Heavenly Lord of the Myriad Realms

Chapter 544: Great collapse (1)

"Life is hard! Rats want to keep an old age, how can it be so difficult?"

Quietly squatting on the defensive enchantment of the giant ship, the surface of the body of the mouse swayed with silver, and the figure gradually became sloppy and dull, and finally completely integrated into the void.

He didn't move, didn't give off any breath, and quietly waited for the opportunity.

Zi Wanzhong, and a few purple valve elders behind him gave the rats great pressure. He did not dare to change. Otherwise, he and Chu Tian would be here, and there was no chance to escape.

"It’s strange that these little scorpions don’t seem to be very strong.” The whispered to himself: "I feel that one tail can kill several... but... but... but... ”

A faint silver light flashed through the throat of the Rat. In his mind, some extremely fragmented pieces of broken memory turned up, and then they were smashed by the silver light, completely disappeared.

The mouse closed his eyes, and the little cheeks violently twitched: "Hey, the hero does not mention the courage of the year... The words of Tian Geer are justified! These purple valve guys, except the little girl, other Everyone is damn, hey, what a group of bastards?"

Several chains stretched out from the void, tied the hands and feet of Chutian, and hung him in the bow of the giant ship.

Ziwan waved a transparent dagger, slowly cutting the clothes on Chutian's body, revealing his body wrapped in cyan thin ice. Like the slaughterhouse's butcher picking pigs and pigs, Zi Wan took the Chuan's body with the dagger's knife face and smiled and said: "It's very strong, hey, the cut feel must be very good."

Chu Tian looked at the purple and heavy, could not help but sneer: "The cathode cold has frozen all my feelings, are you useful for me,"?

Zi Wan looked up and looked at Chu Tian’s smile. “It’s not for you to feel pain when you are sentenced. Just let you feel the fear. You have to know that fear sometimes The pain is even more terrible."

"You can't feel the pain, but you look at yourself being shredded bit by bit, licking your skin a little bit, pulling out your bones and flesh one by one, taking the bones of your body one by one. Come out, polish your face and make all kinds of interesting utensils!"

I took a picture of Chu Tian’s calf bone. Zi Wan smiled and said: “For example, your calf bones can make a bone flute. Then, play the flute made with your bones in front of you, this feeling how about it?"

"You will be slow, very slow, watching yourself being broken into pieces by a little bit. You can't resist, you can't move, you don't feel, you don't have pain, it's like being in a nightmare." Looking at Chutian: "Trust me, the lethality of this set of penalties is much more useful than the torture of the prison temple that you worked for that year."

"A lot of erring people of the Tianzu people, there are many people who have the power of heaven and earth. When I put them to the lumbar vertebrae at most, they are crazy." Zi Wanzhong sneered and laughed: "So I said they are waste, There isn’t even one that can punish."

"How long can you stay?" Zi Wan smiled very brightly, and his hand dipped his head. The skin of the sole of Chu Tian’s foot was layered by his thin piece.

The thin, transparent skin slowly falls, and is tightly attached to the smooth, mirror-like deck that illuminates the silhouette.

Zi Wan looked at Chu Tian and smiled: "The first knife, feel it carefully! Oh, know why you should use the excuses of an urgent military situation to transfer you out?"

Chutian looked at the thin skin on the deck that belonged to his sole. He said coldly: "Because you are a child?"

Purple is a knife, and the thin skin of the sole of Chu Tian’s other foot is pieced down. He looked up and smiled at Chu Tian and said: "Yes, it is because of the nephew. As long as you are in that world, you can feel the fate of all the people who are related to her."

"So, if you want to win you, you must leave the local world."

"In this river, the repair of the nephew is not enough. She can't know the exact reason for your accident."

The knife flashed, and the purple weight was cut across the board, and a thin skin fell. Although there was no pain and no perception, but watching a thin skin slowly falling, Chu Tian’s eyes were still in a disorder.

There isn't any intelligent creature that can calmly look at himself and be cut off bit by bit.

Even if there is no pain, even if there is no consciousness, the fear in the heart will continue to strengthen with the gradual dismemberment of the body, like a mountain heavy and heavy in the heart. Those who are not determined by the mind will be crushed and crushed by the mind!

The body was frozen, Chutian swallowed a very difficult spit, and his throat muscles moved hard. His mouth was full of tiny ice crystals, and the hard ice crystals rubbed against each other, making a sound of ‘呲呲’.

"You are scared!" Zi Wanzhong immediately pointed this out. He looked at Chutian and smiled. "Here are the people of my purple valve. No one can save you, or simply no one knows that you have fallen. In our hands, I am accepting my punishment."

"Isolation is helpless, I am in a desperate situation, and, I am getting rid of you little by little!" Purple smiled excitedly: "Fear? Start to fear? That's right, then, there are More horrible things are waiting for you! You will be a little bit, see your body structure!"

Zi Wan smiled and said: "At the end, your body will be completely crushed by me, and your soul... You know, our purple valve has countless secrets of searching the soul... When your body collapses, we can Search for your soul!"

Chu Tian bit his teeth and looked at Zi Wanzhong: "Why, don't you directly search for the soul?"

Zi Wan laughed and looked at Chu Tian, ​​while cutting a thin layer of skin from his soles, and whispered softly: "Of course, let you fear! Fear is a magical power that will shake your mind." Shake your mind and smash your psychological defense. The soul of a calm, calm person is of course more difficult to deal with than a madman!"

Spreading his hands, Zi Wan smiled: "In any case, we have enough time to concoct you. Why not choose a more convenient way?"

He looked at Chu Tian and smiled: "Especially, in case, I mean, if you can't hold back the pressure and take the initiative to confess, isn't it better than our soul search? The secret of searching the soul, there will always be a leak. If you missed any important information, is it not our loss?"

The purple valve elders holding the round mirror smiled, the aura in the round mirror flickered, and the silky light was locked in the treasures of Chutian.

Several purple valve elders stand solemnly standing behind Zi Wanzhong, posing a posture that is waiting for the battle!

Chu Tian laughed: "It turns out that you are also afraid that the Supreme Heavenly Device in my body will burst into trouble... Oh, but I can't communicate with them now. My soul is frozen!"

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