After talking with City Lord Yanlei, Yi Tian went directly out of the City Lord Mansion in Liaoyuan City. Thinking that Yan Lei asked himself to stay in Liaoyuan City until the arrival of the Demon Realm Abyssal Journey, Yi Tian simply made up his mind to find a temporary Cave Mansion secluded cultivation in the city and wait for the opportunity.

In my opinion, as long as he stays in Yanlei’s divine sense in Liaoyuan City, he can find his place. At the same time, he let himself out of the City Lord Mansion with confidence, and he will definitely be able to catch him back. .

Rather than having trouble with him on this matter, it is better to stay in Liaoyuan City peacefully, and there is no need to worry under his nose anyway.

When I got out of the gate, I happened to meet a person walking towards me. Divine sense scanned it and found that his cultivation base was slightly higher than myself. It was Yan Ligang, the elder son of Liaoyuan City, who met outside the Land of Buried Bones. He walked up and shouted casually: "It turned out to be Fellow Daoist Yi in front of you. It's a coincidence. Land of Buried Bones didn't. Expect to meet again here."

What a coincidence, Yi Tian is uttering contemptuously in his heart, how could he not know that he came to the appointment today by his identity alone. And when you enter the door, you still show the invitation invitation. I'm afraid that the entire Inside the City Lord Mansion at this moment, but everyone with a certain identity knows that Yan Lei is talking privately with him in the side hall.

It’s a coincidence here that Yan Ligang deliberately waited for him, and figured out the key Yi Tian face doesn’t change. He also stepped forward and said, "It turns out that it was the son of the world in person. It’s a coincidence. After the battle at Land of Buried Bones, I was anxious to go back to my hometown to retreat. I was fortunate to see it today. I will be harassed in Liaoyuan City for some time at the next meeting. Then I will ask my son to take care of me."

Originally it was just a polite remark, but Yan Ligang didn't expect to hear it, but his eyes lit up and said: "In that case, I have a few good places for Fellow Daoist Yi to choose from."

This is what you want, Yi Tian muttered in his heart. It seems that Yan Lei is still worried that he wants to send someone to monitor him. But if you have come, you will be at ease. I have had previous conversations and I am not afraid of them playing tricks, but I will directly express my needs.

After Yan Ligang heard this, he gave himself a choice of three Mansion Cave Mansion after a little thought. In the end, Yi Tian chose a relatively remote residence. Anyway, as long as you are as far away from the City Lord Mansion as possible, you don't want to come out to disturb others during this period of retreat.

Getting the Cave Mansion to open the array, Yi Tian hurriedly retreated with Yan Ligang, and then set up the escape technique and went straight.

I don’t know that Yan Ligang directly replied Inside the City Lord Mansion after he left. I want to come here and this is what City Lord arranged.

After arriving at that private manor, Yi Tian took out the array restriction opened by the array talisman, and then dived into the temporary Cave Mansion secluded cultivation.

Wait until Yi Tian sat down in the grotto in the depths of the Cave Mansion after several restrained Formations, the look on his face was slightly relaxed.

To tell the truth, Yan Lei's approach is not attractive to him. Although everyone has negotiated, this is tantamount to house arrest. To be nice is to urge oneself to secluded cultivation to prepare for the Demon Realm abyss.

Yi Tian still feels a little uneasy while staying in Cave Mansion, think about it and simply take out the Grade 6 lotus platform. Then the silhouette dodges inside, so that with this Buddha's body protection, you won't be afraid of being spied on by others.

At the same time, Yan Lei and Yan Ligang sat face-to-face in the study in the depths of the City Lord Mansion, chatting. Suddenly Yan Lei's eyebrows slightly frowned, and then stretched out, he couldn't help but say: "Sure enough, there are some means."

Yan Ligang knows father's habit and immediately asks: "I don't know if it's not. Then, what is the outstanding feature of Yi Tian that can make Royal Father so important."

"The restrictions placed in the cave are also powerful enough, and now I am afraid that some powerful Innate Spirit Treasure is used. I can completely block my divine sense from prying eyes," Yan Lei faintly smiled and said: "But that's good, the stronger his strength, the more likely he is to tour flame demon for me and tears."

" The child doesn't know why the Royal Father will fancy this person, and it will not be his turn in terms of seniority," Yan Ligang said in a puzzled way.

"It is true. He is not the strongest in terms of strength, but he is now the strongest Divided Spirit Stage cultivator sitting down by the Three Palace Lords. Concubine Yan has only been able to win the water after receiving his assistance. From now on, Demon Sovereign is afraid that it will be difficult to control in the future, so it will make the best move," Yan Lei said solemnly.

As soon as I heard that this matter was involved in the Demon Sovereign, Yan Ligang naturally did not dare to distinguish it any more. After all, this matter was secretly instructed by Demon Sovereign and could not tolerate others to mix it up.

"I don't know if this Fellow Daoist Yi in the Demon Realm abyss will have several points of sure?" Yan Ligang said.

"I don’t know, but what’s certain is that even if he can walk out of the abyss of Demon Realm alive, the Imperial Brother will not let him go. There are some uneasy factors for the stability of the entire Flame Empire. It must be pulled out in advance. This was done without the knowledge of the three Palace Lords. In the abyss of Demon Realm, he would face the expert of the Divided Spirit Stage Peak in the entire Demon Realm and the dísciple of the Demon Realm. To come out alive, we need to see if he has this luck," Yan Lei said casually.

Hearing the words dísciple, Yan Li Gang's eyes condensed and a deep timidity appeared on his face. Such existence has surpassed his cognition, almost with City Lord Yan Lei is a general-level person.

Then Yan Ligang asked tentatively: "Do I need to continue to monitor him during this time?"

"It's okay, since he has the ability, he doesn't want me to peep at it. Let him go," Yan Lei waved his hand.

"Liaoyuan City will have another Daqing event in the next few years. Why don't you take this opportunity to test this person's true strength," Yan Ligang asked.

"I know that you have some dissatisfaction in your heart, but to get rid of this person, you must use up their value. This is what your uncle meant," Yan Lei said after scanning his eyes:" As for temptation, it's okay, but you must be careful, don't be self-defeating and let him be wary."

"I see, Royal Father, don't worry," Yan Ligang's face was replied with a gloomy expression.

At this time, Yi Tian, ​​who was staying in the temporary Cave Mansion, didn't know that he was already in the tiger's den, but fortunately, there is still value to be used now, so he hasn't been affected by others.

Sitting in the Liu Ping lotus platform, Yi Tian sorted out the treasures searched over the past few years, and later discovered that the Demon Realm spirit plants that were planted in the spirit plant pots were growing fast. . Especially those devil-eater vines grow as thick as an arm.

After seeing Yi Tian, ​​he had a plan to take out the Taiyuan Sword and cut a whole section to save it for later use. At the same time, he began to sacrifice the black demon fire in his hand.

Now my own methods have all been exposed in the Land of Buried Bones battle, I am afraid that they will be guarded in the eyes of the caring people. It is also very necessary to prepare more moves in your hands. After all, what you are facing next is the most secret area of ​​Demon Realm, maybe you will encounter the Head Disciple of the evil Buddha.

That talent is his own scourge, even if he colludes with Jiudhara, it may not be true.

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