Heavenly Lord of the Myriad Realms

Chapter 595: Enron hidden (1)

"Thumbs up!"

At such a moment of life and death, Chu Tian has the leisure to give himself a punch that he has just fully blasted.

The space structure of the heavenly court is much stronger than the lower bound, so those Heavenly Soldiers will blew themselves up, and the range they can damage is much narrower than the lower bound. Chu Tian punched out, actually able to condense into a fist of a thousand miles, showing how powerful he is today!

The only fly in the ointment is that compared with the boxing, knife-printing and sword-printing in the Heavenly Palace, when Chutian got the Qiqiao Temple in the past, Chutian’s fistprint is huge, but the edge The strip is slowly blurring and is constantly collapsing.

Obviously, compared to the fortune of the Tianlu world, the battle of the taboo battle, compared to the real masters of the purple valve, Chu Tian is still a lot worse, his punches, after all, can not be almost eternal under.

A vortex of black flames appeared around Chutian, and several of the warriors of the horns were swallowed by the swirl of the skull and body under the ecstasy.

The people of these horns are best at consuming the flesh and soul of others, and even the heavenly ethics that others have realized can be swallowed up and completely transformed into their own. Chutian also wants them to try, and everything in their own is refining and melting in the melting pot of heaven and earth, and even the mystery inside a hair has become the taste of Chutian.

The souls of several Gangjiao tribes are screaming, and the black souls scream in their bodies. However, the atmosphere of the melting pot of the heavens and earth was like a prison, full of terrible pressure and imprisonment power. Some souls in the area did not even rise up, and they were dragged into the deepest part of the furnace by the melting pot of heaven and earth.

It feels like a few fresh and delicious lambs are playing on the beach. Suddenly, a big octopus with a potential for growth has emerged. Dozens of tentacles have rolled up the lambs that are helpless and have no resistance. I laughed and dragged them into my belly!

"Gongsun 琅琅!" Chu Tian smashed the chest of Gongsun’s chest, killing a few horns of the tribes, and the Taiyin Wanhuan wheel slammed back and slammed back and slammed down to the neck of Gongsun’s neck. .

I did not do two, and I have already robbed Gongsun’s congenital source of evil and darkness, killing several of his ‘private’, and even hitting his body, and even doing it with Gongsun!

Look at the altars on the ground, look at the people who are crying and shouting in the land... Chu Tianyin's face, the smashing right fist on the numerous blood lines squirting, the last point of the body's blood energy is full of force, broken The right fist re-grows out, and the blue-sworded sword jumps out of the palm of his hand. Chu Tian’s sword crossed the upper body of Gongsun’s upper body and split him into two paragraphs.

A thick black mist suddenly spurted out of Gongsun’s body, and a terrible will, which made the heavens and the earth one dark, suddenly burst out. This will not speak, but Chutian has received his almost crazy idea.

This is the will of the Western Emperor, his roar in hysteria, who dares to hurt his favorite son?

The world is faint, and there is no longer a trace of light.

Everything is shrouded in darkness, and a naked eye can't see it, but the soul can't feel it, but it can clearly know that its terrible power suddenly condenses at high altitude, silent, and a dark thunder that is enough to destroy everything. Chutian’s head collapsed.

Chu Tian refused to urge the Taiyin Wanhua round to completely kill Gongsun, and a touch of blue light flashed. In the darkness of all things, the Taiyin Wanhua round firmly spurred his brilliance and tore the terrible, The darkness of suffocating everything, a glimpse of the blue light wrapped in Chutian, in the moment of the thunder of the darkness to the top of Chutian, smoothly moved with Chutian to the side of a full ten million miles.

Losing Chutian before the attack, he injected all the mana of his 72-day Tiandaobao round into the Taiyin Wanhuan. It took a lot of mana to instantly kill a few repairs for today’s Chutian. After the unfathomable 'the horns of the horns, the Taiyin Wanhuan wheel still has a certain amount of power left, with Chu Tian instantly moving thousands of miles.

Just a million miles away, it is still shrouded in endless darkness.

The darkness enveloped everything, and the blue light of the Taiyin Wanhuan was like a beacon on the ocean at night. It was so dazzling and so eye-catching.

The horrible, crushing will of the Western Emperor chased like a skeleton.

Gongsun’s death is not dead, but it looks even worse than death. The chest was beaten like a bean curd, and it was even more swayed by Chu Tian’s sword. A good god, a handsome and graceful West Heaven Emperor, was beaten like a victim of a tragic car accident. The face is full of blood, which makes the West Heaven Emperor able to accommodate it?

Two black lights flew in the darkness of the infinite darkness. It was the two gods who had chased the mouse, and the fourteen pairs of wings were awakened. They were sulking and flying to Chutian.

In the sky, the will of the Western Emperor screamed, and the two heavenly bodies suddenly became stiff. At the same time, the plasma in the seven sputum was thick and sticky, such as glue and black ink. The large plasma spilled from the sky and immediately destroyed the ground. A large mountain range.

"Waste!" West Heavenly Emperor roared, and the two heavens would be in turmoil. The fourteen pairs of wings behind them, the ones that grew at the top and the largest ones were hard to be pumped by an irresistible force. Come out.

The two heavenly bodies violently twitched, and they showed an incredulous expression of horror, screaming and screaming.

They originally let Chutian feel suffocated and feel the power of no rebellion, and instantly fell to the extreme. Although it is still very powerful, Chutian feels unable to resist, but that feeling...

If Chutian is a small lamb, these two heavenly angels would have been the two big devils of the big octopus. At this moment, with the Western Heaven Emperor forcibly taking away a pair of wings, the two heavenly angels will change from the wild monster devil big octopus. Two ferocious lions!

Although still powerful, it is not an unreasonable monster!

Chutian ‘咕咕’ smiled and looked at the two gods behind the blood, and smiled and waved at them. Then his breath, body shape, all his traces disappeared suddenly.

The Taiyin Wanhua round was full of concealment, and even the blue-colored figure left by the blue-colored figure helped each other. Chutian once again teleported millions of miles, leaving no trace of breath and a little trace.

In the next moment, a dark hand with a radius of ten thousand miles condensed out of thin air. A black light in the palm of the hand is like a black sun emitting a suffocating dark light. The palm of the palm of the hand is photographed to the ground, and at a cost, Even if you break the mountains and rivers, you must let Chu Tian die with the posture.

There was a gust of wind in the sky, and a palm of the palm of the hand that was several times larger than the dark hand swayed the infinite cloud, and gently crushed the dark hand with a palm.

"Western Heaven... This is the land of the deity. Are you distracted and dare to let go?"

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