From the Land of the Fallen all the way back to the gathering place of the nether runes family, this time the secret Fairy Maiden Yue’s backwater should have been premeditated. Along the way, I discussed and discussed with the secret seal. It is obvious that the last time Fairy Maiden Yue and the others went to explore the Land of the Fallen, they were possessed by Najudhara.

The original purpose of just looking for a secret seal to go with is also very obvious. Jiudhara needs a body possession of a high-rank cultivator. As the Divine Transformation Stage Cultivator, Dark Moon is naturally unable to exert its true strength, so she pointed the finger at the old secret seal, which is also the nether runes patriarch.

It's a pity that this time he is inadequate, and he wants to use his own power to unlock the thunder bamboo seal. But didn't expect that in the end, the two of them fell short, and finally had to run away in a hurry.

But afterwards, the secret seal was dignified. Although Kudhara didn't do all his work this time, the seal on Qizhen's body was pulled out. And his purpose is also very obvious, want to find a nether runes clansman body possession, of course, the higher the level, the better.

This is naturally related to his original attribute. Yi Tian thought about it and estimated that the conditions for Jiudhara's body possession were also very harsh, otherwise he would have been able to find his body with his strength.

Allowing him to escape this time is tantamount to let the tiger returns to the mountains. People who are always thinking about him like him will naturally have trouble sleeping and eating, although the sadness on his face has not diminished even if he didn't mention it along the way.

What's more, he always wrinkles deeply and frowned every time he mentions the evil Buddha of the mixed world.

After returning to the gathering place of the nether runes clan, he secretly took out a jade slip handwritten note, stating that this was the information from the nether runes clan about dealing with the darkness.

After putting away the jade slip and secretly sealing the jade slip, Yi Tian moved towards Shenguan City and hurried away. Although there is still an agreement with the Thunderbird clan, it is still unhurried for a while.

Since I have heard the news about the evil buddha, I should first find out Chen Chen. After all, if you want to know the secrets of Buddhist Sect, you still need to find a familiar person.

After returning to Shenguan Temple, I sneaked into the forbidden area of ​​Sect. After scanning the divine sense, I found that it seemed that someone was visiting. At this time, Liachen was meeting guests in front of his cottage, and the other party immediately discovered his whereabouts. Then a voice suddenly rang in my ears: "Junior Brother Yi is back, and I also invite you to tell me that Jiaxiu Temple has come to visit by Senior Brother."

thoughts move secretly thought:'Maybe it's up. In the second Shixin Fa conference, his brilliance caused Yuan's attention. This time, he was obviously aimed at himself, but he didn't know what he had worth meeting with him in person. '

The movement is not slow when I want to return. After returning to the forbidden area, Yi Tian went directly to Chen's residence. From a distance, I saw two silhouettes sitting cross-legged in front of the thatched cottage and chatting.

After taking it closer, I saw Yuan hurriedly stood up and moved towards himself and said: "Junior Brother Yi is back, this poor monk is polite."

"Unknown Yuan Senior Brother is visiting, but Senior Brother has been waiting for a long time," Yi Tian also hurriedly replied. Facing such a distracted late cultivator, he couldn't make a score, let alone the other party came to find him.

The dust on the side also hurriedly took care of a few words. After Yi Tian arrived, the three people were divided into guests and the host to sit down. It’s a little bit later that the dust first opened the mouth and said: "This time, Senior Brother came here to arrange the escort of the Buddha, but I wanted to make a special visit to the younger brother and disciple."

I heard that this is the case. Both are related to Yi Tian’s hurried and respectful replied at the moment: "Let the two Senior Brothers worry about it. This time I went out to participate in the trade fair, and I don’t want to be extravagant. Fortunately, things are finally over."

"So it's good," Hearing this is a cheerful voice: "The younger brother will be responsible for escorting the Buddha. This matter should not be sloppy."

"Senior Brother would like to keep the younger brother in mind," Yi Tian hurriedly replied.

Only after Yuan Yuan, nodded asked again: "Suwen Junior Brother Yi is an expert in refining tools. I have already seen it during the last Fa conference. This time I came here specially for this. Matter."

After looking at the expressions of the two, Yi Tian knew that Yuan must have said this after inquiring with the dust in advance. I just don’t know what he is asking for this time, and he immediately replied: “I don’t know if the Senior Brother wants to customize the Spiritual Artifact or something else?"

Reach out and take out a Spiritual Artifact to set it up. In front of him, Yuanyuan sighed and said, "In the original Buddhist world, there were many famous Refiner Masters. However, their standards are far from Junior Brother Yi, and they seem to lack shortcomings in Wenyang Buddhist Sect Spiritual Artifact. "

Sweeping his gaze over the Spiritual Artifact in front of him, Yi Tian discovered that it turned out to be a wooden fish Magical Artifact. There seemed to be some damage on it, and the small hammer also broke from it.

Yi Tian's complexion remained unchanged after inspecting the inscribed veins, but there were indeed some doubts in his heart. The pattern on this is actually similar to the nanmu wooden fish made by myself.

And my own Spiritual Artifact is completely carved out of the formation mark imitating the thunder pattern wooden fish, which means that the Spiritual Artifact in front of it is also an imitation of thunder pattern wooden fish.

If you want to come to this matter, there must be something strange, Yi Tian retracted his gaze and asked: "This thing seems to have gone through some years. The original material is Heavenly Grade treasure ten-scented ebony wood. The craftsmanship is also very exquisite and it is carved from a whole piece of wood, but nowadays it is very difficult to repair a corner."

After a few words, the face is full of sorrow and joy. With a half-hearted look, he said later: "Junior Brother Yi is really a specialist. You can see the problem with this Spiritual Artifact at a glance. This thing belongs to my Master. After he passes away, it will be passed to me. I heard that Back then, he went to the Great Lightning Zen Temple to participate in Zen after the Meng Da Neng cultivator instructed him, and then asked someone to refine the Spiritual Artifact. It was just that the Spiritual Artifact was damaged after a great war in the Jiaxiu Temple thousands of years ago, and it is no longer able to play today. 50% of the formidable power in the past is now."

I got something from the Great Lightning Zen Temple again. Yi Tian heart startled even if I guess it must be an imitation of Thunder-lined wooden fish. Although the materials are not bad, the person who refines it must not be a Buddhist Sect cultivator, so there is a lack of work done in this step of the Buddha Sect.

I want to stop showing a faintly smiled on his face: "forgive me to speak bluntly, it is extremely difficult to repair this spiritual artifact."

"Why did my brother say this?" The Tao is round and puzzled.

"At the time of refining, the focus was on the Buddha's power of the teacher. It was only when the spiritual Artifact was damaged that the Buddha's power passed away, which caused this situation," Yi Tian stretched out his hand and pointed out: "Know the Buddha. The most important thing is to nurture the Buddha power, especially after the Buddha power is nourished, it is more handy to use its divine ability. The formidable power can also be increased to more than 50%."

After talking, stretch out your hand and take out the nanmu wooden. Fish come and put it next to the ten-flavored ebony wooden fish.

At this time, Yuanyuan’s eyes were light flashed, and even when she got the dust, she looked surprised and said: "The breath on these two spiritual artifacts is very similar, I think the same sect is the same. "

" Both of them are imitations of the thunder pattern wooden fish in the Arhat Hall Supreme Treasure of the lightning Zen temple," Yi Tian said in a letter: "The two can feel the Buddha's power remaining on it. Make judgments."

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