Above the crypt in the depths of the ice castle, the Yi Tian trio encountered a pair of ice sickle Insect Kings, and the trio were divided into two groups to deal with two Chief Insect Kings.

Yi Tian's Yaoling Huaqian sword technique was of no use to the male insect, and the coefficient of the sword wire hitting the male insect's carapace was rebounded by it.

Under Hexuan's prompt, I learned that the ice sickle Insect King's fate was located, but after Yi Tian tried a trick, he took out the Ghost Face Flower seeds again to trap the male insects.

After those few Ghost Face Flower seeds put down roots, the nearby ice sickle worms were firmly entangled. Later, the thick and thin vine veins of the wrist grew rapidly from the ground and the ice was staggered. The back of the sickle Insect King is firmly locked in the crypt.

After finishing this, Yi Tian said: "He Fellow Daoist will not make a move, but when will he wait."

After hearing this, He Xuan stretched out his hand to offer two Tridents. After passing the blue light in the air, they pointed at the abdomen and throat of the ice sickle Insect King.

'ka-cha' several times sounded after two Spiritual Artifacts were pierced into the ice sickle Insect King, and the card was out there, no matter how Hexuan controlled it, he couldn't pull it out.

Yi Tian fixed his eyes to see that there is a thin layer of ice chain outside the ice sickle skin as protection. Although his Ghost Face Flower vine entangled the ice sickle Insect King, it also seemed to be carried by that layer of ice chain protection.

Although it entangled the opponent, it failed to cause substantial harm to him. Moreover, the protective ice chain of the Insect King seems to have frozen the Ghost Face Flower vine veins, and a layer of white frost has been attached to the original emerald green vine veins.

Just listen to the roar of the ice sickle Wang Chong Tian, ​​then opened his mouth and spit out the cold wind to Yi Tian and He Xuan.

I knew that this trick is formidable power not weak, Yi Tian hurriedly pushed out the hundred zhang distance in the air, and after looking at the opponent, he called out: "He Fellow Daoist, please also attract its attention, I tried to attack its lower body."

"Its lower body is covered with hard beetles, Fellow Daoist Yi, is it appropriate for you to give up its weakness and attack the lower body?" He Xuanfei couldn't help but out of the attack range. Asked.

"Things are man-made, always have to try it, besides, I think there should be a way to break its ice armor defense," Yi Tian solemnly replied.

Seeing that he insisted on this, He Xuan only tried first, reached out his hand to sacrifice the steel fork and gathered two blue gloomy lights in the air. After a few flashes in the air, Trident suddenly appeared on both sides of the head of the ice sickle Insect King, then swiped across the blue rays of light and directly hit the sides of his neck.

Ice Sickle Insect King howled again after eating pain, just about to open his mouth and exhale cold air, suddenly a red flame flashed behind him.

At this time, Yi Tian was holding the purple flame Wind-Lightning Fan and the whole body spiritual power was sacrificed and moved towards the Insect King fiercely fan. A little red flame rolled in the air, flew out of thirty zhang and suddenly split into two groups and flew towards the lower body and head of the ice sickle Insect King.

The fireball with a'bang' hit its head and immediately emitted a burnt smell. This is not to mention that the flame below the attack fell directly on the Ghost Face Flower vine. The fire followed the Ghost Face Flower vine that was wrapped around the lower body of the ice sickle Insect King and directly ignited a raging fire.

all around those small insects were burned by the flame at this time, and soon they were scorched into a pile of charred meat. The ice sickle Insect King was also constantly howling about it. It opened its mouth and exhaled a large amount of freezing air to freeze the vine veins of the lower body.

But those flames were not extinguished after being frozen into ice blocks, and the thick layer of ice was burnt to split apart after ten breaths.

He Xuan saw that he was overjoyed on his face and hurriedly manipulated the Trident on his hand to pierce the soft ribs of the Insect King's abdomen with two pinch attacks.

'pu chi pu chi' with two beeps, the body of the defensive ice sickle Insect King without the ice chain armor is coming from the two huge holes in Trident.

The blood in Insect King's body was spurted out and scattered on the ground and instantly condensed into red blood plasma clumps.

After one blow, Yi Tian didn’t hesitate to put away the Purple Flame Wind-Lightning Fan, then took out the Taiyuan Sword again to sacrifice the silk and synthesize an azure lightsaber, and then aimed at the Insect King Puncture the reverse scale of the throat.

Today's Insect King is firmly fixed in the crypt, unable to move, and the ice armor on his body is broken open again, which is completely like a living target for the two to do at will.

The Taiyuan sword with a sound of'chao' broke open from the belly of the worm, almost splitting the ice sickle Insect King into two pieces.

Now this giant ice sickle has only the head and tail connected, and the body is broken into two halves. After a large amount of blood gushed out, it spread out to enclose all around the surface of the crypt with bloody ice cubes.

Hexuan controlled the Spiritual Artifact in his hand and kept attacking, and he smashed his head alive.

With a sound of'puff, a baby fist sized demon pill rolled out of its cracked forehead, and then the ice sickle Insect King slumped like a frustrated ball.

After the two of them finished packing Insect Empress, he glanced at the distance, Helianbo was at a stalemate with Insect Queen at this time. In a blink of an eye, the two of them had finished their faces and their expressions became unnatural.

It’s just that the enemy doesn’t care about any face anymore. Now yelled: "Two of you will come here to help clean up this Insect Queen."

At this time, his words are already in the voice. Without the arrogance before, Yi Tian suddenly forgot Hexuan and saw that he nodded resumed the sentence: "Fellow Daoist Yi, let's go, do it quickly."

The Insect Queen under the three teamed up However, Kankan was attacked by the ice-breaking chain armor and cut laterally from the soft underbelly gate of the throat within half a moment of resisting.

This time, Helianbo also made a series of ruthless tricks to sacrifice and smashed Insect Queen's head directly before stopping.

After solving the two ice sickles Insect Empress, the three of them sat on the ground and divided the spoils on the spot. This time, Yi Tian's shot to break the male insect defense is considered to be the most effort. A little later, he opened his mouth and went to the bodies of two ice sickle worms, and the carapace on them was so hard that he had been eyeing them early. As for the two demon pills, they were directly distributed to Hexuan and He Xuan. He Lianbo accepted it unceremoniously. As for Hexuan, he finally gave it up to Yi Tian.

As for the reason, age is unknown, but from Helianbo's mouth, it can be guessed whether it is a half-demon body.

After dealing with the things in front of them, the three of them came to the wall at the bottom of the crypt and looked up at the double-opened door on the wall. There were two keyholes on the door.

He Xuan reached out and took out a key, walked forward and inserted it into the keyhole of the left door, and then turned slightly to activate the rune on the half of the door.

Next, Helianbo followed the same pattern and took out the other key he held and opened the rune on the right door. After the sound of'ka ka ka' came from behind the door, Helianbo stretched out his hand and pushed the two doors open.

"Let's go," He Xuan took the lead and walked in the forefront, Helianbo followed him behind him without a lot of words, and Yi Tian was at the end.

After the three of them entered the Qiongyao Ice Cave, two rays of light flew from the horizon of the hour and fell directly into the crypt. After checking the gate of Cave Mansion, they walked directly in.

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