The original imperial dynasty's arrival had some purpose for school examinations, and Mu Lang should have expected it early on. Before the Divine Transformation Stage Cultivator's Bidou Asura taught Luo Jinzhong to overpower the other three, and then Luo Yao lost face and couldn't get off the stage.

At this time, Yunlin is also silently watching the development of the situation. It is estimated that she also wants to see how much knowledge Asura teaches after so many years of development.

Mu Lang's expression sank and knew that this matter was difficult, but since the client asked him to be the master, he should not be weakened, otherwise it would be really difficult to teach him in the future.

I want to say with a smile: "Divided Spirit Stage cultivator will cause greater damage if gestures are made, not equal to me, in the Sumeru Spiritual Artifact, there are three tricks. ."

Luo Yao waved his hand after hearing this: "Divided Spirit Stage cultivator is already regarded as an expert. Naturally, it can be easily retracted and released for the spell in his hand. If only three moves are limited, it is very It’s hard to show true strength, so it’s better to change it to the end."

Now Mu Lang's face appeared awkward, facing Luo Yao's overbearing brows slightly frowned. Later, the person who swept his eyes to the right and sat down with numerous cultivators, and finally fixed his gaze on the last seat, immediately said with a smile: "In this case, we are still various sects. How about the trio of different cultivators."

Seeing Mu Lang's response so readily, Luo Yao was taken aback by his face and then asked: "Then I don't know what Sect Lord Mu has asked for, please tell me as much as possible. My bloody man of the dynasty will take it all at once."

Mu Lang turned around to look at Yun Lin in the upright position, and then replied: "One-on-one may not reflect the magic of my clan's cultivation technique. It's not as good as a three-on-three melee."

As soon as this statement appeared, the faces of all the people present showed different expressions. Many Asura members seemed to have no idea why Sect Lord made this decision.

Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting at the last seat, looked at the people here secretly thought the old fox in their hearts, and was thinking of using the three-in-one cultivation technique. It is estimated that this will be considered. Only the difference in the cultivation technique between the two parties will have such a calculation. It is estimated that this will not need to help out by yourself. 'After thinking about it, it still looks like an old monk enters Ding in silence.

Luo Jinzhong behind him couldn't bear it anymore, and asked in a low sound transmission: "Yi senior, you see what our chances are."

To put it bluntly, it’s Integration. In front of the stage cultivator, every move of the Divine Transformation Stage Cultivator like Luo Jinzhong's cultivation base will be seen. Moreover, it is still the subject of key concern, and he will get him involved for no reason if he asks such a question.

Yi Tian glanced over Yunlin in the upper seat and found that although the other party did not look at this place, it can be estimated that divine sense had always locked Luo Jinzhong and Siling. After thinking about it, it is a faint sound transmission replied: "Look at Sect Lord's plan to win or lose in five to five. You can watch the changes in peace, and don't say more."

The latter was obviously taken aback when he heard it, and after three breaths, he understood that he was sitting on his own hope and silently.

At this time, there are three people on both sides of the scene, and the six distracting cultivators fall into the disc and turn into six black dots. Everyone on the scene can use divine sense to get in and find out, only to see that Asura teaches the three people who seem to be gathered together to play a zone defense.

The three people on the opposite side were surrounded on three sides after spreading out. At the same time, everyone stretched out their hands and formed the exact same seal, showing the body of Asura dharma idol.

What surprised Yi Tian was that among the three of the dynasty, there was still a realm who failed to cultivate a realm, showing a two zhang high dharma idol illusory shadow behind him. As for the other two people, they are actually dharma idol transformed into Three Heads Six Arms. It’s just that there are four eyes closed on top of the three heads of those two people. Needless to say, this is probably because the cultivation technique has not been applied. Practice to Great Success Realm.

But on the other hand, the movements that Asura taught the three people were even more weird. The three of them made the seal at the same time, and then behind them appeared an unusually solid dharma idol. At this time, the three of them took out Spiritual Qi from their hands and gently raised them to the hands of dharma idol. The three of them simultaneously controlled one defensive and two offenses to deal with the three in front of them.

Yi Tian stared at it for a long time before sighing lightly, didn't expect Mu Lang was also a talented person. I am afraid that he had noticed the flaws in the cultivation technique early on, so he asked his three dísciples to jointly perform the seal technique. Not to mention that this is really a somewhat different effect, the three heads that appeared on the illusory shadow are all the same with open eyes.

Needless to say, the six-eye dharma idol illusory shadow is no worse than the dharma idol after it has been condensed, and the six-eyes are bound to be able to simultaneously use the three kinds of spells and the unique divine of the Asura clan. ability.

But this kind of divine ability also has a fatal flaw. After the three people work together, the mobility becomes extremely poor. Frankly speaking, it can only be carried out in the Indian Formation, otherwise, once you get too far away, the dharma idol illusory shadow will definitely not be able to maintain it.

At the same time, multi-pronged spiritual power consumption will inevitably increase exponentially, even if the Divided Spirit Stage cultivator has a profound background, it hasn't taken much time to consume energy, so the three Asura teachers are fighting hard.

But it seems that the other party is also a man who has lived for thousands of years, although he was frightened by the posture in front of him. After stabilizing the formation, he began to think about how to break the formation. Everyone has continuously criticized the Divine Ability spell, and they can be tepid. It seems that they are also aware of the weakness of the three-person combined Formation and are ready to take targeted shots.

Although the fit dharma idol has good formidable power with the power of three people, it has gradually fallen into a disadvantage without the assistance of mobility. At the beginning, they could attack each other, and the two could move and the other defend, but after a long period of time, there was a situation where the two defended frequently at the same time.

Needless to say, it is estimated that spiritual power was consumed too much as a last resort, but Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting in the last seat, showed suspicious expression on his face. After looking over Mu Lang, he didn't seem to have reached the final stage of stopping his shots, so he should have reserved total tricks.

Suddenly, the situation in the scene suddenly changed. Asura taught the three people to take out the Spiritual Artifact of the Daoyuan Wheel, and then turned into three feet in size. The three of them flew above the Spiritual Artifact at the same time, and when they were controlled by the dharma idol body, they rushed out of each other's encirclement in an instant.

After coming to the distance, the three of them made the seal at the same time again, the Asura body illusory shadow in the center suddenly turned into more than three feet high, and the six arms used the Asura Divine Ability after casting the spell in pairs. .

Yi Tian quickly passed through his mind and found the source of this divine ability, which was originally the upgrade technique of the three-style Asura hand. Although I know that there is such a divine ability spell, but I have never seen the cultivation technique jade slip, and naturally I can't cultivation.

And to use this trick, it is best to match the cultivation to the Great Accomplishment Dhamma to maximize the formidable power of the trick. Suddenly, an imposing manner appeared from the statue of Dharma and moved towards the three people in front of him. At the same time, it shook the Spiritual Artifact into a buzzing sound. It is estimated that it was a trick to divine ability formidable power. Can't bear it completely.

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