Great lightning The ancestral courtyard of the Zen Temple is so large that mortals cannot travel throughout the entire territory in their lifetime. It is also really big enough for the Divided Spirit Stage cultivator.

When Yi Tian stood under the mountain gate of the Great Lightning Zen Temple, spread out the divine sense and swept it down, a little look of shock appeared on his face. Your own divine sense can cover four or five thousand miles without any barriers or barriers.

But even in this way, it is impossible to explore the specific area of ​​the Great Lightning Zen Temple. Walking slowly to the gate of the mountain, two guardian dísciples walked up to hear the news: "Dare to ask the senior if there is a sect token, or an invitation card from a monk in the temple."

shook the head Yi Tian was about to reply and suddenly remembered that Yizhen monk had given too much jade slip in Spirit Realm. He took it out and held it in his hand for a gesture, and said: "I want to find Xuanwu Young Master, can I recommend it on my behalf."

"Xuanwu Senior Brother is in retreat at this time, senior came at an untimely time. Other monks who know him well?" Moriyama dísciple asked respectfully.

Yi Tian thought about it and had to take out the jade token that he got when he met Chongde and respected senior and junior brothers outside the Buddhist realm.

Na Shoushan dísciple swept his eyes and said with a solemn expression: "The unknown senior is Arhat Hall. Please also come with the dísciple."

Yi Tian was also secretly in his heart after a moment of stunner. Thinking of the original respect and respect back then, he should have made a special trip to wait for himself at the gate. And they must have guessed that they will come to the Great Lightning Zen Temple, so it will save a lot of trouble directly to the token.

Follow the dísciple of Nashou Mountain and enter the front hall of the monastery, and then another Zhike monk will receive him on his behalf. It was a little later that the two of them crossed the Long Corridor Mountain Road and walked over a few peaks before they could see from a distance that there was a courtyard located in the valley not far in front of them.

Since he came, Yi Tian didn't have much to say. Then he went to the gate of the other courtyard and looked up at the front gate that had the three characters'Arhat Hall' written on it. After entering the inner middle, the Zhike monk of Arhat Hall received him. After showing the jade token in his hand, Yi Tian was led into the partial hall to rest.

Sitting in the store and waiting for a while, he found that someone moved towards this side slowly, and when he entered the side hall, Yi Tian raised his head and swept his face, revealing a little knowing color. The person here was the fat monk Shang Dechong who met outside the boundary gate, and he was no different from then.

On the contrary, he saw the light flashed in his eyes and said politely: "Senior Brother Yi is really so powerful that in less than a hundred years the cultivation base has crossed the bottleneck and achieved distraction."

"Teacher Dechong is overpraised, I'm just at the tipping point a long time ago, as long as there is a little chance, I can where water flows, a canal is formed," Yi Tian also modestly said.

The Zhike Seng Dechong, who had left behind him, walked up and sat down in front of him before asking, "I don't know what the Senior Brother is doing this time?"

Yi Tian stretched out his hand and took out the jade slip that Yizhen gave him back then and said: "I came to Baishan this time to find a Senior Brother Zhen to relive the past, and to fulfill the promise of the year."

Difficult to say: "A Senior Brother Zhen has been in retreat since taking over as the abbot of the Great Lightning Zen Temple and has not yet left. I'm afraid Senior Brother Yi you came at an untimely time."

"That's a pity. ," Yi Tian put away the jade slip, his face showed a little disappointment, and then asked: "Back then, a Senior Brother Zhen and I agreed that after coming to the Great Lightning Zen Temple, I must worship Arhat Hall and fulfill the agreement of the year. Would you please invite Junior Chongde to recommend the first seat of Arhat Hall."

De Chong was a little bit embarrassed after hearing this. After thinking about it, he said: "The first seat has been closed for a hundred years. The Senior Brother wants to see him Senior only. I'm afraid it's a bit difficult."

