Heavenly Lord of the Myriad Realms

Chapter 556: Please dream (1)

The black list of the heavens and the earth is violently shocked. A wave of horrible black frenzy spreads with the sorrowful death to the surrounding. In the mountain gates of the Fa-rectification of the heavens and the earth, the magnificent or beautiful mountains are silently annihilated in the black tide.

Countless heaven and earth, the Fa-rectification Gate is like a wasp that blows up the nest, and flies to the surrounding wolves.

They are overwhelmed by the blacklists of the world that are raging in the distance. This is the treasure that the Heaven and Earth Fa-rectification is used to deter other sects and suppress the air traffic of the sect. It is the most terrible of the few ancestral treasures. The best baby to kill!

But today, how can the Heaven and Earth Black List suddenly shoot at their own homes?

Dozens of high-level mouths of the Fa-rectification of Heaven and Earth spit blood, swaying and swaying, and fluttering around.

They also dare not face the terrible power of the blacklists in the world.

The world is already in the era of the end of the law, and the power of the blackouts of the heavens and the earth is far less than that of the time of Taikoo, but the essence of his power has not changed at all. It is the master of the pure death power of this world!

When you touch it, you die, wipe it and die, and the high-level side of the Fa-rectification of the Fa-rectification is running away. Generally speaking, you are screaming and swearing, trying to awaken the ingenuity of the blacklist of heaven and earth, and let him put away the power of raging.

The Heaven and Earth Black List does not take care of the tops of these heaven and earth.

Of course, he used to be a true ancestor of a distant ancient ancestor of the Fa-rectification of Heaven and Earth. Of course, he and the heaven and earth Zhengfamen have a bit of incense.

But the ancestor has long since vanished, and the world has stepped back to the end of the era of law, which makes the world blacklists born in the same world feel uncomfortable. Especially the gods have a spirit, the heaven and earth black list knows why the end of the world is born!

These little guys in the Fa-rectification of Heaven and Earth, they put the whole world in the edge of desperation!

Heaven and Earth black list does not like them!

No matter what excuses, what reasons, the decline of the world, the power of the black list of the world will also decline. The black list of the heavens and the earth that had never been destroyed in the past, there is actually a feeling of dying and powerless!

Well, the behavior of the Fa-rectification of Heaven and Earth has already exhausted the incense! Now, the Heaven and Earth Black List is going to live for yourself!

A low-pitched whistling sound rushed out of the blacklist of heaven and earth. It was a horrible horror with a total of 49,000 faucets. The huge black dragons emerged from the gang of celestial gangs. The black dragon smashed the ninety-eight thousand Sensen eyes and glanced at the disciples of the Fa-rectification of all the heavens and the people present. Then he lowered his head and sucked at the ground.

The only remaining giant vein in the gate of the Fa-rectification of Heaven and Earth is violently shocked, turning into a black dragon that has been tens of thousands of miles long and has been caught from the ground by the hardships of the world. The dragon swallowed it.

Just like a giant swallowing a fried soybean, there is no difficulty, and it is easy to flatten to the extreme.

Losing the nourishment of only one giant vein in the ground, the mountain gate of the Fa-rectification of the heavens and the earth violently fluctuated, and the mountains and plains that were originally clear and beautiful, suddenly cast a layer of grayish yellow decay.

"Predecessors!" The high-level screams of the Fa-rectifications of the heavens and the earth screamed exhaustedly, desperately desperate.

At the end of the heavens and the earth, this giant spirituality is the elders of the three generations of the Fa-rectification of Heaven and Earth. It has consumed countless efforts, and it is easy to use the last thread preserved in a large array.

Relying on this giant spirituality, the Fa-rectification of Heaven and Earth is confident that even if the end of the law comes, the seedlings of the Fa-rectification of the heavens and the earth will not be cut off, the inheritance of the Zongmen can still be passed down safely, and there are three or five of each generation. The emergence of a master of power is enough to maintain the position of the Fa-rectification of Heaven and Earth in this world!

Heaven and Earth Black List actually took this giant thread away!

This is to completely break the inheritance of the Fa-rectification of Heaven and Earth. This is the seedlings who must completely cut off the Fa-rectification of Heaven and Earth!

Without the spirit, there is no heaven and earth spirit, let your heaven and earth Zheng Famen have countless magical secrets, let you have countless wonderful books, what is the use of those books? Ignite stew noodles to eat?

The body of the black and horrible dragon, the 49,000 faucets slowly rises, and the huge and incredible dragon body flies up into the sky. The body of the black and white list is a black aura entwined with the dragon's body. Just listen to a loud noise, the void was broken open a huge hole, the world black list disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, in addition to the black list of the drug Wangmenshan Gate, the countless world blacklists all over the world have turned into a thin black spirit flying into the sky.

At the same time, countless people who were banned by the black-and-white list of the world had a sigh of darkness and quickly sneaked into the sky with the black list.

Countless people who were banned by the black-and-white list were first stunned, and then countless people cheered happily.

Chu Tian quietly stood at the gate of Yaowangmen. The chain of a red and gold color of the eyebrows gradually burned. The golden sun was burning with fire, and the gold and red two-color chains continued to drill into the black list. In the avatar, the madness of the pursuit of the world's black list of the true spirit.

"Found it... and, is coming over!" Chutian felt the horror of the body of the blacklist.

He whispered a smile, the body of the earth furnace, the infinite **** beads, the sun made clock, the Taiyin Wanhua wheel four pieces of supreme heaven also converged all the breath, they quietly lurking in the Chutian body, silently accumulated Strength, ready to give the world black list a good look.

Although these four Supreme Heavenly Devices have been hit hard, the power that can be used is less than one ten thousandth of the peak.

But the world has also fallen into the brink of the end of the law. With the decline of the world's origins, his power is also waning. He is certainly not hurt, but the power that can be called is extremely limited.

Four dozens, steady win!

In particular, there is Chutian sitting in the town, and the "Dream of the Big Dream" constantly invades the black list of the world!

Chu Tian whispered, suddenly there was a loud noise, a body length of tens of thousands of miles, gave birth to 49,000 faucets, the horrible, majestic black dragon directly from the void.

The dragon slammed down, and nine thousand eight thousand eyes stared at Chutian.

In the moment when the black list of heaven and earth appeared, a terrible soul pressure swept through all directions, and all the people in the drug king door vomited and fainted at the same time.

Their cultivation is too low. They don’t even have the qualifications to face up to the blacklist of the heavens and the earth. They just sense the breath of the blacklists in the heavens and the earth, just as the soul was punched by people, all of them fell to the ground. .

The body of the black and white list of heaven and earth descends from the sky, and merges with the body in front of Chutian.

His life is really low and squatting, turning into a black gas into the eyebrows of Chutian, appearing in his gods and heavens.

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