Heavenly Lord of the Myriad Realms

Chapter 569: Heavenly army? Rich mine! (1)

In the celestial world, the white glaze lamp has just accumulated a thin layer of gold and red two-color mana suddenly burned most of it!

In the next moment, Chu Tian’s body was gray and white, and the gas was like a wolf, and it was tens of thousands of feet high. He clenched his fists, squeezed the air from the palm of his hand, and a loud roar of sound screamed like a thunder, shaking around the void.

After a hundred days, the body will also sway, and they will be dizzy by the sound of Chutian’s fist clenching. They will stop the crazy attack one by one, and several weaker days will be more wings. They were stiff and lost their floating power. They fell from the air and fell into the boiling magma below.

The law naturally screams ‘Impossible’!

Chutian laughed and punched the frozen sky and smashed it. Only a group of people’s head-sized light clusters emerged. Chu Tian grabbed the light group and waited for it to swell and burst, the heaven and earth furnace would It swallowed it all.

In the heavenly environment, the soul of the sky shimmers with brilliant light. Chutian urgently communicates with the melting pot of the heavens and the earth. The black flame surrounds this light group. A great attraction comes, and countless whole bodies shine with a faint golden light. Was forced out of the light group.

A **** will have thousands of souls in the body!

Chutian is quite astonished at this number, but also extremely helpless to look at these souls!

Tens of millions of souls shine with faint brilliance. They seem to have sensed that their worshippers have been killed. They cursed in the mad screams and cursed Chutian’s 'small gods' with the most vicious words. Crime against the sky'!

Hot potato!

Chu Tian helplessly sighs in the sky, he really has nothing to do with these souls!

He is not a fierce and violent mob. These people are used by inexplicable means, perhaps voluntarily, or forced to turn into the most devout devotees, living in the small world of these heavenly soldiers. Constantly provide devout faith!

These souls are innocent!

Chutian will not be able to kill them like those Heavenly Soldiers!

But how do you deal with them?

"Super?" Chutian’s mind flashed an extremely unreliable thought: "I will recite a few verses such as the Diamond Sutra and the Sangha Sutra, but...excessive, in this heaven and earth law Isn't the general world useful? Is there a six-revolution in this world? Is there an 18-layer hell? Is there a Western Heavenly Bliss World? This, this makes me very embarrassed!"

At this time, the white glazed lamp 盏 放 盏 盏 盏 盏 盏 盏 盏 盏 盏 盏 盏 盏 盏 盏 盏 盏 盏 盏 盏 盏 盏 盏 盏 盏 盏 盏 盏 盏 盏 盏 盏 盏 盏 盏 盏 盏 盏 盏 盏 盏 盏

The golden light of the million souls suddenly became bleak, and then quickly extinguished.

As soon as the golden light is swayed away by the white glazed lamp, each golden light is turned into a large amount of pure mana in the lamp urn. These face-faced, angry souls gradually become dull and peaceful, and there is no such a frenetic, crazy anger filled with face.

Gradually, their bodies became erratic and embarrassing, and there was a faint suction from the heavens and the earth outside Chutian, sucking on these souls.

Chu Tian thought of a move, he let go of the melting pot of heaven and earth, tens of millions of transparent, calm and peaceful souls quickly flew out of his body, after a strange space twist around the world, these souls disappeared.

Chu Tian Ming Wu, these souls that have been washed away by his fanaticism have entered the volcanic cycle of this world.

Around the Tianbing Tian, ​​they also issued a nearly crazy snoring, hundreds of stunned celestial celestial beings, hundreds of treacherous Tianbing soldiers also stood up at the same time, and quickly smashed to Chutian come.

Chutian laughed, and the grayish-white yin and tempering around him was like a giant scorpion rushing through the square. The place where the yin gas passes, the air is frozen, and it becomes a large piece of grayish white ice and snow falling continuously.

One after another, one after another, the Heavenly Soldiers were rubbed against the body by the yin of the Taiyin. The yin of the Taiyin was extremely cold. They were frozen by the ice and fell involuntarily.

The lotus flower surrounded by the black flames of Chutian is just right. A small vortex rotates in the middle of the lotus. The falling Tianbing days will be swallowed up by the vortex in the lotus and directly inhaled into the melting pot of the heavens.

The black flame in the melting pot of the heavens and the earth burns, and the origin is traced back to the source. After the day, it is innate, and the essence of the world is extracted.

A sacred heavenly corps will not be able to blew itself, and will be refining with a black flame along with the small world in their bodies.

The white glazed lamp slammed slightly, and the blue light shone on the golden souls released from the small world. A glimpse of thick or light gold was swallowed up by the lamp, and the pure mana that turned into gold and red continually hoarded in the lamp.

The mana inside the white glazed lamp is getting thicker and thicker, more and more pure, and the lights are getting brighter and brighter.

A translucent, flat and serene soul flew out of Chutian. They smiled and nodded to Chutian, and then they were swallowed up by the reincarnation system of this world and went where they should go.

The law naturally stunned and looked at the vision that appeared around Chutian. He screamed hysterically: "Heterodox! Demon! You, you, you ants, how can you have such a means? You, you, how can you In the end of the world, can you still have such magical powers?"

"The end of the world!" Chutian easily harvested these Heavenly Soldiers, while laughing and watching the law naturally nodded: "I still want to thank you. Oh, heaven is natural, if not you mention me, I How do you know the secrets of these Heavenly Soldiers?"

The law is almost a hands-on church. How Chutian fights in the end of the law world, how can he have a certain combat power in the end of the law world!

Speaking of it, the law is naturally his teacher?

Of course, Chutian will not remember the natural benefits of the law for this kind of thing. It’s true that Chu Tianning can put credit on his head!

Chutian body has a blue color oozing out, and the blue glory surrounds Jiu Yaojia, which isolates the erosion of the end of the law against Jiu Yaojia. Jiu Yaojia is swaying cheerfully, and the whole body emits a dazzling dark golden light.

In the melting pot of the heavens and the earth, a group of pure ‘those materials’ constantly flew out. Under the thought of Chutian, these ‘those materials’ continued to fly into Jiu Yaojia. Seeing the numerous cracks inside Jiu Yaojia disappear one by one, the breath of Jiu Yaojia gradually became stronger.

The mottled traces that had just been attacked by the celestial gangs disappeared in just a quarter of an hour.

During this quarter of an hour, the law naturally did its best and hysterically escaped to the distance.

But the speed of his escape is so slow, it is not much faster than an ordinary running horse. For a quarter of an hour, he actually escaped only twenty miles!

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