Heavenly Lord of the Myriad Realms

Chapter 558: Fa-rectification (2)

"Damn!" In the caves of the prisoners, dozens of heavy prisoners screamed at the same time.

Unbelievably shocked, hysterical greed, dozens of felons imprisoned by the scorpion **** Lei Zong stretched out their hands, regardless of the eye-catching electric light ejected from the metal fence, they swayed their hands, they swayed like a wild beast. Howling.

"The Heaven and Earth Lingen!" is qualified to be imprisoned in the martyrdom of the Nine Gods Lei Zong, and is imprisoned in the deepest prison of the most powerful prison. These heavy prisoners are the devils of this world's world of cultivation, their Naturally, the vision is not comparable to that of ordinary monks.

They saw it at a glance, this is the root of heaven and earth!

And it is still the innate root of the roots - the strange roots that can only be born when the heavens and the earth are opened up!

Congenital roots, even if a leaf has the power to change the earth, can be turned into a magic, with endless magical power!

In the legend, any one of the lucky people in this world who got the innate roots, they all soared smoothly, and after the ascent, they all became famous and famous people. The most powerful sects in the world are these lucky ones. The legacy left by children!

Just in front of them, a world of spirits, and a congenital root!

Moreover, it is a spiritual root that has never been recorded in the classics, and the form and characteristics are completely different from the known innate roots!

"My, mine, mine!" The face of the big Hans hysterical screamed toward Chu Tian: "Little scorpion, this baby is mine, it is mine, I am damaging..."

Chu Tian backhanded and pressed out.

Huge power swayed the air, and the air overlapped layer by layer. The black handprint of a singular circle screamed out with a terrible hurricane, hitting the prison cave where the great man was!

A loud noise, the metal fence at the entrance of the cave, together with all the defenses on the top, was crushed by a palm. The entire cave disappeared, leaving only a huge handprint of hundreds of feet deep on the mountain wall!

狰狞大汉...hey famous people slaughter...nothing!

Completely vanished, no hair left.

Even if there is no effort.

Even just physical strength!

Chutian is still a terrible existence for the monks of the last era.

"Give me all shut up, otherwise, go to hell!" Chu Tian turned back and glanced at these stunned prisoners. He said coldly: "There was no imprisonment here by the nine gods Lei Zong. So you are killed. You, I have no psychological pressure!"

Grinning, Chutian faintly said: "In fact, my duty in the prison is to monitor the world, and to deal with your mob, hehe!"

Chutian 'hehe' sneered, his smoldering gas in the prison temple was born, and the prisoners instinctively perceive the bloodyness of Chutian who is more cruel than the jailer of Jiuyi Shen Leizong. Intention, they closed their mouths and returned to the depths of their caves, and dared not to make a little more noise.

Chu Tian and the Rat Lord looked at each other and smiled at the same time. They looked at the flower trees that were suspended in front of them, only three feet high, but radiant and gorgeous.

There are different flowers of different sizes, such as peony, such as lotus, such as rhododendron, such as sea bream, such as medlar, such as plum, but also peach and plum, and one hundred and eight flowers. Beautiful.

In addition, the color of one hundred and eight odd flowers is also different, not only the color of each flower is different, but also the color of each petal is rich and profound. At first glance, this flower tree is simply integrated into all the colors between the heavens and the earth, beautiful and beautiful.

"Congenital roots, hehe, actually is the innate root! Oh, this world really knows that you have to finish, so even the baby has come out!" The mouse is so excited that he is all over the body: "Day Brother, accept it, this baby does not know whether it can be the result, if it can produce results..."

Chutian reached out and held the slender trunk of the flower tree.

A horrible sense of chaos emerged from the core of this flower tree. The ideology of this heaven and earth roots has not yet formed, and only a little ignorant wisdom sleeps deep in the trunk. However, Chutian wanted to conquer him, and immediately ushered in the crazy counterattack of this flower tree!

The horrible spiritual shock hits Chutian like a tsunami. Chutian snorted and his scorpion suddenly changed color. A pair of scorpions became golden and spurt out of the sun, and a scorpion turned gray. Constantly spurting out the yin gas.

The sun made a vibrating bell, and the Taiyin Wanhuan wheel slowly rotated.

The melting pot of the heavens and earth will send a black smear along the body of Chutian. A black flame clings to the palm of Chutian and presses on the flower tree.

The mad and powerful spiritual shock of the flower tree quietly dissipated, and the instinct of surrendered into the heart of Chutian. Chutian ‘haha’ laughed loudly, and this flower tree turned into a beautiful and beautiful ray of light, and instantly fell into the body of Chutian, quietly suspended in his god’s heaven.

"It’s a guy who doesn’t have a good time.” The mouse snorted with a sigh of relief: "The rat is still thinking that he will die and die!"

Chu Tian smiled and touched the head of the mouse, and said with a smile: "The mouse, hurry, and sniff, the nine gods, Lei Zong, there are other treasures. Oh, I already know What is the use of this baby, it is simply... infinite use!"

Chutian has indeed sensed the magical effect of this world.

‘Tiandao Miaoshu’ may be rude, and he is directly referred to by this name – every flower in this tree can carry a avenue of the road and can be condensed into a boulevard!

To put it bluntly, with this wonderful tree, Chutian can differentiate 108 avatars, such as the sun, the yin avatar, the kendo avatar, etc... These avatars are harmless in the body of Chutian, but they can Great to enhance Chutian's combat power and survivability.

In particular, once Chutian uses his refining ingredients, once the body is injured, as long as he recovers a few avatars, he can immediately repair the injury with the help of the avatar feedback.

The trunk of this heavenly tree is able to refine the second true body of Chutian.

The second true body can be regarded as a replica completely controlled by Chutian, possessing all the magical powers and cultivations of Chutian.

This can directly increase the strength of Chutian, and more importantly, in the future, regardless of any harm, Chutian can be passed on to the second real body, as long as the second body does not collapse, Chu Tian’s deity will be innocent.

Chutian is in the midst of introducing the benefits of the heavenly tree to the mouse, and the recidivisms in the law have already spurted their eyes and screamed one by one.

Chu Tian looked coldly at these heavy screams, and was wondering if they should teach them a good meal. A very weak sense of crisis fell from the sky.

In the next moment, the magical law of Chutian collapsed, and the mountain above was instantly turned into fly ash. A horrible force descended from the sky, completely wiped out the mountain where the entire law was located, and it was deep underground. Large rock formations are directly vaporized.

As a horrible blow, Chu Tian looked around and found that one-third of the nine-nine **** Lei Zong had disappeared.

A cold voice came from the sky: "For the heavens? Do you want to kill the heavens and the right way? Are you, too?"

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