Standing in the Super Long Range Transmission Array, Yi Tian only felt that the time and space of all around was distorted, and then flashed a few white lights in the space where he was standing, and then removed everything in the Formation They were all wrapped up and shuttled directly in the Space-Time Tunnel.

I don't know how long before the rays of light flashed before Yi Tian realized that he had arrived at the destination after realizing that he had a down-to-earth feeling in the next meal.

At this time, look back all around. Most people have not yet come back to his senses from the faint feeling of transmission, including the ten cultivators of Secret Sect. They still have their eyes closed and their faces seem to be still A little dizzy.

After putting away the white light in front of him, Yi Tian stood on a set of formation marks by himself, all around, standing several monks wearing monk robes, but they all showed up on the robes. The mark of the big lightning zen temple.

At this time, I only heard the ethereal sound transmission again: "Senior Brother Yi, let's go slowly, can you please take a step to talk." After speaking, the ethereal turned around and went to the senior and junior brothers beside him and gave orders. , And then Alone walked down the Transmission Array and waited outside.

Yi Tian is also unwilling to do too much, secretly said in one's heart, since the other party treats himself with courtesy, there is no need to dodge, and follow to talk about what medicine the other party sells in the gourd.

After slowly walking down the Transmission Formation, Yi Tian confessed to the person in charge of Jiaxiu Temple and then moved towards Void and walked away. The latter was also very tacitly leading the way, and the two quickly walked out of the teleportation hall one after the other.

When I came outside, I realized that this is not a big lightning Zen temple. On the contrary, the Wind City of Qing Dynasty was generally a huge cultivation town.

After the meeting, Kongling took himself to the outside of the restaurant. After walking in, he directly asked the store for a room. I followed him and found that this place is a Buddha infant stage cultivator. When you walk to the second floor, you can see a lot of Divine Transformation Stage Cultivator and foreign races.

Until the third floor, there are only two or three cultivators, but the cultivation base is the same as yourself. Ethereal came to Tianzi No. 1 room and turned and moved towards himself: "Senior Brother Yi, please.'

"Empty Spirit Master, no need to be polite, you are the Lord and I am a guest, naturally a guest will comply with the wishes of the host,"Yi Tian said with a smile, and at the same time stretched out his hand and made a please gesture.

So ethereal and polite, strode into the room and sat down at the round table in the middle . Yi Tian followed in, then reached out and closed the door, opened the soundproof Formation, and then found a seat opposite to the ethereal and sat down slowly.

After a while, only listened to the ethereal and asked: "I don't know the true nature of Senior Brother Yi, please tell me the truth. "

I bowed his head and looked at his appearance. Yi Tian also showed a look of helplessness on his face. When he was in Jiaxiu Temple, he had always appeared in front of everyone like Kutoutuo. But he was the same as Kong Xing. The opponent of Duo fights naturally knows his own situation, and he must have told his junior brother early after he returned.

After a flash of light on his body, the whole person's face returned to his original appearance, his original clothes They all returned to their growth shirts and Confucian robe appearance.

Yi Tian asked after the deity appeared: "I don't know from what kind of person the Senior Brother Kong Xing learned about me. "

"Senior Brother Yi tried to frustrate the Senior Brother at the Relief Fa conference. At this time, I have also heard about it," said the head of the air, "And the last time I heard about the trip to the Qiongyao Ice Cave Kong Yun Senior Brother said that it was Senior Brother Yi who turned hostility into friendship in the end. "

"Actually, I don't want to offend Minglun Temple too much, and I and Kong Yun Senior Brother have nothing to do with the holidays. There is no need to be too persistent about this," Yi Tian explained. : "Besides, didn't Sora Spirit Master know my transaction with Sora Yun Senior Brother early in the morning? "

The ethereal waved his hand said with a smile: "Actually, I realized that Senior Brother Yi had cultivated my Secret Sect after arriving at the teleportation hall of Jiaxiu Temple. The most difficult cultivation Divine Ability spell. Does the Senior Brother think that Kong Yun Senior Brother will tell me such disgraceful things? "

"You didn't learn about this from Kong Yun, how can I get the Divine Ability Art at a glance," Yi Tian was also puzzled after hearing this. Zhi Se hurriedly asked.

