The sudden gambling game forced Shi Ziyan and Li Gang to deal with it calmly, and the first game was completely unprepared by the cultivator of Flying Rakshasa Clan under the forced challenge. Fortunately, Yan Ligang is also a person who has seen big scenes and is not chaotic. Although he lost a treasure of the Moonlit Night Stone, it is nothing more than a trivial matter for him.

But the next night Ye Qiang became so powerful that he even proposed to continue the gambling, which dragged the whole scene. Yan Ligang's promise at this time didn't mean that he didn't agree and didn't succeed. If the so-called "losing" situation was spread out, it would only affect the reputation of his elder son.

After meditation for the meeting, he asked, "Then I don’t know what kind of color Fellow Daoist is going to read this night?"

"It’s still the same this time, a copy of Moonlight Stone How about a share of Moonlight Mingshi?" Ye Qiang looks like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water. Anyway, he has already won a round and is invincible. Now the winning share is naturally doubled to bet. Feel relaxed.

On the contrary, Yan Ligang's complexion slightly changed. This game seems to be a bit troublesome. The other party made sure that the gambling funds were not in his hands, and Ye Qiang seemed to clearly want to provoke the relationship between Demon Race.

Faced with such a positive plot, Yan Li Gang slightly smiled, then turned around and asked: "Fellow Daoist Yi, what do you think?"

Seeing that he didn't directly accept the contradiction. Pushing the matter to himself, Yi Tian looked at the other party and said, "Since the Fellow Daoist of Flying Rakshasa Clan has all drawn down, as a member of the Flame Prison Demon Race, I think I want to support the world. "

After speaking, he stretched out his hand and took out another moon night meditation stone and handed it to Yan Ligang, saying: "Forgive me to speak bluntly if we block this way, even if we win, it's just a tie that's all." "

"Oh, does Fellow Daoist Yi mean to add weight?" Yan Ligang raised his brows slightly.

"How about betting Yeqiang Fellow Daoist with the burning flame crystal in the hands of Fellow Daoist with Demonic Artifact?" Yi Tian said indifferently.

"I don't know what Demonic Artifact the Demon Eater hinge is. I explained in advance that I shouldn't use the demonic weapon as a masquerade as having an ability," Ye Qiang sneered.

On the contrary, it’s the Demon Race cultivator on one side. Mo Fangtai coldly opened the mouth and said: "Fellow Daoist Yi, don’t go back on one's word. You just agreed to this thing privately. Redeem it for me."

As soon as this statement appeared, the scene became absolute silence, and everyone understood the meaning of this statement in their hearts.

Yi Tian pretended to be stunned and slapped his forehead and said: "I almost forgot that I agreed to Fellow Daoist Mo first, so it's better to cut the magic dragon with you to exchange for'Dark Shadow Crystal Dust'. , And then I use this treasure as a bet."

After speaking, I reached out and took out a dark green scissor-like Demonic Artifact. After lightly offering it, I saw the magic dragon cut into black air passing through the air. , In the black air, there are two prototypes of the Black Flood Dragon faintly appearing.

"The body of this Demonic Artifact is made from Demon Eater Flower Vine. Two Black Flood Dragon souls are suppressed inside. If it can be warmed up in the body, it can continuously enhance its formidable power, which belongs to growth. Type Heaven Grade Demonic Artifact," Yi Tian explained the usefulness of the power of this magic dragon.

Mo Fangtai's eyes lit up when he saw it: "Good stuff, as expected, it's not inferior to that ancient treasure. Then we'll change it." After he reached out, he was already ready in his hand. Two copies of'Shadow Crystal Dust' were sent over.

This Ye Qiang can't be forcibly blocked, although the treasure is good, it must be refined into a device before it can be used. Under the same conditions, the finished Demonic Artifact is naturally more advantageous, but at this time Yi Tian and Mo Fangtai completed the transaction on the spot, and he will not be able to disrupt the situation anymore.

