The good-for-nothing has suffered a disaster without ignorance. In his heart, Yi Tian was dissatisfied with Yan Lei's arrangement, but the situation was stronger than others and there was no other way but to brace oneself to take it.

Fortunately, this time I was facing the slaughter of the Abyss Demon Race. Although I don't know the current situation of this person, I can guess it with the experience of fighting in the lower realm.

These abyss Demon Races themselves are good at body refinement and are good at close hand-to-hand combat. When fighting Tu E before, he also deliberately restrained him from using the corresponding Demonic Artifact.

Later, Yan Lei, who was sitting in the obscure car, opened the mouth and said again: "Yi Tian, ​​you enter first, I will let go of the Xumi space as you do in there. But I also It is said that this battle is a life-and-death battle. Unless Old Demon in the Abyss or I stop, only one of you can survive."

As soon as this statement comes out, all around the flame prison Demon Race cultivator The faces are all wonderful and different. The people on Fourth Prince looked like they were watching the show. As for Heavenly Demon Clan, only Du Gufeng turned his head and swept his eyes and pretended to be okay again.

Only the Concubine Yan in front of her hurriedly yelled: "Imperial Uncle, please take care of Big Brother Yi. Such a life-and-death battle can only be thought of by those in the abyss Demon Race. No, we don’t have to give them two places."

"The emperor’s words are not correct," Fourth Prince Yanblade suddenly stepped forward and said: "Since it is a negotiation between the two clans, it is natural to comply. Promise, and everyone has come to the door, do we have to let it go again?"

Although the words are good, Yi Tian knew in his heart that Yan Blade was eager to get stuck on the stage of fighting, even if It's not hesitating to give the other two extra places.

After listening to the complexion slightly changed, Concubine Yan angrily said: "You speak lightly, and it is not yours who is going to fight for life and death."

"The honor of the emperor sister cannot be trampled on. As a cultivator of our race, Yi senior should do his best, and I believe that his strength will surely come back triumphantly," Yan Blade said indiscriminately.

At this time, Yan Lei's words in the obscure car sounded again: "I don't have to say more, Yi Tian, ​​you are ready to go down."

Seeing this It is irrefutable that Concubine Yan was glaring at what she was about to say and she suffocated her. Later, she had to turn around and warned repeatedly: "Big Brother Yi, be careful, don’t try to be strong. That slaughter is the abyss, the old ghost, sit on the strongest Divided Spirit Stage. The cultivator is almost as good as Heavenly Demon Clan’s Dugu Yufeng."

"so that's how it is, but it’s not difficult for me," Yi Tian was faintly replied: "Remember What I told you before."

After hearing this, Concubine Yan was taken aback and then the nervous expression on her face eased. She lowered her head and sound transmission replied: "Don't worry, you just wait for my news."

I turned my head back to explain to An Xichen and then Yi Tian silhouette lightly jumped up and flew towards the ring. After three breaths, the silhouette fell and went in again.

After a few moments of time and space flew in a black light, he fell down and rushed into the Xumi Space arena. At the same time, Yan Lei’s sound transmission sounded in his ears: "As long as you win the last thing, the old ghost of the abyss will take out the dark crystal agate as a bet. This is something I will get. After winning, I promise you. Conditions, as long as it does not involve the internal affairs of the Imperial Family of the Flame Prison."

With this remark Yi Tian from Yan Lei, it can be considered a bit of energy, otherwise, for no reason, I will ask myself to fight with others. It's really not worth the gain.

Take out the heavenly demon bell offering and put it on the head, and then Yi Tian took out Demon Soul again, and the black mist instantly covered his whereabouts. At this time, there was only an expanding black mist covering about thirty zhang.

Suddenly, a gang wind blew in the diagonally, and a silhouette appeared in the void. This person is just slaughter. After Yi Tian stood in the black fog and looked carefully, he discovered that this person's strength was definitely much better than the previous slaughter.

The whole body is divine light introverted, although the whole body has also cultivated the depths of Demon Race, but there is no formal mutation. The whole body is covered by a black magic armor, and a half chi long horn grows in the middle of his forehead.

I saw Slaughter glanced at the black mist below and stretched out his hands to shake the mist abruptly to reveal a five-foot-wide channel in the middle.

Then the body flashed and rushed straight in, seemingly not taking Yi Tian's Demon Soul flag black mist seriously.

The secretly thought in the mouth is good, and after reaching for the seal, wave the Demon Soul flag to sacrifice the fierce soul inside. After the beast soul condensed and transformed, he held up the Demon Soul flag and pointed at Slaughter.

A deep roar sounded from the mouth of the beast, and the body after staring at it did not grow to the size of two zhang before but shrank to half of its original size. After scanning through Yi Tian divine sense, I found that the Beast Beast had swallowed one of Tu E's left arm and there was still a change.

Although the body size has shrunk, the whole body has become unusually solid, and the bang beast screamed for a few times and then rushed forward. After three breaths, he bumped into Slaughter head-on in the black mist, and a man and a beast fought directly in the black mist. It's just that the strength of the apparently slaughtering fleshy body is stronger than that of the 梼杌beast, and repeated heavy punches mixed with the sound of the wind to force the 梼杌beast alive.

Originally with the Demon Soul flag, the 梼杌beast occupied a convenient location, but after a fight, it was still at a disadvantage.

Yi Tian saw that the situation was far from good right hand and picked up the curse heavenly demon, the bell shook quickly, and after the sound wave dispersed, moved towards Slaughter's body. This time it worked. After Slaughter's body was swept by the light wave, he obviously hesitated to move, and then the formidable power of his fists and feet was reduced by three points in the battle against the Beast Soul.

Waiting for Yi Tian secretly rejoicing, only a golden-yellow rays of light flashed by in front of him, but Slaughter took out a magic treasure and covered it on his body.

After the golden light dissipated, the slaughter of dark golden ze was revealed, Yi Tian suddenly felt a sense of crisis in his heart.

At the same time, her figure flashed and left her original position. But when he avoided, I looked back and saw that Slaughter had appeared in the position just now. Although it was empty under the two-handed blow, the opponent did indeed find his hiding place.

Since I started a head, it’s natural where water flows, a canal is formed, I can’t bear to think about how the other party got rid of the beast and found himself Yi Tian. I dare not carry it on the spot, move it in succession and try to avoid it. Open the opponent's personal attack.

In a blink of an eye, I saw that the beast was following Slaughter all the way, but the opponent didn't pay much attention to it. It turned out that it was relying on the speed advantage to get rid of the pursuit.

Yi Tian looks like sinking water, knowing that his previous strategy has been seen through, so he can only change his tactics again, put away the curse of heavenly demon, the silhouette behind the bell quietly concealed in the black mist.

It is the sound of the seven demon on the bell of the curse heavenly demon that points the direction to Slaughter in the black fog. After Yi Tian was put away, he teleported again, and he got rid of the pursuit in three or two times, and the uneasy feeling in his heart also slowly fell.

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