After receiving the promise from the Pushan master, Yi Tian was determined in his heart. Although I don’t know why the Long Range Transmission Array could only be turned on after 30 years, it’s a period of time for myself. It was just a little nap.

Furthermore, I also promised that Hexuan will go to the appointment within ten years, and it is just too late.

With a secret joy in my heart, my face became calm, and then my hands folded towards Pushan gave a salute and said: "many thanks master agreed."

After finishing talking, I was about to leave, suddenly my ears Pushan's words came from the side: "Martial Nephew, this doesn't seem to be your true form, right?"

Yi Tian heart startled, realizing that since I have been escorting the Buddha, I have always shown myself like Kutotu. , And the same was true at the last time at the Mind Relief Fa conference. Although it has been concealed from Yuan, it is naturally nowhere to hide in front of the Integration Stage cultivator.

Furthermore, if I still show people like this, I really feel a little uncomfortable. After listening, I quickly got up and moved towards Pushan master and said: "Master Mingjian dísciple restores the deity and then comes forward to answer."

"It's okay, Buddhism is nameless, colorless, and formless, but Martial Nephew understands," Pu Shan reached out his hand to indicate that there is no need to do so, but continued: "Since Martial Nephew has a Buddha in his heart, why should he be stuck What about the appearance?"

After listening to Yi Tian's body shook and plunged into contemplation, a trace and soberness and calm appeared in his eyes after ten breaths, turned and moved towards Pushan master, saluting: "Many thanks master for pointing, dare to ask How to condense oneself with dharma idol to display Supreme Divine Ability? dísciple see Kong Yun and Yuan Senior Brother’s methods are quite different, but they all have their own strengths."

"You are born from the heart, your dharma idol It’s just your inner appearance that’s all, and the divine ability is the method you have cultivated and used," Pushan said with a smile: "As for the difference in the method, the person who casts the spell has a different mind that’s all. You should practice more in the future. There is bound to be further experience."

Next, Yi Tian sat down with the Pushan master to ask about the cultivation experience, and then found that the insight of the Integration Stage cultivator was much better than himself. From the beginning to the end, Master Pushan did not have a teaching on the cultivation method. Instead, he was continuously talking about Power of Heaven and Earth with himself.

Although Yi Tian has some doubts about this, he gradually uses his words to his own cultivation over time, and soon enters a realm of selflessness. The body all around gradually showed a layer of spiritual light, and the corona behind the head was also unconsciously automatically revealed.

In the great hall, I don’t know how long after closing my eyes and sitting in the seat, Yi Tian’s eyes slowly opened. In the blink of an eye, all around is already empty. There is only one person left in the entire great hall.

Suddenly a silhouette came out from the darkness in front of him, and carefully looked at the appearance of his deity. He lowered his head and looked at him, but he still looked like Kutoutuo.

I saw the deity come forward and say: "Who are you and why do you pretend to be me?"

"I am me, but you are the obsession in my heart ," Yi Tian naturally replied after opening his mouth.

I just finished saying this sentence, but I have quite a few questions in my heart, secretly thinking whether this is my inner world, or is it because the master of Pushan led me to fall into meditation.

Without three breaths, I saw an illusory shadow appearing behind the opposite deity and converging into the dharma idol body. Upon closer inspection, it is slightly different from the appearance of the Three Heads Six Arms of the Asura body.

On the three heads, there is no serene, peaceful, wise and wise face at all. Instead, the original Asura clan’s original cruel and bloody slaughter face.

It seems that Yi Tian felt the oppression of the other party. The dharma idol body appeared in his own back. I just want to compare that his dharma idol is weaker than the dharma idol of the deity in an imposing manner. Three points.

After a moment of silence on the scene, the deity first started both hands forming seals. Behind the dharma idol body, he shot six arms at the same time and produced three different prints. Nine changes of Yaoli and Zixiaojian.

And I didn’t to be outdone. I hurriedly started to cast the dharma idol behind him. At the same time I took out the mantra characters spit out from the mouth of the sky thunder and eight-tone technique and turned into one after another golden light to protect myself. .

After taking a breath, I saw ten thousand swords falling and hitting the golden light shield with crisp noises. Before the rain of swords fell, all around sitting on the ground suddenly burst into flames and surrounded myself. , The red flame continuously attacked the shield and made a buzzing sound.

I haven't waited for myself to react. After a purple light flashed in front of me, I saw a huge sword glow cracking from my head, vowing to split my protective cover from it. Yi Tian turned pale with fright in his heart, and wanted to deal with it after both hands forming seals.

Suddenly, I saw a white halo flashing out of the deity’s body, but the unknown was in the middle of his forehead. And there was the same halo flashing on his forehead, but the color was black.

"That is the kindness in the deity's heart, but here I have left some Evil Thoughts corresponding to each other," Yi Tian blurted out.

Look at the purple night sword Yi Tian that is about to fall, and remove the seal of the hand, then stood up to face the sword. The "Zizi" sounded loudly that the purple night sword seemed to hit the black glow on the forehead directly, and after it was shattered, the purple flame completely enveloped itself.

After three breaths, I saw that the two figures of Yi Tian Fei on the front and back of the deity overlapped again, and the two dharma idol bodies above the head also began to overlap. When the two figures were completely integrated with the dharma idol on Acquired, the body of the dharma idol appeared to be one-sided, and the evil body of the original deity was assimilated by his own dharma body.

In the end, it was completely transformed into a three zhang high Asura dharma body, which was exactly the same as the real body that appeared to me, and the deity was completely integrated by the appearance of Kutotua.

Yi Tian suddenly opened his eyes and found that his back was soaked with sweat, but at this time, the Pushan master, who was still sitting in front of the place, looked like an old monk. Sitting cross-legged.

After taking out the timing hourglass, I looked at the time and it was only a quarter of an hour after I entered the house. Yi Tian can't understand that this is the master of Pushan who cast a spell to guide him to understand the true meaning of the dharma idol body, and immediately got up and moved towards him and knocked nine times in the respect of his apprenticeship.

Suddenly only listen to Pushan master replied: "Good and evil are the same, no evil can come from good, remember to read the Buddha and the devil."

Yi Tian's heart was shaken secretly thought this is not precepts Master comprehend's good and evil Zen, it turns out that I have followed his steps unconsciously and started cultivation, and it is quite helpless to think about it.

Then I only listened to Master Pushan and opened the mouth and said: "Martial Nephew's perception is really different. The way forward is to go by yourself. Go."

"Many thanks master pointed out the mystery of this dharma idol bodywork," Yi Tian replied, waiting for lifts the head to see that there was no one in front of him, presumably Pushan master had already left.

After slowly exiting the main hall, Yuan Yuan, who was outside the hall, walked up and said: "Congratulations to my cultivation base for being diligent again."

"many thanks Senior Brother is fulfilled, and Yi Tian is grateful." After speaking, the silhouette flashed his true body and said: "Senior Brother, please don't blame it. This is the true nature of the younger brother."

"Colorless, nameless, No phase. Junior brother is still a junior, why be persistent," Liaoyuan said with a smile.

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