"Does Senior Brother Yi know that there is only the second person in the entire Minglun Temple who is successful in cultivation? "The ethereal is harboring malicious intentions to say with a smile.

This appearance is naturally the result of telling himself the answer, but Yi Tian still has a question in his heart. Since this is the case, the ethereal found himself this time. Just for the sect cultivation technique, there must be other demands.

I want to stop solemnly asked: "Surely the junior must be one of them. I don't know the other is the Revered Master? "

"Senior Brother Yi was half right. In fact, there are two people who are involved in the cultivation to the Great Accomplishment of Minglun Temple, Master and Uncle," Ethereal blinked and said: "As for I just There was Small Accomplishment that's all just now, but it's still a bit far behind Senior Brother Yi. "

"Why did you say this?" "Yi Tian brows frowned asked.

"Senior Brother Yi should be able to cultivate to close to the Small Accomplishment realm for more than ten years after obtaining this technique. Compared with Senior Brother, Small Accomplishment is naturally a bit far behind," Ethereal sighed for a while.

These are just Ethereal polite words, and I know in my heart that he has something to follow. Sighed and then replied: "Me too Knowing that this technique is the unspread secret of Secret Sect lineage, please keep the secret for me since the younger brother knows it so as not to attract unreasonable speculation by others. "

"That's natural. Since I approached Senior Brother, I wouldn't take this matter seriously," Kong Yun said directly: "Suwen Senior Brother Yi is still a craftsman who once took out three Pieces of Buddhist Sect Spiritual Artifact, two of which had been exchanged for as early as at the Sacrifice Dharma meeting. "

Speaking of Yi Tian, ​​I don’t know the meaning of the other party’s words, but he only has two Spiritual Artifacts, the Thunder pattern wooden fish and the Big Golden Sun Wheel. The former is to be returned to the Great Lightning Zen. The Supreme Treasure of the Temple Arhat Hall, the latter is the Buddhist Sect Spiritual Artifact practiced by Wuye Sect Founder and himself.

No matter which one can be exchanged for ethereal at will, it is now replied: "Frankly, I don't have any Buddhist Sect Spiritual Artifacts in my hand. I'm afraid that Brother Sect Spirit Master will be disappointed. "

"Where did Senior Brother Yi want to go, Junior Brother, I dare not threaten him with big prophecy." It’s just that there’s a Spiritual Artifact on my hand that has been contaminated by evil spirits, and Buddha’s radiance alone can’t get rid of it, so I’d like to ask Senior Brother to help check it out. "The ethereal is replied.

It turned out to be this. This is much easier than seeking to refine the Spiritual Artifact. However, since the ethereal said that the spirit has been contaminated by the evil spirits, but I don’t know what the situation is. I want to stop and say: "Please also ask the younger brother to take out the Spiritual Artifact and wait for me to check it. It's good to be a judge. "

"So many thanks to Senior Brother Yi," Kong Yun stretched out his hand and shook out a nine-section Zen stick and placed it on the table.

Yi Tian divine sense The golden light above seemed to be restrained by a thin layer of black air pressure at the top. After carefully examining the black air, he couldn't help but blurt out, "You have met the Head Disciple Jiudhara of the evil buddha. "

The ethereal complexion tightened, and after ten breaths, he sighed helplessly: "It was my Master who fought against him, but this person was familiar with my Secret Sect divine ability and finally let him run away. As for the Master's nine-section Zen stick, it was contaminated by the spiritual power on his Desolation Finger. I also asked Senior Brother Yi to help me. Fortunately, I was grateful. "

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