Chu Tian quietly stood on the big pit called ‘the remnant of the heaven and earth.”

Yes, ruins, big pit!

More than a hundred Heavenly Soldiers will be dying and dying. The terrible lethality sweeps across the core mountain gates of the Fa-rectification of the whole world. The tens of thousands of miles of mountains are swept away. Below the Chutian, it is a diameter of a thousand miles deep. A round pit with a thousand miles.

At the edge of the pit, there is a very deep radiant ditch that extends straight into the distance.

These ditches tear open up the mountains and smashed countless rivers. The sewage on the ground is horizontal and horizontal, and the black smell is continuously ejected from the cracks on the earth.

The original Dongtianfu land has now become a **** on earth.

The elite disciples of the Fa-rectification of Heaven and Earth are completely extinct, only the peripheral servants, servants, and some good luck disciples remain. They struggled in the ruins of chaos, and they burst into tears.

In the sky, in the golden gap, two golden hands were madly torn.

The gap gradually expanded, and the golden figure squirmed hard. One of his arms penetrated a thick light curtain and reached into the world. Then the shoulders, the head, the other arm...

Below this golden gap, there is a thick black thundercloud that is rapidly gathering. Numerous sparkling screams flashed in the dark clouds, constantly making a deafening thunder, silently accumulating power, ready to make a violent blow.

A quarter of an hour, two quarters...

One hour, two hours...

Chutian was originally standing in the void, carrying a pair of high-profile people with his hands on his back, waiting quietly for the general of the golden figure.

After half an hour, he had already landed on the ground, posing a square table, a bunch of fresh melons, and two roast chickens, a few oily hooves, and a stewed mountain turtle. A large pile of deer meat, plus a few jars of fragrant wine, and the rat scent to drink.

"Hey, how many years have you been so happy and happy?" The mouse was sitting on the table with his legs crossed, and he was holding a wine cellar with his claws, and he sipped the glass of wine in the cup and quickly lived. Spit a drink!

"Which, people go to the heights, the heights are not cold! The higher the standing, the greater the risk, the so-called Mu Xiu Yulin, the wind will destroy!" Chutian Zhangkou is a skilled nonsense, he gave the mouse Filled with a glass of wine, said with emotion: "When the fisherman was in the country, how happy are our brothers? Collecting fish money every day, pitting a few local tyrants, slaughtering several big households..."

The Rat has killed a glass of wine, and he nostalgicly said: "Look at a few small widows - take a shower! Hey, this day, it’s really happy!"

Lord, you have a cup of my drink.

In the sky, the golden figure seems to have discovered the actions of Chu Tian and the mouse. He is roaring in anger, and his body is constantly surging with the water, the wind and the wind, and the hands are violently waving, constantly bombarding the gap. Void.

The cracks in the void are constantly emerging, but the ideology of this world constantly repairs the cracks of the void. No matter how the figure struggles, he can only be a trace of it, little by little, and slowly climb out of the golden gap.

The thunderclouds around the world are getting thicker and thicker, and the power of the thunder is getting bigger and bigger.

When the golden figure half of the body struggled out of the golden gap, an inexplicable pressure was swept across the square like a torrent.

In the sound of '咔咔', the land around Chutian and the Rat is cracking, and the ground does not break open a crack that is several kilometers wide and thousands of miles long. The lava is looming in the depths of the crack, and there are arrogant from time to time. The hot wind rushed out from the ground.

‘嗤啦’ a loud noise, in the dark clouds of high altitude, a snarling thunder of a water tank squatted on the face of the golden figure.

The golden figure flashed through the large pieces of Huaguang, the thunder broke, the fire spattered, and the thunder did not seem to cause any harm to him, but the speed that made him enter the world seemed to slow down a little.

One after another, the mad thunder smashed out and kept squatting on the man.

The thunder roared, the electric light was shining, the thunder of terror shook the earth, and the circular volcanoes on the earth rushed out. These new volcanoes ejected a black smoke column, and a large amount of magma spewed out, unscrupulously flooding. .

Chu Tian and the mouse are taking a sigh of relief at the same time!

This is not the phenomenon that this golden figure wants to forcibly come to this world. Look at the location of the rift and the volcano's emergence. They are all located in the gate of the Zheng Famen of Heaven and Earth!

This is the world of this side, in the opportunity of forcing a golden figure to retaliate against the heavens and the earth!

The act of extracting the origin of this world from the Fa-rectification of Heaven and Earth has greatly offended this world. The earthquake is angered, and it is necessary to use the supreme power to retaliate against the heavens and the earth. Hehe, after this war, the mountain gate of the Fa-rectification of Heaven and Earth is bound to become a Jedi that is not a grass!

The real weeds are rooted, and there is no room left!

"Oh, this is a sinful world!" The Rat said with a loud voice: "Really, offended!"

Chu Tian smiled and stood up. He dropped his jug and praised him for his sudden flash of light: "Right, we are stupid. What are you doing here silly? Hehe, look at him. Can't advance and retreat, rush to him!"

The little eyes of the mouse suddenly shimmered, and he was so excited that his white hair was erected. '吱吱' screamed: "Miao, the mouse is stupid! Hurry up, go up, swear at him! Pile of cow dung, paste his face!"

Chu Tian and the mouse screamed and laughed, and the two men smiled inexplicably, and they turned into a blue cyan to go straight into the sky.

Suddenly there was a gust of wind around, and the original consciousness of this world seemed to have guessed their intentions. A hurricane turned into a transparent curtain to wrap them. The speed of Chutian Yujian’s flight rose ten times, a few breaths. The time came to a very high and high sky.

Just a few hundred feet ahead of them, a golden figure with a height of two feet is struggling fiercely. His waist and abdomen have been forced into this world, leaving only two legs left at the other end of the golden gap. .

Chu Tian and the mouse also appeared in front of him. This golden figure seemed to feel something. He was very angry and screamed and looked up to Chu Tian and the mouse.

"The ants, are you destroying the heavens and the right way?" The golden figure roared wildly.

“蝼 蝼?” Chu Tian smiled. He looked at the golden figure who could not go back and forth. “In the past, there was a group of people who liked to call people’s squats. Then they died very badly! They didn’t dream. I think, in fact, in the eyes of some people, they are just tools that can be discarded at any time."

"Do you call us ants? Then, what do you look like now?"

Chutian’s body flashed and suddenly came to the golden figure, and he smacked it.

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