Heavenly Lord of the Myriad Realms

Chapter 519: Funeral (1)

"These horned monsters can be killed by ordinary means!" The old **** of the mouse is standing on the shoulders of Chutian, watching the horns and thunder torch approaching step by step.

"Did you not kill one?" Chutian remembered the horned owl that was killed by the rat, that is, the general of the lover of Yan Xiuer.

"The mouse broke his body bones and swallowed his soul! This killed him." The mouse seems to have remembered something that was unbearable. He grabbed his throat with strong hands and made a vomiting look.

"However, these horned guys, their souls are too ridiculous. A stink... It’s like a sea fish that has been in the pickle jar for 30 years, even the viscera has not been cleaned... too unpalatable It is."

The mouse sighed and vomited and spit, and said dryly: "This is the case, the general of the horn, there is still a real soul to escape, and he has not completely destroyed him. These guys are hard to get rid of!"

Chu Tian patted the head of the mouse, and the mouse slammed into his sleeve.

The idiot who is used to sneaking things, never likes to face the enemy face-to-face. He likes to hide in all the dark corners, sneak a peek at the enemy's weaknesses, and then hit a hit.

Either steal all your valuable treasures or steal your life. This is the rhythm that the mouse is most familiar with.

"Just the sword, it hurts!" The horns approached Chutian step by step. Behind him, a strange black four-headed python swayed slowly, and the eyes of the giant scorpion spurted the evil spirits. The tsunami flooded over to Chutian.

"Unfortunately, I couldn't kill you!" After listening to the words of the Rat, Chutian knew how difficult these people were. He was really sorry, he couldn’t kill the horns with a sword, so that the torch became such a weird look.

"However, it can be a very good thing to ruin my body." Kaku also sincerely admired: "Just, you indigenous people can't understand, as long as we have a warrior and a warrior survives, we will never May be killed."

Chutian looked at the horns and said: "Every warrior of the horns is the avatar of your reserve?"

The corner grinned and waved to the thunder torch that followed: "Go, give birth to him!"

At the important joints of the body, a black, sharp-pointed thunder torch snarled, and the three black-painted treasure wheels spewed thunder, flames and a wave of sounds coming from behind him.

The triple treasure wheel turned black, and the thunder, flames and sound waves ejected from the treasure wheel turned black. The wheel with a diameter of several tens of feet slowly rotated, and when the air suddenly rubbed, a large piece of Mars was splashed, all the Mars. They are also dark as ink, and every Mars will fall to the ground, and the ground will be dyed black.

Lei Ju is like an ink ingot falling into a clear water pond. The black ink spreads everywhere, and unscrupulously pollutes everything around him.

"Lee owner, you, okay?" Chu Tian watched Lei Ju with vigilance.

The abundance of the mythical gods was swiftly rotated, and a wave of pure blue-blue torrents rushed out of the infinite gods, and along the body of Chutian, there were 108 annihilation stars.

The annihilation star beads are hidden in the void, and the invisible force fields overlap and overlap, forming a thick defensive enchantment around Chutian.

The emptiness around Chutian didn't look any different at first glance. In reality, the distorted void has laid down countless heavy-empty barriers around him. The twisted void around him has completely turned into a space labyrinth with an extremely large internal area.

Lei Ju face looked at Chu Tian with no expression, snoring and screaming: "The next species, the **** squat, all the scorpions, should be completely destroyed! Only the celestial beings, only the genius is qualified to survive. This side of the world."

"Looking down... oh... I don't qualify to survive. I really didn't expect that the ancestors of our celestial beings were actually part of those squats!" Lei Ju was alienated, and all his thoughts became extreme and distorted. Cruel, evil, full of chaos and irrationality.

"So, the ancestors of the damn, and the ancestors who know the inside story, they are damned!" Lei Ju snorted and said: "All things and the spiritual environment, the shrine, and the Tianzu people are self-destructive. Under the scorpion, they are damned!"

Leiju fully driven the supernatural powers, and his voice became extremely loud. Every word was rumbling like tens of thousands of dry thunders and blasting at the same time. It was easy to spread thousands of miles.

In the sky, Qingyang, who is battling with the black-spotted horns, is distorted. He looks down at the thunder torch and gnaws his teeth. "Leiju... You dare to marry three ancestors, you, You, you, you sin and die!"

Lei Ju looked up and looked at Qingyang without fear: "Old dog, you are the **** person! My genius is the most noble existence, and I will die if I wait." Especially you Kind of old dog, why don't you die early?"

Qingyang’s face was distorted, and he was slightly divided. God’s sudden movement of the black-horned horned horned man’s body split into nine afterimages. At the same time, he rushed to Qingyang, and Qingyang was not guarded. A great stick hit the shoulder.

Qingyang is a pure spiritual repair. The characteristic of spiritual repair is that it only emphasizes the cultivation of the soul, and does not care much about the physical body.

Of course, as the sixth generation disciple of Sanxianmen, Qingyang, who has a high weight, has taken innumerable spirits and spirits for the hardening of the flesh, but he is not really a physical repair after all.

The black stick hit a shot, Qingyang’s left shoulder heard a loud noise from the golden bell, and the igniting light mixed with blood and water splashed out. Qingyang’s pain was terrible, and the entire left shoulder was shattered, and one arm was dripping. The whirlwind flew out dozens of miles away.

Qingyang gritted his teeth and screamed, his right hand five fingers slammed into a weird seal, and a blue thunder screamed down in the air, slamming on the head of the horns.

The power of this mad thunder is extremely amazing, a loud noise, the body of the horned horns collapsed, most of the black flesh and blood fell, and the ground was suddenly eroded by a black pit with hundreds of miles.

Chu Tian’s heavy exhalation, Qingyang is a bit underestimated.

Of course, it is also too much to say that Lei Ju’s words are too big, and Qingyang is a bit out of anger, which is caught by the other side.

Suddenly, the black thunder flashed in front of him, and the thunder torch spurted out a large black electric light and thunder fire, bringing countless residual images to Chutian. His fists were like thunder, and he was heavily stunned to Chutian. For a time, the thunder of the fire was like a tidal wave. The annihilation of the star bead violently slammed, and the layer of space barriers continued to collapse, and then continued to give birth.

The dull percussion sounded incessantly, and the thunderbolt struck over a million hits against Chutian. It was hard to break through the annihilation starburst formed by the annihilation star.

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