Send the Buddha to Jiaxiu City on the way to take a downwind boat and save a lot of time, but didn't expect to encounter water bandits and road tyrants.

Obviously, the other party is waiting for the opportunity to start after receiving the wind cat and the Chamber of Commerce. As for the ship's Master, it looks like a matter of no concern to oneself. In this way, the shopkeeper is bound to fall one against the two, and the result is at most just paying for the toll or offsetting the cargo on the ship.

Yi Tian people at the bottom listened to the contents of the negotiations of the above four people without a word. This time, the Meilan Water Bandit has withstood a few pieces of goods delivered by Chamber of Commerce, and they want to get a share of the pie.

But the shipowner didn't seem to be too mixed in and just sat on the wall and closed it, and then the shopkeeper negotiated with one of the water bandits to start a gambling fight.

The majority of the people on board are Foundation Establishment Stage cultivators, and some of them are Energy Refining Stage, which naturally keep a close eye on the heavenly Golden Core Stage cultivator. Even Hong Min Little Monk, who was on one side, was also the two men who looked up and stared at the sky.

If the shopkeeper loses, they will be more or less implicated. The Chamber of Commerce will naturally bear the brunt. As for the boatkeeper, he will also lose a bit.

Seeing that the two Golden Core cultivators in the sky began to fight each other and sacrificed their Spiritual Artifacts to attack each other. What the shopkeeper took out was the red and blue Spirit Sword. As for the opposite person, he took out two hooks. So Spiritual Artifact, after a few tricks in the air, the two are on the same level.

Suddenly, I saw that the sky was overcast with clouds and it was the other eyebrow water bandit on one side that called the wind and summon the rain, and it started to rain in three li. The balance of power on the scene was immediately broken, and it was obvious that shopkeeper's tricks could barely maintain the offensive under the constraints of the environment.

But the opponent's tricks relying on the formidable power of the day, suddenly strengthened by three-pointers, and the situation on the court became one-sided.

all around All the people have also uttered gossip, pointing at the Meilan water bandit for unscrupulous hands to disrupt the battle, but these were completely ignored by the people above.

Hong Min, a sound transmission of Brows Tightly Knit, asked: "Martial Uncle seems to be unable to hold the shopkeeper anymore, and she will inevitably be ridiculed by the eyebrow bandits when she is downwind. Isn’t it true that so many people on our ship are not willing to come forward?"

"Martial Nephew's words are very different. You must know that Cultivation World is based on strength is respected. The heavens are all Golden Core Stage cultivators. Even the Golden Core Early-Stage can easily solve the vast majority of people on this ship,” Yi Tian explained: “I’m afraid that we will have to board the ship to get a vote after the Meilan water bandit wins. Everyone present inevitably has to pay some protection fee to pass the barrier."

"I wait for the ascetic monk to pay the protection fee if I don't have any money?" Hong Min then asked.

"If you can't hand it over, you will have to be dragged to work hard. I think there are a lot of watermen who use Martial Nephew's body to work for a few years in the eyebrow water bandit. It can be considered a trial," Yi Tian teased.

Who knows that Hong Min is nodded silently muttering in the air, although only he can hear the soft voice. But Yi Tian is very different from the cultivation base, and all the little things are taken in the entire scene. After a while, he listened to what he said. Secretly said with a smile in his heart: "Hong Min has a foresight, but he is chanting that he is willing to suffer more and ask the Buddha to bless him in the future and have a chance to return to a clean place of Buddhism."

In the sleeve, she gently moved towards the upper Wan shopkeeper and clicked twice, and suddenly she saw a shivered body, and then there was a golden Core late stage spiritual power coming out of her body. The spell in his hand suddenly doubled the formidable power. After splitting the rain Water Element number all around, the Spirit Sword in his hand burst into the air with extremely dazzling light.

After the three breaths, when the halo faded, the body of the eyebrow bandit in front of him fell weakly. As for the whole body on the other side, it split into two halves and fell.

The momentary turn of anti-killing made a cheering excitedly sound on the deck of the cargo ship, and the atmosphere immediately became alive. When most people were talking about it, Hong Min walked to the bow and looked at the dead body of the two who fell silent. After ten breaths, he sat up cross-legged and began to recite superfluous sutras in his mouth.

Seeing this, Yi Tian had to step forward and sit down beside him with his eyes closed and rested. Although he was commonplace in the battlefield, Hong Min had never seen it.

It's just that his approach is open to question, and I don't agree with it, but I can't oppose it.

Later, the two Golden Core cultivators in the sky fell directly back to the main cabin after falling down the bow. Not long after, the waterman on the ship set apart the two dragon tooth boats. At this time, the Meilan water bandits on the ship had long disappeared. After one hour, they tied the two clippers to the rear as a tug, and then only felt that a little vibration from the deck indicated that the cargo ship had set sail again.

Sit on the bow of the ship, half a day later Yi Tian suddenly realized that Hong Min in front of him had finished chanting and then turned around as if there was something to say. After opening his eyes, he saw that his face was full The color of doubt.

After a long time, I heard him ask: "Martial Uncle dísciple has something to ask."

"You mean that the water bandit was robbed by the shopkeeper and killed him. Is it one thing?" Yi Tian indifferently said.

"Dísciple wanted to ask if today's shopkeeper was doing the right thing?"

"When she was hit by someone from her own point of view, she naturally had to fight back with all her strength," Yi Tian replied.

Hong Min shook his head and said: "Whether the shopkeeper had an Evil Thought in his heart when he took the shot, would it be against people's original intentions to punish evil like this?"

" Most people dictate good and evil based on a copy of mind, but as for the judgment of others, it is impossible to take it face-to-face," Yi Tian explained, and then there was a flash of spiritual light in his mind.

The things Hong Min said and the good and evil meditation of the master comprehend of meditation have the same effect. He was unconsciously turned around by the topic he mentioned. I want to come to the secluded cultivation in the Great Lightning Zen Temple at this time, and he is also thinking hard about similar issues.

After taking Hong Min’s this remark in mind, I found that his understanding of Buddhism is far above himself. From the point to the surface, he can extend and understand the small things happening around him. The extraordinary.

It’s just that the Taoism that I pursue is that although the longevity human mind has good and evil, but the cultivation technique divine ability does not, it all depends on who is using that's all. I had a thorough understanding of this question a long time ago, and when I heard Hong Min's Little Monk speak out, he directly explained it to him.

It just seems that he has a different perception of this, and his thoughts have not yet jumped out of his pattern.

After a while, I saw that he was silent and began to enter a state of meditation, but Yi Tian, ​​no matter how much, all around, many of the people showed joy on their faces, as if they were still in the confrontation just now. Talk about it.

Not long after the main cabin door opened, Wan shopkeeper walked out of it and slowly patrolled the deck. Everyone is naturally respectful to her, but Yi Tian knew in her heart that she had long realized that there was someone on the boat to help her, and this time she came to find someone to help.

It's just that I don't want to have more troubles, so I just pretend to be a Kutotuo and show no expressions. It's just that when she passed by, she could clearly notice that her body was shaking, and the look of shock in her eyes was fleeting.

When people left, someone from Chamber of Commerce came to invite himself and Hong Min into the main cabin.

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