On the Hungry Ghost Path, Xuanwu Little Monk went back and forth to survey the collapsed mountain road below. The Hungry Ghost Path is located in the periphery zone of the ghost world, and the end is the outpost of the ghost capital city.

Any Ghost Spirit who enters this road needs to walk all the way to the end along the mountain road, and then obtain the identity of the ghost world from the outpost in the ghost capital city. After that, after the Ghost King sits down and scrutinizes and redeems the past grievances, the Ghost King can obtain the status of ordinary people in the ghost world.

It can be said that the Ghost Spirit in Hungry Ghost Path can be regarded as the most inferior existence in the ghost world, but there are too many ghost spirits that can’t stand it and too much to enter the ghost world from the rest of the world. In addition, the number of Ghost Spirits from many lower realms is about tens of millions.

In this way, it is no wonder that Ghost King will have such a big break, a letter from the Buddha Realm for help.

Hungry Ghost Path was densely packed and crowded with a lot of Ghost Spirits, and the team was in chaos for hundreds of miles. Fly to the foremost Ghost Spirit dense area and found that in the Hungry Ghost Path below, a section of the hundred zhang road has collapsed. The original mountain road could send ten Ghost Spirits forward, but now they can only let them go together. Many Ghost Spirits tried to walk past the collapsed cliffs, but all fell into the deep valley below.

A dozen cultivators of the ghost capital stood on the side of the cliff on the side of the road. They formed a guardrail to maintain the order, so that the situation was controlled without causing too much confusion.

Waiting for Monk Xuanwu after surveying the air, he flew down to inform him of the ghosts who were left behind. During the period, after showing the Ghost King letter, the ghost repair leader became very polite, and after briefly introducing the situation here, let Xuan Wu take charge of the next restoration work.

After a while, I saw him slowly flying forward and said: "Martial Uncle here will take some time to repair the Hungry Ghost Path. Please protect the dísciple at that time."

" That's natural, Martial Nephew, you do what you can, and I will be by your side to care for your hair until you are incomplete," Yi Tian said, then tried to ask: "I don't know when this Hungry Ghost Path was destroyed. It is reasonable to say that this situation will not be damaged for no reason. Also, this place is located not far from the outpost in the ghost capital city. Could someone in the ghost world come here to provoke the authority of the Ghost King."

He shook his head and said, "The sky does not fulfill the wishes. This happened only within a few months. I heard Ghost Xiu tell me that it seemed to suddenly appear out of thin air in the air. A void gap was in the gap. After flying out of the cyan ray glow, those aftermaths scattered and fell to the Hungry Ghost Path, causing the mountain road to collapse."

Yi Tian face doesn't change, but I can't help but be surprised at this point in time. It coincides with when I got out of the vortex of Immortal World fragments. In addition, the azure rays of light are the same as the divine light of one's own body, is it possible that the things here are caused by oneself unintentionally. Thinking of this, I felt a little guilty, but still pretended to be unknowing.

The monk Xuan Wu between Shaoqing slowly lowered his figure to the bottom of the valley below, and Yi Tian also followed him to protect him.

I saw Black Tortoise found a high place in the valley and then flew forward to sit down slowly. Then he took out the Danshu jade scroll, attached a pen, and closed his eyes and adjusted his breath after the bead bracelet.

Yi Tian again found an open space on the edge of the cliff beside thirty zhang beside him and sat down. When the eyes passed by, Monk Xuan Wu was closing his eyes and moving around all around, and there was a soft Buddha's radiance when he debuted.

Not long before I saw him open his eyes and began to chant the scriptures. Yi Tian didn't know much about the scriptures of the Great Lightning Zen Temple, but the classics of the Pure Land series were still a little heard. .

The verses Xuanwu recites are Pure Land Sect’s Ksitigarbha’s original wish sutras. After reading such verses from his mouth, he seems to be guided by his Buddha's radiance, and it makes all around the Hungry that originally fell. The rubble of the Ghost Path landslide rose slowly and began to repair the foundation of the mountain road.

At this time, it seemed that there was a feeling between the void in the sky, and it didn't take long for a ripple of spiritual pressure fluctuations to appear in the void. Then a gap was opened, from which many golden Buddha powers slowly flowed out as if they were being dragged by Xuan Enlightenment, then fell slowly and attached to the foundation stone under the Hungry Ghost Path mountain road.

As the big boulders all around slowly rose up, they gradually built up, and those golden Buddha's blessings actually slowly made up the mountain road that had collapsed.

Yi Tian realized that this Hungry Ghost Path was repaired with Buddha power, and the Buddha power in the gap in the void was naturally exported from the Buddha realm. So it seems that it is not the work of the monk Xuanwu alone, presumably at this time, many monks in the entire Great Lightning Zen Temple are chanting at the same time, sending those Buddha powers slowly through the gap in the void.

In a blink of an eye, I realized that at this moment, it seemed that I had also stabbed the big basket, so I really couldn't stay out of the matter. After thinking about it, Yi Tian sat down and ran through the scriptures recorded in the Leiwen wooden fish in his mind, and then read it out in his mouth.

Buddha's radiance, which reads all around from the scriptures, also turns from dark to full and becomes extremely bright. Not long after, two golden balls of light appeared at the bottom of the valley at the same time. The gap in the mouth gradually expanded under the blessing of Yi Tian, ​​and the golden Buddha power flowing out of the center was also three points faster than before.

The sound of'oh la la oh la la' is endless, and the scattered stones on the ground are pulled up and piled up continuously under the blessing of Foli, and it will not be long before the original collapsed area is filled. .

Three days later, after the casting was completed, Monk Xuanwu turned around and moved towards Yi Tianxing and said: "Thanks you Martial Uncle for helping, it's a lot faster than expected."


"Martial Nephew doesn't need to be polite, I think the repaired mountain road is not strong, and it needs to be reinforced again and again before it can be used," Yi Tian replied earnestly.

"That's natural, dísciple will cast a spell to show ugliness," Xuan Wu said, turned around and picked up the jade book and talisman that he had prepared long ago, and began to write.

Yi Tian divine sense I skipped and found that he had carved the eight-character mantra of Tianlei eight-tone on the jade album. After finishing, put away the talisman pen and hold the jade book in both hands and gently inject Buddha power into it. After ten breaths, he opened the mouth and said: "dísciple Xuanwu was entrusted by the Ghost King to repair the Hungry Ghost Path, and please give the mantra of Tianlei eight-yin characters as the pillar of the foundation stone. May Hungry Ghost Path never collapse again. "

After speaking, he stretched out his hand and flew away the jade book moved towards the improperly repaired mountain road. After three breaths, he was submerged in the rock. Then the mark of the eight-character mantra appeared on the cliff, and at the same time, several voices of response from the top of the Hungry Ghost Path were the replies of those inspecting ghost repairs.

Presumably at this time the road has been repaired and can be reactivated, Xuanwu’s mouth is lightly sighed, turning around and asking: "Does Martial Uncle return with dísciple?"

"That is natural, "Yi Tian thought about replied: "I don't know how long is the road to the Buddha world?"

"Buddha in the heart is just passing by," Xuanwu replied.

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