After Wu's comparison, Shenguan Temple got its wish and dropped out of the original Ranked 2nd Minglun Temple, so Minglun Temple fell to the fifth position.

Afterwards, Minglun Temple has another chance to challenge the other three, four or two, except for the second place. As for Ranked 1st, Jiaxiu Temple must reach the second place to have a chance to challenge.

I said unceremoniously that this time the Wu of Minglun Temple ended in a complete defeat, even if I can challenge the third place to succeed, it can only stop there.

If you want to be ashamed before the snow falls, you have to wait for the next release of the mind after a thousand years before you have a chance, but at that time, Yi Tian or the abbot of the dust may not stay in the temple of God. .

The monk Kong Yun, who did on the above, resisted the anger in his heart and said solemnly: "Okay, the next challenge will be from the Ranked 5th Minglun Temple. According to the rules, it is not allowed to choose the first and the newly replaced sect. "This is what he said like his gnashing teeth, and he won't have a chance because of his affection.

At this time, another host got up and asked: "Sora Xing Fellow Daoist has been exhausted just now, do I need to rest and resume spiritual power to challenge again?"

" No need. My Minglun Temple has more than one expert. You can send another junior to take action in this battle. "Kong Yun loses or doesn't lose. At this time, you can only brace oneself and hit the round bars. It's just that everyone could hear that in his words, it seemed that he was quite blaming for Kakusuki, so he changed his hand directly.

Yan Ba ​​stood up beside him, a tall monk who was three to five thick moved towards all around. After a utter, everyone walked to the middle of the platform, his eyes were full of fighting intent staring at Yi Tian After staring for a long time, he turned his head away.

At this time, Yi Tian is full of freehand feeling and a lazy look, anyway, after his shot, no one will challenge himself anymore. On the other hand, the old monk sitting in front of Chen Chen sat down as if everything around him had nothing to do with him.

I secretly admired his concentration in my heart, Yi Tian quietly moved his lips and sound transmission asked: "Senior Brother Chen I promised you, but it's done. The next essay test is up to you. That's it."

The sound transmission replied with a smile on the face of Chen opened his eyes: "Junior Brother Yi, don't worry, a monk doesn't lie. This time you won the second place. There is a lotus petal, and I promised your lotus seed to explain it, and I will definitely offer it. Even if I fail to win the first defense, I can do it by asking Yuan Senior Brother with this face to ask for a moment."

It turns out that there is still such a backhand in the dust, Yi Tian is immediately speechless. The first test of the thesis may not be able to be stable, but if it is related to the circle of Jiaxiu Temple, the certainty of the lotus seed will be greatly increased.

I said unceremoniously that as long as the lineage of Kaxiu Temple besieged Minglun Temple by then, it will be hard to fix.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian showed a knowing smile on his face, and then he sat cross-legged on the seat and closed his eyes to rest up. Anyway, the next thing has nothing to do with him, no matter how they fight in the sky, they can’t Shake the status of Shenguan Temple.

On the contrary, the battle just now has benefited me a lot. The divine ability that I used before is naturally the result of hard work in the recent period. Although he was not proficient, he was much stronger than before. Under the guidance of the dust, he finally understood the true purpose of the corona.

The dharma idol from the condense is also very interesting. When you cultivation the corona to a certain extent, refer to the record of Divine Ability in the Dahijin Sutra. The secret technique begins to cultivation dharma idol divine ability.

Originally, I thought that according to my own attributes, he might condense fire god or thunder god dharma idol. But afterwards, I realized that it was like Asura’s real body, which was the only thing I could do in desperation.

Fortunately, Asura dharma idol can use the Buddhist Sect secret technique. Originally, I wanted to cultivation formidable power, Flower Plucking Finger, which is the biggest cultivation formidable power, but time is limited and I have to choose as easy a trick as I want.

Although there is no sign and no practice to Small Accomplishment, the essence of it is quite inspiring for me, so when I use the divine ability, I use the power of the fist to refer to the Dahijin Sutra to stimulate it, didn’t 't expect formidable power but it is a good blow to retreat the empty monk.

To be honest, I did my best just now, and I'm afraid it will reveal the bottom of my power again. Fortunately, Sora was defeated by one of his own tricks and had to bow his head to admit defeat. It was Perfection that brought the matter to an end.

Now Yi Tian is full of curiosity about Flower Plucking Finger. With the ready-made Dahijin Sutra in his hand, he can naturally acquire such divine ability. It's just that the time is limited and could not comprehend the essence of Flower Plucking Finger. Taking advantage of everyone's attention elsewhere, Yi Tian simply spoke with the dust, and then quickly entered the state of concentration.

The outsider seems to be sitting cross-legged silently doing exercises and adjusting breath, but in fact, he has entered a state of concentration. In his mind, he copied the three patterns of Flower Plucking Finger divine ability.

This is confirmed by the fact that the original three-type Flower Plucking Finger seems to be simple, but the changes in it are definitely not something that can be completely mastered overnight. Fortunately, in my mind, it is proved that such divine ability does not need to be physically condensed by divine sense.

In fact, behind the dharma idol display of the corona, the display of the Flower Plucking Finger Divine Ability by dharma idol also only needs the divine sense blessing control.

I don't know that after Yi Tian enters such a state of concentration, the corona behind his head slowly appears, and the whole body is surrounded by golden auspicious light. Sitting in a banquet can't be low-key.

Liao Chen, who was sitting in front, was naturally the first to discover such a situation, and immediately raised his hand took out Dao golden halo to protect Yi Tian. Then the lips moved a few times and the seated Yuanyuan said a few words in the sound transmission. After a while, three monks from Jiaxiu Temple slowly got up and walked to Yi Tian's side, sitting side by side and sitting side by side.

This kind of action undoubtedly protects Yi Tian who is in sudden enlightenment, and the faces of other monks, especially Secret Sect and the others, are full of envy. Sudden enlightenment like this is about chance. Some people have never met it once in their lives, so they can only stare at it.

I don't know how long it has been after all the changes of the three-type Flower Plucking Finger in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, after Yi Tian's eyes slowly opened. Suddenly I found that there were fewer people present than before, and each have a monk sitting in front of me and behind me. It was the Senior Brother who caught the dust in front of him, and saw that he slowly stood up and turned around and said, "Congratulations, brother, this sudden enlightenment will definitely benefit a lot from this sudden enlightenment, and there will be limitless achievements in the future."

"Let Senior Brother Chen bother, Junior Brother, I really feel sorry," Yi Tian hurriedly replied: "I don't know which stage of the Soul Relief Fa will be."

Said with a smile: "The Fa will be here. One hour ago is over, Second Junior Brother once again suddenly enlightenment has been in for three days."

"How about the unknown result?" Yi Tian listened to the heart startled, didn't expect to sit in the fixed set by himself. Missed the link in the debate.

Li Chen stretched out his hand to take out a jade box and sent it over and said: "Fortunately not insulting my life."

Yi Tian reached out and took the jade box and opened it and found that there were five-color lotus petals in it. One slice, plus one lotus seed.

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