"Which Senior Brother is in charge of the affairs of Arhat Hall now?" Yi Tian asked.

"It is Dekjeong Senior Brother. At this time, he has not returned to deal with affairs outside. If Senior Brother Yi wants to meet, it will take a while," Chongde replied.

Yi Tian is also worth nodded upon hearing this, and then said: "Well then I will wait for Dejing Senior Brother."

Then I closed my eyes and sat cross-legged. I started to wait in the side hall, and as for Dechong, he eagerly gave a salute and then retreated.

Stayed in the side hall of Arhat Hall, I don’t know how long I waited. Divine sense found that there was a strong spiritual pressure fluctuating towards the sky in the distance moved towards here. But this spiritual pressure flew to the outskirts of the Arhat Hall valley ten miles away, and then the head of the cloud fell and walked in from the ground road.

After a while, I noticed that many monks gathered in the square in front of the main hall in Arhat Hall, and then greeted the visitors. Later, after the main hall was opened, people came in and greeted them.

Yi Tian thoughts move I don’t know who has such a pomp, and when he is waiting for doubt, the door of the hall suddenly opens. De Chong walks in quickly and said: "The first seat has come back and is waiting in the main hall. Senior Brother Yi, please come with me."

Open your eyes, Yi Tian said in a puzzled way: "Isn’t Dejing Senior Brother presiding over the affairs of Arhat Hall? Who is the unknown surrogate leader?"


De Chong's eyelids trembled and said helplessly: "It's De Ruo Senior Brother who returns. He will have to deal with everything when Dejing Senior Brother is away."

Fat monk Cong De Chong After seeing a trace of helplessness in his eyes, Yi Tian was just laughed, and then stood up and said, "I came to the Great Lightning Temple to fulfill the promise I made with a Senior Brother Zhen. Naturally, it doesn’t matter if anyone receives it." Then he stepped forward and went straight out. Partial palace.

When I came to the outside world, I saw that all the Arhat Hall dísciple had arrived. They were divided into two rows outside the main hall and entered the main hall at once. Later, after entering the main hall with De Chong, I found that there was a middle-aged monk sitting on the futon above the inner center theme. Judging from the breath of the whole body, it was definitely a realm of distraction.

It's just that this person feels far less shocking than seeing Monk Dejing back then. In terms of its cultivation base strength, Dejing is expected to be at the top of the Divided Spirit Stage, but I don’t know why De Ruo will be the No. 1 in front of him.

Looking at De Chong’s appearance, it seemed that he was a little unconvinced, and said helplessly in his heart: "Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes."

Yi Tian, ​​who is waiting to enter. Walked forward and moved towards De Ruoqiao, who was sitting on the upper seat, said: "Spirit Realm Taiqing Pavilion Direct Disciple Yi Tian pay respects to the Great Lightning Zen Temple Arhat Hall, the first De Ruo master."

"It's not a pleasure to have friends coming from afar, Junior Brother Yi travels all the way to my great lightning Zen Temple. There must be important things. Please also make it clear to me," the sitting De Ruo did not let himself sit first. It is straightforward to clarify the matter.

In such a way of hospitality, Yi Tian could not help but frown slightly, and later returned to normal: "I have a jade slip from Senior Brother Zhen. He once asked me to visit the town hall in Arhat Hall. Treasure, so I came here by appointment to see that's all." Then I took out the jade slip that Yizhen gave me and gently handed it over.

Obviously, this remark was beyond De Ruo's expectation, but he couldn't refuse the jade slip of the abbot Zen Master. He only extended the hand to take it and opened it and glanced over it. Later, frowned really frowned and said: "This handwritten book is a Senior Brother Zhen's handwriting, but in my heart it only asks me to wait for a good hospitality and does not mention seeing me the treasure of Arhat Hall."

After taking back the jade slip, Yi Tian slowly replied: "That was a Senior Brother Zhen's verbal acceptance of me."

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