Listening to what Mu Lang said, the eyes of everyone in the scene immediately focused on the end of the first row of seats on the right. Not only the visiting guests showed surprise on their faces, but the eyes of the Asura Faculty on the right were filled with puzzled eyes.

They never thought that Sect Lord would give such an important gambling fight to such a little-known cultivator. To be honest, the many Divided Spirit Stage cultivators who were present to understand this new enshrinement only stayed in Mu Lang's verbal explanation.

On the other hand, Mu Lang has an unperturbed confident look and he doesn't know what medicine he sells in the gourd. Luo Yao, who was provoking him, didn't want to weaken the imposing manner at this time, staring at Yi Tian in a blink of an eye and looking up, he would find that it was just a distraction mid-term cultivator.

But he is not an easy person to be experienced, so he opened the mouth and said: "Before I came, I heard that Sect Lord's strength is almost a foot into the Integration Stage. I thought. If I take the liberty to ask for advice, it is a missed opportunity to think that Sect Lord will turn aside. I guess there will be no chance to ask Sect Lord for advice after this visit."

Mu Lang hearing this is haha ​​said with a big smile: "Although I don't shoot, I believe that Fellow Daoist Yi will represent me in the same way. Why doesn't Fellow Daoist Luo have the confidence?"

"hmph I have never been afraid of it, it's just my cultivation base Slightly higher than the mid-term cultivator will inevitably be talked about. Even if you win, you won't be able to win," Luo Yao waved his hand.

Although he looks arrogant, he is still arrogant. Facing a cultivator with a weaker cultivation base, he naturally does not want to take advantage of this. But in the entire Asura teaching up and down, only Mu Lang's cultivation base has reached the late stage of distraction, and most of the others are Early-Stage cultivators. There are only four mid-stage cultivators, of which three of the primitive churches have already played against each other and naturally they can no longer make a move.

I was the only mid-term cultivator among the rest, and after being named by Mu Lang, I felt somewhat of a duck to the shelves. Slowly stood up and moved towards the three people in the upper seat and said, "So please show mercy, Lord Earl," after speaking, the silhouette leapt directly into the spiritual artifact of the disc.

Luo Yao just saw his mouth coldly snorted, and then his whole body flashed and disappeared into his original position. Before leaving, he did not forget to say: "With the Venerable Lord as testimony, if I win over the pastoral Sect Lord, don’t go back on one's word."

The latter just turned his head and glanced over Yunlin, and then replied: "That's natural. A real man is hard to chase after a word. "

Yun Lin couldn't see any happiness or anger on her face, but her lips moved slightly, as if she was asking about sound transmission. Later, Mu Lang also returned a few words from sound transmission. Needless to say, the content is naturally to introduce the situation of Asura teaching here, especially the situation of Yi Tian, ​​who played the battle.

Immediately, a strange gaze flashed in Yun Lin's eyes, and at the same time she turned her attention to the Xumi space in the disc. With the strength of her Integration Stage cultivator, it is naturally not necessary to avoid a lot of taboos to directly explore the divine sense, and it is expected that the two of them would not dare to oppose it.

It's just that at this time Yi Tian stabilized his body in the center of the Xumi space in the disc and couldn't help but think about it. The battle in front of him was related to his own weight in Mu Lang's heart. So you can only win but not defeat, but with such an Integration Stage cultivator watching from the sidelines, it will inevitably be constrained.

At the same time, I can't give full play to myself, I'm afraid my strength will be greatly reduced. Moreover, it was originally because of weak strikes that he was in great trouble.

I was thinking of sudden all around spiritual pressure fluctuations in the air and wrinkled rapidly. It should be that Luo Yao locked in his position and killed him.

I stretched out my hand and first took out the Demon Soul flag and waved it in my hand for a few times. After several black mists took out from it, I submerged my silhouette directly. After three breaths, all around hundred zhang space was covered, and Yi Tian hid in the black mist and felt that divine sense on his body was isolated.

So then took out the Brahma Golden Bell to hold it in the hand and shook it constantly, the ripple of the bell was scattered directly through the black mist and formed a sound wave domain by Yi Tian's side all around ten miles .

Everyone watching outside now has a surprised look on their faces. This is the first time they have seen such a trick. As for Yun Lin in the seat above, after looking at it, she said softly: "This person really has some tricks, and he can display two attributes at the same time."

Mu Lang is the face. doesn't change as if I had expected it early in the morning, and then slowly replied: "Junior Brother Yi is the second only to me in the teaching ability. I am considering asking him to take the team to the Dynasty to participate in the ceremony in the future."

"It's so good," Yun Lin said indifferently.

The situation changed again above the scene, and the ripples scattered in the sonic domain could not pass through. After a while, I saw a bunch of ripples flying out of the black fog and moving towards that place.

The ripple shatter void makes a sound of'Zizi' and bursts into the void attachment. The range of the sound wave bomb is about half smaller than that of the Qijue magic sound with the eighth sound of the sky thunder, but formidable power It is indeed more than doubled.

Suddenly, several ripples appeared in the void, and Luo Yao's figure appeared out of thin air, but at this time, the contemptuous expression on his face was completely replaced by the deeply grave expression.

After the bright golden mask appeared on the body, the aftermath of the sonic bomb was blocked out. After the sonic bomb passed, Luo Yao spoke out: "Didn't expect Asura to teach you as good as you, but unfortunately in the Asura world, you still use your own cultivation technique as the strongest. Napa, you are a member of a variety of foreign races. The divine ability can't turn the palm of my hand in front of me."

Said that the armor worn on the whole individual burst open, exposing the bronze skin below. Suddenly, there were extremely strong spiritual pressure fluctuations on his skin, and Luo Yao's whole figure seemed to swell as he stretched out his hand and Jieyin.

He formed a spiritual power vortex in the air and swallowed him instantly. After three breaths, the spiritual power vortex all around quickly retracted, revealing a zhang high figure. At this time, Luo Yao's figure was more than half taller, and the spiritual power that constantly oozes from his body revealed a shield of gang wind all around his body.

Yi Tian, ​​who was hiding in the black mist, looked around and realized that Luo Yao's strength at this time had actually been greatly improved compared to before. But he did not directly use the Asura Dharmakaya, so he looked down upon himself.

But this is fine, since the other party has a contemptuous heart, wouldn't he have the opportunity to suppress it.

When the Divine sense of the outside world swept across the jade plate, his face showed a hint of joy: "Luo Yao Fellow Daoist is a bit too big? Didn't expect to face the battle. Keep it, I’m afraid that if he loses this time, there’s nothing to say."

"Mu Sect Lord doesn’t know anything. If Luo Yao shows his true form, I’m afraid there is only one in the entire dynasty. Integration Stage Venerable Lord and a handful of Divided Spirit Stage cultivators can handle it. I know that he doesn't want to make things too much because of his reservations," Yun Lin made a sharp debut.

Didn't expect this big boss actually has a careful side, and she woke up with a trembling face when she wanted to stop.

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