In the tunnel of light and shadow, Yi Tian doesn’t know how long he has been flying, but he knows that he is constantly taking drugs to restore the spiritual power and at the same time continuously inject the spiritual power into the Demon Soul flag and maintain his own magic flame golden body dharma idol.

When the medicine pill in the storage ring is exhausted, I see the light spot at the exit. Continue to fly in that direction for a long time before loading the hour and then drilling in.

When I came to the outside world, I suddenly found myself falling into a bottomless abyss. At this time, no matter how to mobilize the true essence in the body, I felt that I couldn't use the escape technique and it was fiercely that finally hit the ground.

I don't know how long it took Yi Tian to wake up, opened his eyes and looked at it and found that he was lying in the middle of an altar at this time. All around stood a giant stone statue respectively, Yi Tian glanced across his face to reveal a terrified look.

These four stone statues are all stone sculptures of Three Heads Six Arms, and they all show the body of Asura dharma idol. It's just that these four stone statues are all looking fierce and evil. It looks very similar to Luo Que or Qin Mingyue’s dharma idol back then, but completely different from his own.

The startled secretly thought in my heart: "Could it be that I came to the Asura world through the Transmission Passage." It's a pity that now my whole body is like a bone rack, only a little spiritual power can operate.

Fortunately, all around here is silent, and it seems that I have come to the ruined ruins that have been abandoned for a long time. After divine sense was released, I checked all around and found out that I should be in a cave somewhere under the ground now, and there was no sign of who activity in all around a hundred miles.

I wanted to take out the spiritual power from my fingers and opened the storage ring. I took out the whole white jade lotus root from it to manipulate it into my mouth and chew. The white jade lotus root was brought to Spirit Realm by itself, and then improved and planted in the Medicine Garden of Taiqing Pavilion, and it can be used directly in the Divine Transformation Stage Cultivator.

Although my cultivation base has reached the Divided Spirit Stage, I can add a little spiritual power after taking the next whole one. The white jade lotus root melts in the mouth into pure spiritual liquid and enters the body, and then Yi Tian begins to work a little bit to run these spiritual power to the Eight Extraordinary Meridians to replenish the exhausted spiritual power.

After eating the whole white jade lotus root, Yi Tian found that it seems that the dark diseases remaining in the meridian in his body have been repaired by the spiritual power, and on the whole it has recovered about 10% of the spiritual power.

The pain from the limbs still reminded me that I needed to regain urgently. After a while, I strongly propped up my body and sat up to adjust my posture as if I was sitting cross-legged, and then went directly into the cultivation state.

At this time, the slightly flowing spiritual power in the body was continuously running, and then Yi Tian began to slowly absorb all around the spiritual power and began to repair himself.

This time I counted myself as good luck. I was able to escape alive from the demon saint at the last moment. But when I think about it, I have offended an incredible existence. The strength of the demon saint in the Nine Realms can be regarded as the existence of Peak.

Although Demon Realm is only in the Middle Three Realms, there is no doubt that no one dares to ignore the strange existence. Now I offend the other party to death, I am afraid I will have to relax in the future.

Apart from this Yi Tian, ​​I'm very interested in the environment I'm in now. Didn't expect Luo Chen's relics to have a teleportation to the Asura world**. This thing is the unspread secret of the Asura clan. When I was in Spirit Realm, I had heard that the Asura world had only opened the gates of Spirit Realm, Monster Realm, and the Buddha world.

Moreover, those who are in contact must be recommended by the Integration Stage cultivator before they can enter the Asura world. After all, the Asura world is the most abundant interface in Shangling Nine Realms, but people are extremely rare, only about one-tenth of Spirit Realm.

Moreover, the Asura world still exists as a single dynasty. All Asura people need to go to the pilgrimage to meet the Shura Queen from time to time.

Thinking of Yi Tian here, I remembered the Asura King Luo Ziyan that I saw in Old Feng in Qing Dynasty. I heard that she is still the current prince and daughter. However, the strength of this person was far better than that of her, I am afraid that even if she meets now, she may not be her opponent.

Fortunately, Yi Tian walked towards the sky and didn’t want to be involved in any relationship with the Asura family, although I remember that Wuye Sect Founder mentioned the Lihuo Palace cultivation technique in those days. It’s special if you want to advance the integration. The stage must go to the Fire Fiend flame support in the Lihuo Palace of Spirit Realm, or the True Fire land of Phoenix Nirvana of Monster Realm, and the Danger Land of Demon Realm’s Demon Realm.

It's just that I just got out of Demon Realm and I want to go to Danger Land. It's impossible to get there. As for the forbidden fire area in the Fire Palace, it is not realistic. The Wuye Sect Founder, who is his own favor, is working against the one in the Lihuo Palace. If you want to come to the other party, you will not let yourself go there for Transcending Tribulation for no reason.

In addition, I am not from the official establishment of the Fire Palace. I rushed to walk right into a trap. If you ignore these two places, it is the True Fire of Phoenix Nirvana of Monster Realm that should be the first choice. .

Moreover, it is estimated that the black clothed Wuye Sect Founder is mostly secluded in the territory of Monster Race waiting to be revived, and it can help him if he rushes out now.

However, the most powerful fire source among Shangling Nine Realms is the Asura Secret Realm of the Asura queen’s palace in the Asura world, but that place is definitely not your own cultivator, you can do whatever you want In and out.

On the strength of True Flame, Asura Secret Realm is naturally the strongest. If you can advance to the Integration Stage there, it will be the most beneficial for your future path.

First put down these unrealistic thoughts, Yi Tian quickly entered a state of contemplation and concentration. With the continuous absorption of spiritual power all around, the original wounds on the body slowly healed and scabs, until the scars After the scab fell off, the baby-like complexion was revealed.

In this way, Yi Tian stayed in the cave for several years to recuperate in a cross-sitting posture until one day when he browsed slightly wrinkle, he noticed that there were several spiritual pressure fluctuations coming from a distance.

Looking at it carefully, it seemed that the two groups were fighting and fleeing all the way, and immediately opened their eyes, revealing a helpless look of bitter smile on their faces.

It's not a good thing to be disturbed by others, and I didn't open the protective Formation in time to block my position. However, the highest cultivation base is just the Divine Transformation Stage, most of which are the Nascent Soul Late Stage cultivator.

I wanted to put out my hand and passed by, all around me, I set up a protective Formation, and instantly concealed my breath.

It's just that these auras seem to be coming straight to him, Yi Tian immediately showed an unhappy look on his face, and then the silhouette became lighter and lighter until it became a state of nothingness and disappeared in the middle of the altar.

It's just a spell to cover people's ears, but to hide your silhouette quietly that's all. The own entity still sits in place without moving half a minute, not because it doesn't want to, but because it feels unnecessary.

It is just a matter of using your fingers to deal with these cultivators even though they have not yet returned to the Peak state. Naturally, there is no need to avoid them.

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