The trade fairs in Shenguan City are mostly conducted under the supervision or control of Shenguan Temple, so most of the things traded are quite satisfactory.

But the trade fair that Yi Tian wants to go to today is a place outside the border of the alien gathering place to the east of Shenguan City, named Sanjieling.

It's more than 5,000 miles away from Shenguan City, and after flying a thousand miles away, you will arrive at the gathering place of alien races. Going through eight hundred li or so from the other direction is the territory of Monster Race. Although it occupies a small area, Monster Race is notorious for being incompatible with alien races.

Ordinary Monster Race only operates in the designated area in the Buddha Realm, and even if it comes out, it rarely invades the alien area.

The Three-Boundary Ridge is at the middle junction of the three forces, so it's no better to hold an alien trade fair here.

This time, it is considered that there is an introduction from Chamber of Commerce, Yi Tian, ​​who came here together with the opportunity. There are also two people who are in the same group, Wan Bo E and Wan Jiaolan. It's just that the two of them have already known their identities, and the recommendation of dust is naturally respectful along the way.

The three of them have endured the hardships of a long journey all the way to the sky over Sanjieling, Wan Boyi showed a jade token and moved towards a jungle and took a photo. After three breaths, the strong wind blew through the woods and parted on both sides, revealing a path in the middle. The three of them quickly dropped the cloud head and walked through it. After half a moment, the array was activated again to directly cover up the passage.

I walked along the path for less than a moment and passed through the jungle to a secluded lake. Dozens of people who had arrived earlier had already communicated there. Yi Tian only then remembered that he had built it now and didn't realize that there was a huge lake in the sky.

Obviously, this is the use of Formation to conceal the terrain below this place. Being able to hide from my divine sense prying means that this array of people is already not simple. So Yi Tian has a few more expectations for this alien trade fair.

After swiping his eyes, he lowered his head and asked in private sound transmission: "Who is the host here, Formation cultivation base not simple."

"It is natural to be able to enter the easy senior method. No," Wanbo evil gently replied: "This is the place of nether runes clansman. They are the dominant rulers in the nether world. They are best at delineating rune and forming Formation communicating the world's strength."

so that's how it is Yi Tian I clicked nodded secretly thought. I still don't know much about foreign races. Even Wanbo evil in front of him has seen more foreign races than himself.

After the three people arrived at the lakeside, their own nether runes clansman came up to receive them, and later they walked aside to take a rest.

Yi Tian glanced over the people present were almost like Deity Transformation Middle Stage late cultivation base, and many of them were alien cultivators and not half of Monster Race appeared.

I want to stop rumors and ask again: "When will the trade fair start, why didn’t even the host show up?"

"senior don't be impatient, I'm afraid of such a situation The host is going to welcome the guests," Wan Bo smirked and sound transmission replied: "Usually it will only start after the people of Monster Race arrive."

Even so, Yi Tian knew nothing about it. Had to stop and wait. Less than one hour, I heard Wan Jiaolan’s voice rang out: “Here, it’s Lei Fuhong from the Thunderbird clan of Monster Race and Fairy Maiden Yue from the nether runes clan."

Yi Tian When I opened my eyes, I saw an alien female cultivator arrived with four Monster Race cultivators. Everyone on the scene also showed joy on their faces, looking for such a situation, the trade fair should start soon.

After that dark Fairy Maiden Yue walked to the crowd all around and looked at it, he said softly: "Welcome everyone to join the trade fair held by our clan. It is still the old rule for everyone to come up individually. Take out what you need for the exchange of trading materials. Don’t buy or sell, or it’s not that this seat will not be affectionate and rank him as the most unpopular guest of our clan."

Everyone present is naturally nodded. Concurred, that last sentence was just in their hearts. Anyone who comes out to trade is most afraid of being forced to trade.

Yi Tian listened to browse slightly wrinkle and asked Xia Wanjiaolan in a low voice: "What are the consequences of being listed as the most unpopular guest of the nether runes?"

"The Nether Realm is definitely not going to go, and there are many allies of the Nether Runes in the Buddha Realm who will naturally reject such people, at least it is difficult to mix in the alien circle," Wan Jiaolan explained.

Didn't expect the nether runes clan still has such a powerful influence, Yi Tian did not expect it. The trade fair had already begun when the two were communicating in private. First, the dark Fairy Maiden Yue of the nether runes clan cast stones to ask for directions and took out the Youwen clan's special product, Youming Moonstone.

It is said that this thing can bless the rank of Yin Attribute treasure, or it can be used for cultivation gold. Water Attribute cultivation technique divine ability will double the results for half the effort.

Unfortunately, Yi Tian cultivation is mainly based on wood Fire Attribute. Naturally, I don't have much interest in it. Soon, some cultivators of the You Race came forward and wanted to exchange it. They were also in the Nether Realm. It was also necessary to get close to the natural cultivation technique attribute. The magic eye of Fairy Maiden Yue, which was only inaccessible to the treasures he had taken out, was finally gone at this time.

Then the atmosphere on the scene began to liven up. The big monster cultivator in Thunderbird Monster Race stepped forward and took out three white Lingyu that were more than a foot long from the bag and said: "My ancestors The three tail feathers of the cultivator can be exchanged for spirit pill and marvelous medicine that can revitalize and regenerate muscles."

This remark made the middle cultivator present a bit confused, but all those who have passed the demon infant stage The cultivator can't regenerate the limbs, so I need this spirit pill and marvelous medicine that revitalizes the skin and regenerates muscles.

However, there are still a few people present who can come up with some such treasures or medicine pill, but after Leifu's inspection of the goods, none of them are eye-catching.

The Wanbo evil sound transmission on one side asked: "Yi senior, do you think this is strange?"

"Nothing at worst," Yi Tian is nonchalant. replied: "It's not that a descendant dísciple in his Thunderclaw Howling Eagle clan below the demon infant stage was seriously injured. It was either poisoned or entangled by some curse. If you want to remove the problem once and for all, you naturally need a medicine that revitalizes your skin. Pill is good."

"Senior, don't you try, the three thunder eagle tail feathers are also high-quality treasures," Wan Boye asked again.

Yi Tian knew what he was thinking after passing his gaze, and immediately took out a broken white jade lotus and took it in his hand and mixed it into two sections. Then he handed the small piece to Wanbo and said evilly: "Take it for him."

After speaking, he put the half of the big lotus root in his mouth and chewed it up.

Wanbo evil light standing by the nose knew that this thing was not a common product. After taking the lotus root, he looked at the appearance of Yi Tian and suddenly a little sweat oozes from his head. Just think about the identity of the Lord in front of you, naturally.

After he took the lotus root section up, he immediately attracted Lei Fuhong's side eyes. After inspecting the quality of the treasure, they turned their heads and happened to see Yi Tian chewing on the white. jade lotus root, his face suddenly cramped after thinking about it for a long time or he changed the thing to Wan Bo evil first.

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