Flying into Yi Tian from the back door of Mingyan Realm, I didn't even know that Wison master deliberately made this pass. The main purpose is unknown, but after entering, the road in front of you is not like entering the interface channel, but as if you have come to Mingyan territory.

It’s just that it’s like a hidden land of peace and prosperity, with the scenery of Birds, Speech, Flowers, Fragrances everywhere. Looking back, the boundary gate when I came in was already closed at this time, so there is only one way to go forward bravely.

Walking along the stone path at the foot all the way forward, only to feel that the scenery all around has changed repeatedly, Yi Tian quickened his steps after paying attention a little.

In less than an hour, I saw the end of the road far away, rushed forward and quickly came to the end of the path, and then suddenly realized that the front was suddenly open. It's just that Yi Tian's face couldn't help but twitched at this time, he seemed to have walked around and returned to the starting point.

It seems that this demonic path doesn't go so far and then returns to the original place. Just about to take a step again, he stood still and a little azure glow appeared in his eyes.

I thought I might be trapped in a puzzle, and after passing through this world, I didn't even find a trace of Formation. After feeling a little disappointed in his heart, Yi Tian didn't give up. After walking around and looking around, it was confirmed that there was no trace of Formation before he put away the pupil technique helplessly.

Later, I looked at my own situation and thought about it. It is obvious that this is not attached to the demonic path mentioned earlier. At least I didn't meet anyone, even the Heart Demon turned out by the magical barrier in my heart. I didn't see a single one, so how could it be regarded as a demonic path?

I am thinking about the environment here, but it is a bit like the Western Mountain spirit plant in the Spirit Realm Taiqing Pavilion sect where I am staying. Suddenly, under the thoughts move, I found a black spot flying above me in the distance. Not long after, I fell in front of me and not far away, and the silhouette turned out to be Qinglianyun and Huayuxin.

secretly thought:'The main scene is here, and it is estimated that the trial of the demonic path has begun. "

I want to stop and walk forward and stare at the two with a smile. After a while, I heard Qing Lianyun opened the mouth and said: "When Husband comes back, we will say something different." Nowadays, many trivial matters in the spirit plant garden are still waiting for you to deal with. "

Hua Yuxin on the side exclaimed happily: "Yes, yeah, Husband, come on," she said, she walked forward and reached out to pull her arm. Guarding the mansion in the distance.

It’s just that her hand hasn’t touched her arm yet, a coldly snorted burst in Yi Tian’s nose suddenly sounded in Zhou Sheng. Then the Taiyuan sword was sacrificed with both hands. Ruthlessly tore the flower jade core and Qinglianyun in front of him to pieces.

The silhouette of the two immediately turned into nothingness and the entire space began to collapse. Yi Tian only felt that his feet were weightless. all around became pitch black, and the body could not perform the escape technique for some reason, but let it fall freely.

I don’t know how long after falling, a thought flashed in my mind, and then I felt that I was hitting the ground heavily. Above. I finally got up and looked around all around and found myself deep in the end of the horizon of the year.

In front of me is the space where the years of banning Wuye Sect Founder have passed, and Yi Tian hurried away. Going forward to open the ban and found Wuye Sect Founder sitting cross-legged inside. It's just that the shackles on his hands and feet have been removed, and a blaming face appeared when he arrived and said, "Boy, your cultivation technique. What is the refining grade? If I return to Lihuo Palace in the future, you have to take action to support Ji Xuanyuan's rebellious disciple for me. "

After a look of respect flashed in his eyes, Yi Tian just faintly replied: "dísciple has never forgotten Sect Founder's sustenance, even if you are just the illusory shadow of Wuye Sect Founder. "

After talking, I stretched out my hand and took out Lei Yan Ziyan and turned into several Fireballs, directly destroying the illusory shadow of the Sect Founder in front of me.

After putting away the true flames, this time I found that the environment of all around has not changed. After ten breaths, I suddenly heard a sound coming from the diagonal. In front of the pitch black, a golden light slowly descended and stood in front of me, and the sound shadow of the master of Jiding appeared.

I just heard him ask: "Little friend Yi, you and my agreement have been fulfilled. Can the treasure in my hand be sent to the Arhat Hall of the Great Lightning Zen Temple? "

I have already expected that the face doesn't change the moved towards the silhouette of the master's face. The inspector said in a polite way: "The master's entrusted me to keep in mind, and I have completed the entrustment of the master, so I can feel at ease went. It's a pity that you are nothing but a trace of obsession in my heart and you can't take it seriously. "

After talking about reaching out and taking out the big Golden Sun Wheel, I set up the cultivation technique and manipulated it to take it out and instantly reduced the master silhouette in front of me.

After this time, I was in position. The world collapsed again. Fortunately, after learning the lesson last time, Yi Tian didn’t rush to adjust his figure and fell down at will.

It’s just that this time the all around environment once again transformed into the Land of the Fallen cave. Inside, the blood refinement in front of me turned into a blood-colored body after gathering. After ten breaths, the flesh and blood shrank to reveal the silhouette of Kudhara.

Yi Tian's face was slightly wrinkled, but he didn't even think of it. There will still be his appearance in my mind. It is estimated that the matchup of the year left a lot of shadow on me.

I didn’t wait for the opponent to take the action and set up the big Golden Sun Wheel before turning into a golden light. Moved towards the opponent's body. All in one move, it was divided into two, but this time the silhouette of Jiudhara did not disappear directly.

After the sound of'puff puff puff', only the opponent's body was broken. The place reintegrated, and later I heard his jié jié’s said with a smile: "How can you be my opponent with your Buddhist Sect power? Last time I was succeeded by your sneak attack. Now I have recovered five successes. I can almost compete with you. ”

After speaking, the blood and blood of red revealed from the flesh and blood in the hand, which split in the air and turned into several bloody skulls moved towards and flew towards himself.

Yi Tian was also stunned. This was the first time he saw the fantasy in front of him after coming in and attacked him. After the silhouette flashed repeatedly, he found that the blood-colored skull hit the ground and revealed the evil aura of one after another red.

Obviously, these tricks are also offensive and can cause some damage to themselves.

So far, Yi Tian's face is condensed, knowing that the opponent in front of him is not good, and he stretches out his hand to sacrifice the big Golden Sun Wheel again. Then he chanted the mantra and said the eight sounds of the sky thunder.

The golden light wave spread out and swept to the illusory shadow of Jiudhara, but he did not purify the slightest evil spirit from his body.

Immediately, Yi Tian realized that these all are obsessions in his heart were transformed into something different from the real situation. It was expected that Jiudhara was resistant to the eight sounds of the sky thunder. Fortunately, the sound wave You can limit his body shape so that you can take the opportunity to shoot.

After raising the big Golden Sun Wheel, it slowly becomes about one zhang size in the air, and then stretches out his hand to control the top of Jiudhara’s head Cover it.

With a single blow, he immediately trapped its silhouette and then refined it with Buddhist Sect golden light. After finishing this, I thought of the voice in my heart: "Yi Tian, Who are you? "

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