Although Qibaili Road is only an instant journey to me, it can take several hours for Hong Min's Little Monk to walk.

The worry in Yi Tian's heart at this time is still on the chaser. It is obvious that the spiritual pressure on the cultivator who is catching up from behind has fluctuated slightly stronger than himself.

According to the breakdown, it seems that Joyous Sect will not have such a strong person, and the Divided Spirit Stage cultivator's special shot seems a bit too low. In addition, Secret Sect was kidnapped and taken by an alien cultivator before. If you really want to cast aside all considerations for face, it won't look good if you pass it to the forward.

Sure enough, the cultivator who came from a long distance first Time Locked himself, and then moved towards here impartially and flew.

Half a moment when Acquired flew a blue escape to the hundred zhang in front of Yi Tian and stopped, revealing the silhouette of a burly cultivator. It's just that the elder's two horns above his head, but the skin on his body is slightly blue. Yi Tian looks a bit like Monster Race bloodline with the appearance of Rakshasa Clan.

Immediately the heart is not good, if this person has the bloodline of the two races, he will definitely be able to perform the divine ability of the two races. Yes, standing up is obviously a big advantage. I really don’t know how Secret Sect cultivator could hire such a powerful character.

I had to brace oneself and asked: "this poor monk Yi Tian is polite, why is Fellow Daoist locked all the way to what I am waiting for? You must know that this is a trivial matter between the two veins of Buddhist Sect, your Excellency It’s not wise to intervene in his identity rashly."

I saw the person across from looking at himself, and then probed all around, and said: "Which monk are you from? How am I? I noticed a familiar smell in your body."

Fortunately, at this time, I used the Thousand Faces technique to incarnate the appearance of Kutotua. In the Buddhist world, if a foreign race wants to do it, he must first see his opponent. Identity, I also happened to use this unwritten rule to first touch the other party's bottom before making plans.

"Dare to ask Fellow Daoist Gao's name, but was entrusted by Secret Sect to come to intercept the Buddha?" Yi Tian also felt that something was unexpected when he heard what he said, but when the situation is unknown, he should behave first and then move out. The name of Jiaxiu Temple comes to calm the other side first.

"This seat Hexuan never deals with monk Secret Sect," the alien on the opposite side was so replied.

Yi Tian showed a puzzled expression on his face: "Then what is it that Fellow Daoist is actively coming here?"

He Xuan also stared at it for a while and said solemnly:" I noticed a trace of breath in you. Have you ever seen Gu master Lazan?"

It turned out to be wrong, and didn’t expect the other party to do it for the previous Gu master. Things come. But this person doesn't know what his relationship with Lazan is, and the next answer will lead to a battle if he is careless.

Yi Tian also knows that since He Xuan can lock himself in and has his own unique method, it is useless to deny all kinds of denials at this time.

I want to replied indifferently: "this poor monk was helped by the Thunderbird clan Lei Xiaotian, and there was indeed a refining Gu master named Lazan among the opponents."

"What about the other person?" He Xuan said impatiently: "I have been looking for him for a long time, but I found that you have the breath of the soul-eater hornet."

"The soul-eater hornet," Yi Tian There was indeed a judgment in his face without shock. It turned out that the other party was referring to the demonized wasp. It's just that those who have been completely purified and obliterated by themselves before, and the rest are primordial wasp spirit seeds that have not been polluted by demonic energy.

Gently take out a royal bee sac to fly the wasp summon out of it and fly over in front of the opponent. Later, he explained: "This is the bee colony in the hands of this poor monk. Fellow Daoist said that the soul-eater hornet is a bit different."

He Xuan also browses tightly knit and shook his head after looking at it: "It seems to be very different from the soul-eater worm I asked for. But its breath is somewhat similar."

After thinking about it, He Xuan asked again: "Since you have met Lazan, how about the other person?"

"As Fellow Daoist said See, since I got the hornet larva in his hand, he was naturally purified. Besides, his body has already been infused with demonic energy. It is a rat that everyone shouts and beats in the Buddha realm. I'm naturally responsible," Yi Tian also replied confidently.

Since the other party was not entrusted by Secret Sect to come to grab someone, then I have to deal with him in another way. After all, in the Buddhist world, no matter how powerful you are, you have to give courtesy to monks. Points are.

"You killed Lazan and bad my major event," Hexuan twitched his face and showed a little anger, and then he looked at himself and said, "It's not difficult for me, since it's already the case. As long as you receive my move, how can it be revealed?"

Yi Tian put away the bee colony in his hand and said with displeasure: "Fellow Daoist seems to be a bit unreasonable. I'm lacking hatred and enmity with you. Fighting for such a trivial matter is too cheap. You must know that this place is not far from Jiaxiu Temple. Even if Fellow Daoist can beat me, it may not be my Senior Brother's successful opponent. Please think twice."

At this time, I moved out of Jiaxiu Temple and Yuan's name to come to the other party, and the other party seemed to have a hard look on his face. Originally, he wanted to use his strength to suppress others, but Yi Tian's words were not unreasonable. After all, it was only a thousand miles away from Jiaxiu Temple, that's all. He wanted to use strength and it was not a good place.

Later, his complexion eased and he looked at Yi Tian, ​​then suddenly asked: "How can you also drive the Soul Eater Hornet?"

"yes and how?" Yi Tian retorted. When I was in sect, I had some experience in raising purple jade bees, but I harvested some wasps to make honey only. However, the other party mentioned it over and over again and it must be a great article, and immediately asked casually: "Although the Art of the Royal Bee is not Peak, but I think I am not inferior to Lazan, a second-rate refining Gu master."

"That's it. Anyway, I'm also looking for help, as long as you know how to guard the bee," Hexuan said with a hint of joy on his face.

Seeing that he is asking for himself, Yi Tian also replied calmly: "This poor monk still has sect on hand and the transaction has not yet been processed. Besides, Fellow Daoist's request is too abrupt and this poor monk can't accept it now. "

After hearing this, He Xuan first got angry on his face and then calmed down: "I know that it is important to escort the Buddha at Jiaxiu Temple. At this time, I and other races naturally know the priority. This way, after you complete the escort, you can find me in Jiaxiu City. I have a great opportunity to send you."

"The chance is the chance, I'm afraid the true purpose of Fellow Daoist. I still want to use the hornet in my hand," Yi Tian corner of mouth twitching said with a smile.

"Everyone takes what you need, that's all. You must know that after I wait for the cultivator to reach the Divided Spirit Stage, the progress of the cultivation will be as difficult as heavenly ascension. For example, it will last for thousands of years at certain passes. I hope Fellow Daoist Yi can still consider it," He Xuan said with a soft tone and lowered his posture.

Yi Tian lowered his head in thought and was about to speak. Suddenly he raised his head and found that there are three more breaths in the distance moved towards himself. This time I can be sure that two of them are the Konghuan and Miaodi that I have met before. At the beginning is a Divided Spirit Stage cultivator.

Immediately there was a decision in my heart and turned back: "Okay, I promise you, as a sign of sincerity, can I ask Fellow Daoist to cooperate and stop the three people behind."

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