After intercepting Gu Master Lazan in the air, Yi Tian fought with him. With the help of gu gu, I am not afraid of the other's Poisonous Insect at all, even if the Life Source Gu is First Rank higher than gu gu, but with natural restraint, I can completely make up the gap in strength.

After the two sides fought, the bubbles in the mouth of gu gu blocked all the fire of the seven-star fire beetle under his own effort. Obviously, it was because of the natural restraint. Even if it was only used for defense, this trick actually suppressed the opponent.

Lazan saw the look of fly into a rage out of humiliation on his face, but his mouth was howling: "What the hell are you, why can we restrain our refining Gu master everywhere."


"The Demon Realm minions like you should have been cleaned up directly, but your good luck met me," Yi Tian said with a smile, his hands were not slow, and his hands quickly formed marks The Red Sun Taiyuan Sword in his hand took out again.

After learning the lesson from last time, I condensed the sword wire into a lightsaber, and then gu gu spit out a bubble attached to it again. Then Yi Tian controlled the direct hit to find Lazan's body and pierced directly.

The other party did not dare to sit still, and stretched out his hand to take out a worm sac to summon a group of black bees from it. Those bees gathered together to form a huge bee ball to protect Lazan's whole body.

Yi Tian looked carefully and found that they were all hornet the size of a thumb, but the black and translucent luster that appeared on these hornet bodies was obviously contaminated by demonic energy.

Lazan's tricks are more than that, but a small hole was exposed on the hornet ball defense just to expose his face. The seven-star fire beetle spewed out again until the fire star formed a fire net on the outside of the bee ball. What surprised me was that the wasps were not afraid of the high temperature of the poisonous fire.

After three breaths, the sword light broke through the fire net directly and hit the bee ball defense, and then it was stuck on it and it was difficult to pull it out. Yi Tian was complexion slightly changed both hands forming seals, and then began to read the mantra of Tianlei in his mouth quickly.

The golden light wave swept across the surface of the bee ball and aroused a commotion. Many hornets on the outside were directly purged of black evil spirits. Many more purifications that could not stand the power of Buddhist Sect peeled off from the defensive bee ball.

Seeing that this trick is effective, Yi Tian is not polite, but he keeps chanting the mantra in his mouth, but he flies back with the Taiyuan Sword in his hand, and then injects a trace of the Buddha's power of the Da Ni Sutra into it. After taking out again, he aimed at the location of Lazan.

This time there is a layer of golden light attached to the sword light. After piercing the bee ball violently, a huge hole is directly formed on it. After being purified by the Buddha, the wasps are weak. After falling, the black and translucent color on his body no longer exists at this time.

Instead, it is full of gray and yellow colors, as if it has returned to the state before demonization.

The Taiyuan Sword pierced Lazan's chest and then flew out from behind, directly piercing his body through. The other party who only heard it later yelled: "Are you a person, why do you still use Buddhist Sect cultivation technique?" It's just that his tone of voice is not as strong as before.

Moreover, his body wounds all around left a faint layer of golden light, which is constantly eroding and consuming his body's spiritual power. Divided Spirit Stage cultivator As long as Nascent Soul is not fatally injured, the body is broken and reborn, it is a trivial matter.

The body of the cultivator that can be filled with Demon Race cultivator or demonic energy cannot be easily recovered after being injured by the body containing the power of Buddhist Sect. At this time, Lazan's face showed a color of horror, and he manipulated the remaining swarm of bees all around to quickly moved towards the wound.

Ten breaths rely on the advantage of quantity to exhaust all the power of Buddhist Sect remaining on the body before casting a spell to heal the wound.

At this time, he no longer had the arrogance he had just now, and his body flashed suddenly and he wanted to escape.

Yi Tian, ​​who stood in the distance, had already stared at him, seeing that the other party was preparing to grease the soles of his feet, of course, he would not easily let him run away. He jumped forward and directly stopped him on the way to escape. Three Ghost Face Flower seeds popped out of his hand and they were directly attached to the bee ball defensive net.

These seeds infused with Buddha power directly submerged into the black bee colony, and then flashed with two bright and one dark golden halos. Later, two green shoots grew in the bee colony to continuously absorb the spiritual power from all around the wasps and purify the demonic energy.

The protective net that was originally used as Lazan suddenly became a cage at this time, restricting his actions.

Seeing that he was trapped and unable to get out, he was so anxious that he yelled, and then he urged Life Source Gu to spit out a few fire stars from the seven-star fire beetle’s mouth and melted all around the bee colony defense directly three feet The big hole came, and the body rushed out of it and fled without looking back.

Weird things happened one after another. After he flew ten miles away, Escape suddenly slowed down, and his body became dangling in the air as if he couldn't hold it.

Yi Tian, ​​who followed immediately, stretched out his hand and took out Taiyuan Sword to move towards the Seven Star Fire Beetle and slashed away from his body. There is a way to take advantage of his illness to kill him and pull out his greatest support. Next I can't figure out any tricks.

Sure enough, under Lazan's body too busy to spare time for a separate task, the Life Source Gu Seven Star Fire Beetle is also like a headless fly, generally no one will command it. Under the attack of the sharp sword wire, they were directly dismembered into several fleshy pieces, and the refine Gu Master and Life Source Gu were naturally connected. In this way, Lazan appeared to be backlashed immediately after losing the Life Source Gu, and the whole person's breath plummeted to the Divine Transformation Stage, and his mouth could not help but a mouthful of old blood spurted out.

At this time, he could no longer fight anymore, but he was about to reach out to the top of the head and escape from Nascent Soul, but he seemed to froze halfway through. At the same time, a huge shadow hung over his head, relying on only strength to look up, it turned out to be a five-foot-sized flower bud.

With a'pop', the buds opened and the ghost face flower's hideous mouth was revealed and Lazan's upper body was bitten with one bite.

Half a day later, after finishing the spoils of war on the hillside of Yi Tian in the vicinity, a grave expression appeared on his face. At this time, holding a jade token in the hand, the pattern on it is exactly the same as the one in the storage ring, both of which are reverse Buddhist Sect'million characters'.

Needless to say, this Lazan must have an unexplainable connection with the evil Buddha of the mixed world, and what really surprised me is that this force has now spread to the Divided Spirit Stage cultivator. There must be hidden enemies in the Integration Stage cultivator above. This is the last thing I want to see.

But the advantage of this battle is that I found a lot of unhatched wasp eggs and a whole hive with a lot of honey from the storage ring on Lazan. These things have no small effect on me.

In addition, this person is a refining Gu master, and there are a lot of Poisonous Insects. Except for those Poisonous Insects that have received the demonic energy infusion, they are directly processed. The remaining Poisonous Insects are mostly Fifth Level, and eventually all fall into gu gu's mouth and become his delicacy.

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