Relief the mind can be regarded as a more important festival near Shenguan City. The specific venue is near Lianbo Pond. It is located in the Lianbo mountain range three thousand miles west of Shenguan City. There are also Heavenly Grade treasures such as the colorful Golden Lotus in this scenic spot.

Normally, the Spirit Transformation cultivator was stationed outside by several major temples. As for the Lianbo Pond in the inner center, several abbots joined forces to cast spells with extremely powerful Buddha power to ban it.

Whenever there is a colorful Golden Lotus in the pool that matures, it is the time to hold this relief meeting.

This time the representative of Shenguan Temple is Yi Tian, ​​the abbot of Chen Chen carrying the appearance of Kutoutuo. Before Chen opened his mouth and wanted to ask for help, Yi Tian knew that this matter could not be blocked. It is precisely this point that the other party makes such a request.

After he accepted his promise, he was considered relaxed. Afterwards, he explained that although the Long Range Transmission Array is available, it may not be able to be directly transmitted to the Great Lightning Zen Temple. At best, you can go to Jiaxiu City, the largest stronghold in the local area, and there will definitely be a bit of direct Transmission Formation to the point.

In this way, I am bound to make a detour, but thinking about it in the blink of an eye can save a lot of effort.

As for the heart-relief Fa conference, I heard it mentioned by Monk Kongxing, and this time the dusty junior came to ask for the jade slip to participate in the jade slip. Naturally, Yi Tian scored 120,000 points. interest.

After asking carefully, I realized that the method of releasing the mind is divided into two parts: literary examination and Wubi. The top five in each part can get a multicolored Golden Lotus leaf petal, as for the top three, you can also get a lotus seed, and the first name in the literary test can also get the lotus.

It can be seen that the Confucian Sect is still focused on studying Buddhism. As for Wubi, it is to test the results of their respective cultivation but must use the Buddhist Sect cultivation technique. Once any non-Buddhist Sect spells appear, it will be It is immediately judged as negative.

This time the Divided Spirit Stage expert of Great Snow Mountain Minglun Temple and Kaxiuzong are presiding over the puja. Knowing this, Yi Tian learned in his heart that this is another grand ceremony jointly held by the Great Ascension Sect and Secret Sect. Unfortunately, there are still a lot of interests in the secret, so before the meeting, Secret Sect cultivator will try to attack the opponent secretly and expand himself. The winning percentage.

The key point is that more than 90% of the Buddhist world are Great Ascension cultivators, and Secret Sect, who is already overwhelmed by the number of people, can't breathe.

A few months later, the two rays of escape light flew out of the city of God and moved towards Lianbo mountain range and flew away quickly. Before that, Yi Tian had done enough preparations, and he had all the ready-made Spiritual Artifacts on hand that he took out and practiced.

The only things that can be used now are the black iron bowl, the nanmu wooden fish and the Three Spirit Artifacts. Among them, only the Nanmu wooden fish has been practiced using the Tianlei Eight-tone Secret Art Festival.

I am not very professional in the refining of Buddhist artifacts. Fortunately, I got Chen's guidance to make up for the shortcomings one after another. When re-practising Three Spirit Artifacts, they secretly infused their function attributes with different Buddhist Sect secret techniques.

The black iron bowl is an integrated offensive and defensive bowl, so the golden sun body method Divine Ability is integrated into the Buddhist beads. As for the glazed beads, they are still injected with the cultivation technique of the Dahijin Sutra, plus the curse of the Bodhi Concentration Mantra The mantras are also engraved on it.

When the two of them flew close to the outskirts of the Lianbo mountain range, they saw a guest monk waiting in the air from a distance. After flying forward, Dust also stretched out his hand to take out the invitation jade slip and sent it slowly.

After the guest monk inspected the invitation, his eyes swept across the faces of the two in front of him and the faces wrinkled slightly and said: "This poor monk is polite. I have heard that the abbot of Shenguan Temple has deep Dharma, but I don’t know when. Another brother appeared. A monk doesn't lie, and I also asked Senior Brother Chen to explain so as not to cause misunderstanding."

After listening to Yi Tian's face, he was stunned, and he didn't expect This will happen later. But I looked at the dust in a blink of an eye. It seemed that the clothes flew to the Zhike monk not far away, and said: "Junior Brother Yi Tian is indeed not a member of my Shenguan Temple, but he escorted my temple to order treasures, and he said that he can help the fist. That’s why this poor monk is grateful for his Shengyiquanquan to bring him here."

"This seems to be out of order. It is reasonable to say that if you are a cultivator, it is natural to blame," the monk said with a smile on his face: "It's just that this person is a foreign head, and I don't know what his Dharma cultivation base is?"

"That is naturally much stronger than an ordinary cultivator, at least he has already repaired a corona," said Chen Chen, then immediately Turning around and shouting: "Can Junior Brother Yi show your corona dharma idol at a glance."

At this point, Yi Tian knows what the dust has to rely on, thinking about the golden body of the solar corona. They had already been in contact in the lower realm. Although the cultivation method is not as good as the method, I have always taken it as a warning. This time I was suddenly enlightened after some exchanges with Chen in the Shenguan Temple.

This cultivation technique of the corona golden body is marked as extremely profound Divine Ability even in the Dahijin Sutra. Although it is not an offensive spell, it is the strongest in the auxiliary cultivation technique. After several months of constant exploration and hard work, I was finally able to condense a round of the corona slightly, but his skills seemed to be just a bright red disk behind his head.

After listening to Yi Tian, ​​he was helpless, knowing that Chen said so, there must be a deep meaning, and then his hands were joined together, and then he said in his mouth: "Now," suddenly a red glow rose from behind. , The red corona about half a foot loomed out.

The guest monk was shocked when he saw it, and hurriedly put his hands together and said in a hurry: "Forgive this poor monk for his clumsy eyes, since the guest invited by the master of dust can naturally go to participate in the Relief Dharma meeting. It is."

Yi Tian hurriedly put away the corona and flew forward is also a salute, and then followed behind the dust without saying a word. The divine ability of my own cultivation did not reach home, the corona was far less round and transparent than the dust. And recently, I also discovered that this corona is a bit mutation, and soon after it appears, there will be a little purple halo in the corona.

It is estimated that Life Source True Fire has had an impact on the corona. After going through the Dahijin Sutra, I didn’t find a reasonable explanation. I had to put it aside and wait for the Great Lightning Zen Temple before looking for a high-level monk. Ask for it.

Later, the two of them quit the Zhike Sang and flew towards the location where the lotus pond is located. Not long after, dozens of people have already arrived in the air.

Slowly falling down the cloud head, the dust led Yi Tian into the venue and then introduced the colleagues in the venue one after another. As the host, the representative of Jiaxiu Temple is named Yuan. After listening to Chen's introduction, they are all cultivators of the same generation. Shenguan Temple was originally a branch of Jiaxiu Temple.

As for Minglun Temple, the representative is a fat-headed monk named Kong Yun, Yi Tian listened to the secretly thought is not good, it is estimated that this person is the same sect of the monk Kongxing The right words may not be solved as easily as last time.

As for the other few who belonged to Jiaxiu Temple like Chen, they were naturally very polite when they met. It’s just that the scene is also very interesting. The people of Great Ascension Zong and Secret Sect just greet each other in private, and they are divided into two groups of people and there are not many topics to talk about.

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