here to use the treasures. After listening to the latter, he repeatedly said that he did not dare to go against his will.

After waiting out of the range of Liulifeng, Yi Tian took out the assault boat and entered the main cabin with Luo Xiao who was not awake. Later, I separated a trace of divine sense and controlled the assault boat moved towards Asura where the teacher was and galloped away. At the same time, I sat in the cabin and began to think about it.

This trip to the Liuli Caves is really rewarding. In addition to knowing the secrets of the Asura clan, I also learned a trick of divine ability. However, Luo Yilan, who is impossible to restrain Mahayana Stage with his current strength, even if it is displayed.

Furthermore, if the news that I have been to Liuli Cave is leaked, I am afraid that the first two princes in the imperial city will not let him go.

Fortunately, only oneself and the predecessor Asura Emperor Luoqin can enter the gate of the exquisite blessed land. I want to come to Luo Yilan, but I have been there but failed to enter the inner middle, most of it is because the shape of the law body is incorrect.

From the clues left by Luo Qin, the cultivation technique of the Asura family has been circulating in this world for hundreds of thousands of years. But during this period of time, only he and him have cultivated the Dharmakaya of Good Mind and entered the exquisite blessed land.

Others, even the prince with a strong cultivation base as the Integration Stage or Luo Yilan from the Mahayana Stage cannot enter. Explain that that place should really be a small debris space scattered by Immortal World.

Now, what I lack is time. There are less than two hundred and fifty years before Yunlin promises to help. If you want to bring your cultivation progress to the peak of the late stage of distraction during this time, it is best to touch the threshold of the Integration Stage and then enter the Secret Realm of the fire domain.

In addition, Luo Yilan hides somewhere in this world. If her cultivation base does not reach the Integration Stage, she will not even be eligible to bargain with her. After all, Luo Qin’s message is also very interesting. , I still have to be more vigilant to avoid being taken advantage of.

Turning around to look at Luo Xiao who was sleeping on the side, Yi Tian stretched out both hands and took out several times and then flicked it lightly. The aura of the fingertips flew out and went straight into his forehead. Luo Xiao saw that he showed the Dharmakaya with his hand, and he must have immediately noticed the difference.

In addition, Yaojing mentioned his true identity, I am afraid that he will remember it in his mind. If this information is revealed, he will not be destroyed. Taking this opportunity, he will act first as a strong general. This part of the memory in his mind can be erased so that he has no worries.

After three breaths, he only saw his face move slightly, and the restraint on his body faded, which is considered to be free again.

When he woke up, the divine sense spread out and looked around and saw that only two people stayed in the cabin and knew about the Liuli Cave. It's just that it seems that the purpose of this trip has not been achieved and his face is extremely embarrassing. After looking at Yi Tian in a blink of an eye, Luo Xiao hurriedly said: "Thanks Senior for help, otherwise Junior will definitely be killed in the hands of the four-legged Golden Devouring Beast. It's just that this trip is negative and the empress will go to face the saint. "

"No wonder you at this time, but since you are Luo Ziyan's confidant, I naturally won't stand idly by," Yi Tian hearing this looked at him but replied in a plain tone.

"I don't know senior but Venerable Lord Yun sat down. Junior seems to have never seen him," Luo Xiao asked tentatively.

Yi Tian sneered in his heart, didn't expect to ask yet, he first found out his own details. Fortunately, the Venerable Lord Yun he mentioned should be Yunlin. Thinking that the things he promised Yunlin will come to the Asura dynasty, he will definitely be regarded as her faction at the moment, but I point nodded.

Luo Xiaojian’s face happily said: "Junior Imperial Guard commander Luo Xiao pay respects to senior."

"I promise Yunlin will help her dísciple enter Asura Secret Realm. To deal with the other two princes inside," Yi Tian thought about simply revealing some news to him, and try the other side's reaction.

Didn't expect Luo Xiao to hear that the smile on his face faded, got up and moved towards himself, and said: "It turns out that it is the assistant, Junior have eyes but fail to recognise Mount Tai. "

'Assistant Envoy' Yi Tian whispered secretly in his heart, but there was no reaction on his face. The topic changed at the moment: "I am now resident in the Asura Teaching Specialty, and I am responsible for escorting the leaders of the teaching to imperial city. "

"It turns out that you were assisted by the Venerable Lord Yun imperial decree, so why did you come to Colored Glass Peak?" Luo Xiao asked.

"Does Luo Ziyan want the Blue Star Diamond," Yi Tian stretched out his hand to take out a piece of baby's head-sized and bright blue ore and handed it over: "You can take this thing back for business. "

Luo laughed and showed ecstasy on his face. After reaching out for the treasure, he used divine sense to detect Fan before replied: "Many thanks, my lord is generous. I can go back to my life after this matter is over."

"Slowly, you can send a message before Luo Ziyan about this matter, and then follow me back to Asura to teach me to escort the candidate back to the court," Yi Tian said horizontally.

Actually, I don’t know much about Asura imperial city. If I go to that’s all alone, it’s cumbersome to bring a group of people around. It would be great if there are familiar people as guides. .

I also thought of asking Luo Jinzhong for help before, but he took Silin to escape from imperial city in the early years and now tells him to go back. I'm afraid it is unwilling to deal with it.

When I was at a loss, it would be great to meet Luo Xiao, who is also in charge of the Imperial Guard at the same time, and also Luo Ziyan's cronies.

It's really not my style to put such free labor without it.

Who knows that Luo Xiao listened to complexion slightly changed and hurriedly handed over: "The adults do not know that the queen sends a humble job out of the city is also important. If you drag on for several decades outside, even if you go back, you will be blamed I."

"It’s okay. You will bring me the jade talisman, and I will take you to write a reply. Luo Ziyan will definitely not blame you when I see it, maybe there will be additional rewards. "Yi Tian said indifferently.

So Luo Xiao also found out that she had no choice but to take out the jade slip and hand it over. After Yi Tian took over, took out the spiritual power and quickly wrote a few pieces of information on it. After the end was stamped with his own signature, he directly activated and sent it out without giving Luo Xiao a chance to peek.

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