After being recognized for no reason, Yi Tian was heart startled first, and looked at the dark Demon Race cultivator over there in a blink of an eye. Ye Ming suddenly found something strange. Then he lowered his head to inform the morning and the others with Yan Fei and Solitary Isolated Sect. Later, when they looked up in difficulty, they looked up and looked at Ye Ming below, forming a defensive posture.

The fact that such an enemy is approaching naturally shocked Tu Renjie of Demon Race in the abyss, and then shouted in a deep voice: "What are you going to do?"

Solitary Isolated Sect At the right time in the morning opened the mouth and said: "You didn't notice it when you came with the Avatar of the Integration Stage cultivator along the way. This kind of behavior is sneaky and can't be on the table."

So is Fei Yan Then opened the mouth and said: "Dark Demon Race Mistress is on, Junior, we are just here to explore the reality and the inside. It is not a problem for you to follow along. I will definitely report to Imperial Uncle afterwards to see who is unruly. Behind the scenes."

After breaking Ye Ming's identity, even the cultivator on the side of the abyss Demon Race was shocked. Tu Renjie, who is headed by him, is not a fool, he guessed almost by thinking of the appearance of the people in Demon Race and Heavenly Demon Clan just now.

Although they and the dark night Demon Race are a cooperative relationship, suddenly there is a powerful cultivator Avatar next to them, so naturally they dare not go crazy anymore. After Tu Renjie made a gesture, the four people behind him hurriedly formed a five-person Defensive Array, and slowly opened a distance against the night race cultivator.

Three groups of men and horses were formed on the scene. Among them, Yeming of the Dark Night tribe was the most relaxed. I saw that she slowly walked forward and looked at the disdain in everyone's eyes. But after the line of sight turned to Yi Tian, ​​who was wearing a cape of restraining his breath, his face was surprised and said: "I don't remember that there was a character like you when I came in."

"That may be a senior. I remembered wrongly. Come on," Yi Tian refuse to yield an inch pretending to be replied: "In my opinion, although senior's Avatar is strong, it can at most be the mid-distraction strength outside. Even in this at most. You can only play to the peak of Deity Transformation Late Stage. I think it’s better than Solitary Isolated Sect Chen Qiang with full effort."

The atmosphere in Solitary Isolated Sect was relieved, so Chen Chen's face was not as nervous as before. Better than him, that means there is still a fight, at least it is not the result of being killed by a spike, plus that many people around him want to succeed is not so easy.

"You kid really gaze as if a torch, didn't expect that there are people like you in the Demon Race of the Hell, but unfortunately I still dare not show that's all in his true colors," Ye Ming turned to say with a smile.

"Senior Avatar so far I can guess how many points, but now treasure is in front but can't start, then why not cooperate, then after the ancestor's remains are taken out, how about everyone taking what they need?" Yi Tian asked tentatively.

"You know my purpose," Ye Ming said resolutely: "It seems that you are also an experienced and knowledgeable person. Let's listen and see if we have a basis for cooperation."

As soon as this statement appeared, the atmosphere on the scene was somewhat relaxed, but Tu Renjie found the opportunity to interrupt and said: "My purpose is very simple. I only want the remains of the ancestors of the Abyss Demon Race. You two may wish to consider it."


Faced with his request, Yi Tian was just twitched his lips, and he couldn't say no to nodded and agreed. As for the disgusting color on Ye Ming's face, he later reluctantly agreed to the sentence: "Since it is the gateway to the old ghost of the abyss, then this seat can naturally also be accepted."

At the meeting, a preliminary unity was reached. Yi Tian opened the mouth and said at the right time: "The jade leaf silver flower in front of you was originally a Spirit Realm spirit plant. It has grown here for tens of thousands of years and has been demonized after absorbing enough magic source energy. It’s just that its nature will not change. After everyone joins forces and breaks the branches, you will see the jade leaf core at the root. That is the weakness of the spirit plant. As long as you break the entire jade leaf silver flower, it will be completely exhausted."

"Fellow Daoist seems to be very clear about the weaknesses of this type of spirit plant, so what are we waiting for, let's do it together," Ye Ming reached out and took out the black magic light moved towards the main stem of the Yuye Yinhua Hit it.

After the halo flew past, a bloody shadow suddenly sprang out from under the muddy ground on one side moved towards Ye Ming and passed by. Fortunately, she was able to hold the attack under her superior strength, and then she fixed her eyes to see that it was actually a three-inch fire armor scorpion. At this moment, he was raising two large pliers, and a gleam of light flashed from behind the scorpion's tail, staring at everyone.

"Boy, you didn't seem to make it clear that you still have reservations. This is not a cooperative attitude," Ye Ming's face was obviously dissatisfied, and she shouted, "We will continue to cooperate like this. But it's about to end."

Yi Tian looked inwardly shouted in the center of his eyes. Unfortunately, he had already paid attention to checking whether there was a demonic beast nearby. Although I didn't find it for a while, I didn't relax in my heart.

Fortunately, Ye Ming didn’t listen to what he said, and he hurried to do it. Unfortunately, the firearm scorpion was not a native species of Demon Realm, but was brought from the outside world. The product after the infection, otherwise, the strength will not be only the level of the middle stage of distraction.

I said solemnly after thinking about it: "Senior seems to be wrong. Such heavenly materials and earthly treasures will naturally attract the guardian of the aliens. But in my opinion, this is a foreign spirit plant, and the firearm scorpion in front of me It’s not what Demon Realm should have. The half spirit, half devil’s demonic beast, even if it is strong, is at best in a state of insanity."

Sense carefully distinguished the nodded and said: "It seems that you are right. It's rare to meet such an eye-catching junior. Then you say how we should deal with it."

"Me and senior Take action to encircle this fire armor scorpion, you are waiting for the opportunity to break the branches of Yuye Yinhua to take down the things left by the ancestors," Yi Tian blurted out after thinking about the tactics in an instant.

Then I didn't wait for Ye Ming's reply body flashed, flew to the side, took out the Flying Sword, and moved towards the flame scorpion and greeted him.

After I did it myself, Yan Fei and the others had already received the message. They started to work together and used the spell in their hands to move towards the vine veins of the magic flower jade leaf silver flower tree in front of me. .

After several magical lights flashed in an instant, the branches of Yuye Yinhua were cut off. Those branches that left the main body spattered with bloody juice and soon lost their magical power and withered.

At first glance, Tu Renjie and the others, whose attack was effective on the other side, followed the same pattern, and started to purge them with the Demonic Artifact in their hands.

At the same time, after a sharp cry came from the mouth of the fire-clad scorpion, the carapace on its body soared and a powerful aura spread out. The body of the flame scorpion grew rapidly at the speed that naked eye could see until it reached the appearance of ten feet long, "peng~ peng~ peng~," after the six feet touched the ground, they made several noises, shaking the entire cave. Shook.

"Beware of the poisonous hook of the fire armor scorpion tail," Yi Tian saw red light flashed before he finished speaking. The scorpion tail poisonous hook violently swept past the position where he stood just now, leaving a half and a half. Foot deep traces.

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