Heavenly Lord of the Myriad Realms

Chapter 523: God's thinking (2)

"So, that corner... four snake heads..." Chu Tian looked at Qingyang.

"The four horns of the horns are unpredictable, and the four snake heads of the horns can also be regarded as the four heavens." Qingyang sneered aloud: "The strength of the four-way Tiandao Baolun is only controlled by four different Heaven and Earth Law, hey!"

The thirty-sixth treasure wheel behind Qingyang melted back into the body, and his body gradually became restrained. It was very windy and light and said: "So, this is just a quenching, the quenching of the nephew."

Stretching out his right hand and understating the black void in front of him, Qingyang said lightly: "The gangs are hard to get around, but the guys who invaded this time are not worth anything. You know, just borrow Their hands smashed the decaying tree."

"When they have finished the task..." Qingyang grinned very strangely. He looked at Chutian and whispered: "The many characteristics of the family of the horns are very interesting and useful. The ancestors used to replace the perfection of those wastes." Although creation is perfect enough, it does not prevent them from becoming more perfect, isn't it?"

Chutian is keen to correct the grammar of Qingyang.

Perfection is the ultimate, how can there be the concept of ‘more perfect’?

However, think about the thirty-six roads behind Qingyang that exudes a horrible atmosphere, which can almost crush the Tiandaobao wheel of the heavens and the earth. Chutian closed his mouth, just staring at the battlefield in front of the fireworks.

Qingyang, who is self-proclaimed as a god, their ideas are really different from mortals.

At the same time, in the soup valley of the land of God's blessing, the boiling water of the boiling hot springs is filled with water, and a golden throne is suspended in the hot spring. The sun is sitting on the throne, standing facelessly. Two men in front of him.

A man is nearly two feet tall, graceful and graceful, and his face is more than a secular emperor.

Wearing a pale gold robes, his face was pale and his breath was a little weak and flickering. He seemed to be seriously injured and he did not heal.

The other man is clearly a family of horns. He is wearing a full set of black heavy armor. Only a beautiful face is exposed. He is only one foot tall, which is extraordinarily superior to his two-foot-high companion. Slender and petite.

However, compared to sitting on the throne, the height is ten feet wide, and the sun is surrounded by the flames of the Sun Tianzun, both of them are so short, the breath of the two is completely suppressed by the huge gas field emitted by the Sun Tianzun.

"You, courage!" Sun Tianzun was very interested in watching the man who was two feet tall: "The road can't, hey, I don't have an impression of you, that is, you were born after the war of that year... ...rebellious?"

The big sundial and the big Japanese, who stood by the Sun Tianzun, laughed at the same time. They approached one step forward and made a posture that could not be smothered at any time.

The Tao can't talk lightly: "Tianzun said yes, that is. But this time, it is not impossible to discuss the matter with Tianzun!"

Sun Tianzun narrowed his eyes and said coldly: "I should now order that you should take care of your oysters, and then slice them and cook them to feed the fire crows. Although the flesh and blood of these monsters made by mortals should taste not so good."

The Mongols standing on the side snorted: "Indigenous gods, listen to me!"

"Shut up! The demon outside the sky!" Sun Tianzun fiercely took up a golden scepter, and smashed it with a stick.

The horned horn screamed, and a large black gas rushed out behind him. A giant python that had twenty-four snake heads screamed out and opened his mouth and bit the golden scepter.

A loud bang, the boiling hot spring below blew out the waves of the sky, the horns of the people spurting blood, and the sun was smashed by the sun, and his body was smashed, and a lot of black sticky blood spouted. , quickly blackened a large hot spring.

"Little bugs, there is no place for you to talk here!" Sun Tianzun sneered in disapproval: "Although the deity is unrecognized, but you are the little ants... Remember, the deity is the Lord of the Sun, the most heaven and earth in this world. One of the noble existences."

The road couldn't take a breath of cold air. He looked at the Sun Tianzun and said in a low voice: "I don't think you can reply so fast!"

Sun Tianzun leaned his scepter on his knees. He couldn’t calmly look at the road: “Of course, if you don’t reply faster, even a mortal little guy dares to blow his nose to the deity... oh, unfortunately This mortal little guy is not here these days, otherwise..."

Sun Tian Zun bit his teeth and looked at the direction of the God of War in an angry manner.

It is possible to hit a horn-horned person who has the power of 24 robbery and vomiting blood to the ground. The repair of Sun Tianzun has obviously recovered a lot.

If Chu Tian dares to appear in front of him now, he will not let Chu Tian.

The Tao could not respectfully bow to the Sun Tianzun: "So, I will just say it. I am here to join you to form a covenant and subvert the heavens. If you are interested, then we will draft the Covenant Terms. I think, you will be interested, isn't it?"

Sun Tianzun suddenly looked at the road: "Well? How do you think that I will be interested? Instead of killing you directly?"

The road can't straighten up, he looks at the sun and respects: "Who is this world, who knows you better than us? As the most distinguished member of the ancient gods, your words and deeds do not follow the rules of heaven and earth. Is the final decision made from the perspective of the most favorable rules for maintaining the world?"

The road can't sneer: "Even if I am a rebellious one, but I want to subvert the heavens, isn't that what you are going to do?"

"Without feelings, no emotions, no emotions, all external emotions are just disguise. The bones are the ruthless ruthless will of the heavens and the earth. This is the true face of the ancient gods."

"You want to destroy the heavens, there is no doubt about it."

"But your strength has not recovered, you can't destroy the heavens."

"In this case, for me who come to the door, there is also a family of horns. What else do you hesitate? With your nature, you should now calculate, how to use us, how to squeeze our more Value, help you achieve the goal of eliminating rebellion and restoring the original rules of the heavens and the earth?"

The road can't be laughed at the Sun Tianzun: "Put up your angry face... Seeing the expression on the face of a real god, it's really... disgusting!"

If the road is impossible, it is very sharp, very mean, and even with obvious provocation.

However, Sun Tianzun was not angry. All the expressions on his face disappeared instantly. A cold, indifferent, mask-like face appeared in front of the Tao. The voice of the Sun Tianzun became extremely indifferent and ruthless. "Say, let's talk, ants, how do you want to cooperate?"

"Get rid of all the celestial beings and eliminate all rebelliousness. Of course, I must do this."

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