Bingling Mountain is covered by wind and snow all the year round. It is located thousands of miles south of the nether runes gathering place. It was a day when three rays of light flew from the top of the mountain and stayed in the air for a while and then defined a valley. Then he fell down.

Among the three to escape the light are Lei Xiaotian, and Yi Tian also has a dragon rhino cultivator. This person is a help from Lei Xiaotian, named Xing Dali. The appearance of the cultivation base at the top of the eighth level is about the same as the spiritual practice of the later Avatar.

This time it is clear that it caused Lei Xiaotian's painful foot, and the person who shot must be well aware of the Antian Conference and is also the enemy of the Thunderbird clan.

Falling to the mountain within the valley Yi Tian first looked all around and then took out the sundial Luogeng and began to measure. After a while, he turned his head and said to the two of them: "I have surveyed, and the location is good. It can be deployed. But can Fellow Daoist Lei surely attract the opponent? You must know that if there is the slightest error, it will leave a lot of hidden dangers."

"Fellow Daoist Yi, don’t worry about arranging the team. I know that person and he will definitely be very concerned about it. Since the Poisonous Insect has the characteristic of being afraid of the cold, the other party's refining Gu master will definitely follow. Refining a Heart-Devouring Insect is not easy and refining Gu. People and Poisonous Insect will not give up easily," Lei Xiaotian replied.

After listening, Yi Tian directly took out the four spirits formation card and placed it in his hand, gently sacrificed, and then flew towards the midair moved towards all around the cliff and embedded the formation card in it in turn.

Later, take out the formation plate to make a series of seals with both hands and then type several secret art on it to activate Formation. The entire valley shook slightly, and the hillside seemed to be covered with a layer of aura and disappeared.

Yi Tian lowered his head and said to the two below: "It is ready, as long as the opponent enters the large array, I can trap him for a while."

"Fellow Daoist Yi, you can hide from the side now, wait for me to cast a spell to attract the opponent," Lei Xiaotian replied.

In this case, there is no need to make a move by yourself. Yi Tian naturally cannot ask for it. After the silhouette slowly disappeared in the air, the restraining aura waited in the air.

As for the ground, Lei Xiaotian stretched out his hand and took out the summon bull, and then aroused two blue auras on his hands and patted it directly on the bull's head.

Later, he stretched out his hand and pointed at the bull's body to directly shrink to the shape of a child and exactly similar to Lei Tingting.

Then Xing vigorously took out a white bead and instantly disappeared in World of Ice and Snow.

After waiting in the air for less than half a day, Yi Tian suddenly saw two escape lights flashing in the distance. He didn't dare to probe out the divine sense, but just by looking at it, he could find the cultivation base. Above mid-distraction.

Not long after those two escape lights flew to the top of the valley and stopped. When the escape lights faded, a middle-aged cultivator appeared, but there were still some undegraded feathers on his head, indicating that this person should be a Monster Race. .

As for the other person is a cultivator wearing a mask and a cloak, it is not difficult to see from his breath that it should not be a monster cultivator. Unsurprisingly, this person should be the one who lays the Gu, this time hiding the head and revealing the tail is nothing more than not wanting to reveal his identity.

Just listen to Lei Xiaotian's mouth open below: "Golden Thunder is really your ghost, do you really want our Thunderbird clan to never come out?"

"Why did the big brother say this?" Then Monster Race cultivator said with a smile: "If I were to lead the Thunderbird clan as long as the Great Snow Mountain Minglun Temple in the Buddhist world, don't say return to Monster Race, the rest All walks of life are also free to go."

"How much advantage did they give you to let you do this," Lei Xiaotian scolded, "You know the end of the vassal, my Thunderbird clan was originally a hundred Spirit. How can the Race branch be counted and forgotten. This time I finally had the opportunity to show up at the Antiy Conference. Why did you harm the younger generation of the clan?"

"You can rest assured by breaking your hopes. Stay here, or you will still have wishful thinking of returning to your hometown all day long," Gan Jinlei said angrily.

At this point, it is obvious that both of them have cast aside all considerations for face, and then the silhouette of Lei Xiaotian flashed to the center of his hand and took out a blue light to protect Lei Tingting.

The two people in the sky dropped the clouds one after the other. One after the other caught them in the middle. After three breaths, Jin Lei took the lead. The silhouette flashed quickly after the two blue lightning moved towards. The two in the middle covered their heads.

Suddenly there was a slight vibration in the valley. The spiritual power of all around was mobilized to cover the radius, forming a transparent light film. Lei Xiao heaven knows this is Yi Tian's stimulating array effect, immediately let go of his hands and feet, and he greeted the dry Jin Lei in front of him.

Both of them are from the thunderbird clan, and they know the strength of each other. They have already fought each other to improve their divine ability to the point that they will not give up.

On one side, the thunder and lightning blue light scattered all around, covering the mountains and plains, snow flew, and on the other side, the cultivator wearing a mask and a cloak flew straight forward to break Lei Tingting’s body. Defense.

Only when he touched his hand, his face changed in shock and said: "It’s broken, beware of fraud."

The Xing Dali, who was hiding on the side, suddenly appeared before the words were finished. Body clenched fists in the air to arouse spiritual pressure, and rushed forward after the arc to fight at close quarters with that person.

Yi Tian saw it really in the air. Although he did not agree with the method of relying on body instinct to fight like Monster Race, the effect was immediate.

Four Divided Spirit Stage cultivators fought two-on-two in the snowy ridge, but it was obvious that Lei Xiaotian and Gan Jinlei were both moved by real rage and had lightning strikes. Moreover, Lei Xiaotian seemed to be determined to keep the opponent this time, so it was a completely wound-for-injury style of play, and Jin Lei couldn't avoid it and could only force it to consume it.

As for that Gu master was totally invited to help out, he couldn't really fight with others. After being severely subjected to a sneak attack, he immediately fell into a disadvantage, but he quickly took the hostages first.

After breaking through the thunder and lightning cage, he found that the person in front of him suddenly became ten feet long. However, judging from the connection between Gu mother and Heart-Devouring Insect, the Gu he had laid was afraid that it would have been cracked long ago.

Fortunately, he put on a mask to cover the anger on his face, only to hear him exasperatedly said: "You guys are bully intolerably, you actually moved my unchanging Poisonous Insect to this stupid cow."

Xing Dali is not too long-winded with him. Realization has also been informed of the specific situation, and he must have discussed countermeasures before coming.

Yi Tian saw it in the air, holding the array in his hand, continuously displayed secret art and began to mobilize World's Essence Qi, so that the four people below could instantly feel the changes in the environment.

Lei Xiaotian only felt that all around spiritual power moved towards him quickly. The calligraphy that came to him here was also three points smoother than before. In the end, Jin Lei was angry and cried out: "I didn't think that big brother, you actually spent such a high price, and found so many people to help with punches. I was too angry at me."

"The things between us should be cut off," Lei Xiaotian yelled toward the sky: "Fellow Daoist Yi let the man go, let me and Gan Jinlei in the formation."

Xing Dali then stopped the offensive in his hand and retreated to the side to make way for him. The refining Gu master looked at the situation before and said: "Don't think I will accept your love, and don't let me run into a situation where everyone else is irreconcilable." After saying this, he didn't turn his head. moved towards the direction when you came.

Yi Tian stared at him for a while, then stretched out his hand to put the formation in the air, but he chased after the flash of silhouette. Although Lei Xiaotian didn't want to mess with this Gu Master again for clansman, he was different, and he also found that the man escaped from Divine Ability seemed familiar, but he couldn't be sure in his heart and had to chase and check.

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