After finally solving Ye Ming, Yi Tian's complexion improved. Anyway, he had never exposed his true identity before. It is normal for individual cultivators to fall in the Land of Buried Bones. Fortunately, all the juniors have been distracted. If they dare to go and come back, they will be sent on the road without the slightest hesitation.

After all, even the Avatar of the Integration Stage cultivator has handled it by itself, so there is no need to worry about other cultivators.

After putting away the Brahma Golden Bell and Taiyuan Sword, Yi Tian took out the breath-gathering cloak again and put it on his body, and then moved towards the bottom and continued to fall. There are Buddha light illuminating everything scattered all over the space here, but the more you dive down, the stronger the Buddha power is.

Yi Tian divine sense scatters and finds that there does not seem to be a restriction on oneself like the outside world, divine sense can be extended unscrupulously. Probing thousands of miles away seems to have something there, which is where the Buddha's radiance shines from.

At the moment, a joy in my heart hurriedly urged the escape technique moved towards the place where the light source was and flew straight away.

The distance of thousands of miles is only a moment for himself. After arriving close, Yi Tian stabilized his figure outside the hundred zhang near the light source. Then I checked it sideways. The place where the golden light converges is a red Buddhist robe, which seems to be wrapped in something.

Yi Tian didn't dare to make a move easily, but after taking out the master Huiming's glazed lamp, the divine sense moved and said: "Please also master to tell me, Junior has something to ask."

After three breaths, an illusory shadow slowly rises from it, transforming into a master Huiming on the glazed lamp. Then the illusory shadow turned around and looked at all around, fixed his gaze on the robes and said, "It turned out to be the silk robes of this poor monk. This thing was lost in the siege and suppression of the four clans, but not today. I have the destiny to be found by you."

Yi Tian both hands joined together said the Buddhist ceremony: "I wonder if the jade leaf and silver flower planted by the master back then can open up such a space, I am afraid that even the demons at that time can open up such a space. The Holy Capital may not be able to win you for nothing."

"The little friend lied, in fact, the Demon Saint didn’t make a move back then, but he had already plot against and asked me to promote the merger of the Nine Clans of Demon Realm." Master Huiming seems to be replied with a faint remembrance of the past: "I also borrowed a donkey from the slope back then, but in the end only let Heavenly Demon Clan swallow two clansman horses again, which did not meet the expectations of the demon saint."

Listen to Master Huiming, didn't expect Demon Realm. There is still such a secret in the past. It seems that the Demon Sect has noticed the intrusion of Buddhist Sect early in the morning. He didn't take the action personally but wanted to use his strength to weaken it. The forces of the rest of the races.

It's a pity that the plan can't keep up with the changes. Master Huiming didn't get all the results, and he had reservations in the coming year. However, there seemed to be something in the silk robes in front of him. Yi Tian didn't dare to take it directly, so he had to ask again: "I see the Buddhist Sect treasure hidden in the robes, and I don’t know what the inside is. ??"

"That is a section of lightning strike jujube that I brought from the Great Snow Mountain Minglun Temple," master Huiming replied: "The tribulation thunder strikes that fell during the Transcending Tribulation of the first generation of Great Snow to Great Snow Mountain On a fire jujube tree in the forbidden area, after this fire jujube tree was chopped to pieces, most of the remaining branches can survive and bear three fire jujubes."

I heard here Yi Tian’s eyes revealed a trace of bright light, and that lightning strike jujube is naturally a rare and precious top treasure between Heaven and Earth. Master Huiming, as an eminent monk in Minglun Temple, has a piece of nature that makes sense.

Later, I just listened to him continue to say: "I wanted to leave the silk robes in Minglun Temple, but I was in a hurry back then so I brought them to Demon Realm. Now you take it away and wait for a chance to replace it. I sent it back to the temple. As for that piece of thunderstruck wood, it is a reward for you. Remember that the lightning fire date has absorbed the power of Thunder Fire between Heaven and Earth most Firm most Yang. If you send the robes back to Minglun Temple, you can Try to ask the abbot for one."

"many thanks to the guidance of master Huiming, Junior is grateful," Yi Tian said with ecstasy on his face, and then respectfully replied.

Later, the illusory shadow of Master Huiming retracted again and slowly fell into the glazed lamp and turned into a faint wick.

Yi Tian put away the glazed lamp and slowly flew forward to ten zhang in front of the silk robes before stopping. After looking at the Buddhist Supreme Treasure below, he discovered the Buddha's radiance of this world. The power radiated from the silk robes.

If you take it away by yourself, you can't say that the jade leaf silver flower outside will wither, and the Land of Buried Bones will naturally collapse.

Among the red robes is a palm-size charred wood block. Yi Tian naturally does not dare to underestimate this thing. The spirit plant that can survive the fall of the Great Ascension tribulation thunder is itself an incredible existence .

I wanted to return to my body, but slowly flew forward, suddenly all around the purple lightning flashed. A closer look is actually that lightning on the thunderstruck wood from time to time appeared in the robes all around, forming a protective cover for the lightning extremity.

These Yi Tian felt a little difficult to handle, and it seemed a bit difficult to forcefully collect the silk robes in front of him with his own strength. Extend the hand to gently straighten the vicinity of the lightning area. As soon as you touched it, there were a few purple thunder arcs with thick thumbs flying out of it and hitting your hand directly.

Although the formidable power of the arc is mostly offset by the defensive aura on the hand, there is still a little surplus of energy coming in from the fingers, and Yi Tian immediately frightened his face and his power will invade the body. Electric force is forced out.

Later on, it was difficult to face. It is definitely not an easy task to break through the electro-optical domain and take out the robes. Moreover, since that piece of lightning-struck jujube contains such a powerful energy, even if it is taken down by oneself, it is necessary to find a safe way to store it. The visual inspection seems to be unable to deal with it alone with my own existing methods.

When I was at a loss, suddenly the seal in the Niwan Palace had a movement, and a'swish' flew out of it, directly breaking the lightning in front of me and flying above the silk robe.

The Purple Thunder all around seemed to have no effect on it. At this time, the seal was absorbed by lightning even if it hit it. After a while, the lightning strike in your robes seems to have received some traction from the Zaomu slowly rising from it.

Yi Tian can get a glimpse of the full picture of the lightning-struck jujube tree. It turned out to be a block of black wood. The power of the purple electricity was wrapped on it, and the power of the purple electricity faintly radiated Power of Primal Chaos, and my heart was shocked.

After a while, I saw the lightning-struck jujube wood slowly shrunk after being dragged by the seal, and finally turned into Purple Thunder power completely submerged in the seal. After swallowing this piece of lightning struck the jujube wood, the seal flew in the air like a full circle and then turned into a purple light and flew back to his palace again.

Yi Tian looked inside and found that the seal on the top of Nascent Soul's head had now become the same again, that is, the color on it was slightly darker than before. There is also a significant increase in the power of Purple Thunder brought out by its own spiritual power after passing through the seal.

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