After putting away the'Dark Shadow Crystal Dust', Yi Tian gently handed it forward and put it together with his own'Moon Ye Ming Stone': "Yeqiang Fellow Daoist, now it is two copies to two copies I don’t know what you want?"

Faced with the two Heaven Grade treasures in front of Ye Qiang’s naked greed in his eyes, he licked his lips and said solemnly: "Okay, Since Fellow Daoist Yi likes to bet so arrogantly, it seems too fail to appreciate somebody's kindness if I don’t take it. Ye Tao, go down and play, pay attention to the point and don’t hurt the fellows of Demon Race in Flame Prison," this remark said Domineering seems to be doomed to the end of this competition"

I saw a flying Rakshasa Clan Deity Transformation Late Stage cultivator walked out behind him, the silhouette of his wings flicked behind him, and he flew directly into Nasuya. Waiting in the ring. Obviously this person is stronger than the night set before. It seems that Fei Tian Rakshasa Clan's Ye Qiang is confronted with Yan Li Gang this time. There is no late stage in the flame prison Demon Race Spirit Transformation cultivator present. The cultivator has to dominate others once.

So Yan Ligang is in trouble. He has already lost one game. If he loses again this time, I’m afraid his face will be disgraced and even his subordinates will treat him. I have an opinion. I want to give it up, but opened the mouth and said: "Since it is funded by Fellow Daoist Yi, it is up to you to pick someone to fight, and all the Spirit Transformation cultivators on the scene can be used. "

Yi Tian murmured in his heart after listening to say with a smile'This Yan Ligang is also only an old fox, but let him handle the unsure of things. Winning is his wise decision. If you lose, you can’t rely on him to cut the tofu on both sides.'

However, it’s about gambling and can’t tolerate sloppy. Yi Tian took out a fist sized bead and turned and handed it to Yan Lifeng in the back seat. Said: "If you have trouble this time, you can do it. This flame demon armor is a thank you gift. "

Yan Lifeng was taken aback when he heard it. He turned his eyes to the pearl and opened the mouth and said after sweeping his eyes: "Replacement of weapons in battle is a big taboo for soldiers. Is it possible that Yi senior can guarantee I can make good use of this thing. "

"Earth Grade top-level slab armor wants to be the Deity Transformation Middle Stage. You can make good use of it and encounter Deity Transformation Late Stage, and you will also have the power to fight," Yi Tian said indifferently: " Besides, the magic armor is just a dead thing that's all, the key is how to make good use of it. "

After listening, Yan Lifeng looked at the pearl in front of him again, extended the hand to gently hold it, and poured the magical power into it. Later, the magic pearl received spiritual power. It was activated and turned into several black glows to dissolve, and instantly the black glow flew to Yanlifeng's body, covering the whole body and leaving only a pair of eyes exposed.

After the black mist was dispersed, only a pair of eyes were left exposed. Seeing that Yan Lifeng was wearing a piece of black red armor with two Wu hooks pinned to his waist, the silhouette flashed underneath and suddenly mentioned in an imposing manner that the spiritual pressure fluctuation on his body unexpectedly exceeded the scope of Deity Transformation Middle Stage and entered directly into it. Late realm.

"In this way, Demonic Artifact can make up for the gap in strength, so it’s okay for Fellow Daoist to win in the middle of five to five," Yi Tian said with a certain face.


"Forcibly relying on Demonic Artifact to enhance strength may not be applicable. Everything has to be seen and compared to know, I have no objection to start," Ye Qiang also disdainfully replied after reading it.

Only Listening to Yan Lifeng’s mouth coldly snorted, and later on his entire body opened the pair of wings behind the flying Rakshasa Clan’s Rakshasa double-winged wings. After drawing an arc in the air, he flew directly into the ring.

Yes. His actions really surprised all the Divided Spirit Stage cultivators present. Originally, flying Rakshasa Clan was most proud of his speed. Now Yanli Peak has Rakshasa wings in his armor, and that speed is high. It is already not at a disadvantage, but this battle is worth seeing.

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