Heavenly Demon Cultivation Simulation Chapter 162

Lee Won-Magong (二元魔功) (1) It was not unfamiliar to those who were originally above their peak, to alternately use several magic moves during battle.

Those who reached the climax often had two or more main magic attacks.

When you encounter an enemy with a different fighting style.

Or if the martial arts you use act as a counterpoint to the enemy.

They also attack by changing the form of magic.

However, even those people rarely used two types of magic at the same time.

It is because it was a completely different story to use the two spells at the same time to use them interchangeably.

“Well, are you saying you can do something?” So, from Seolhui's point of view, the use of a magong like the Taehwanggakju was very unfamiliar.

It was not easy to understand the use of magic attacks of different shapes, powers, and properties at the same time, even when looking at them.

Especially when it comes to life-and-death situations...

… .

Proficiency must also be accumulated enough to be used in actual combat.

Goo Oo - Mixed with the opening of the sword in the sword of the wart.

To be precise, black shadows and crimson flames were rising from the tip of his sword.

'How do you deal with this?' Seolhui felt the need to make a decision quickly.

It was because if he had taken a defensive stance for nothing, he could have been driven more frantically.

So, I acted before that.

Whirlik! He moved to the height of his uncle (三寸, 9cm) without his feet touching the floor.

ghost news.

After becoming a secret samurai, it was one of the basic skills of the Seven Lions, a foot technique learned during training for a month.

Of course, what Seol-hui is doing now is light engineering with super-sangbi, and she is doing something of the highest level that makes the opponent unable to read breathing.


Seol-hui's first attack, which narrowed the distance in an instant, was the god of wind.

Before putting in, I changed Jin Cho-hye back on and erased the [Neutral]

of the Super Wind God, so it was easy to unfold.

Kuwait! 'Avoided!' Seolhui felt it the moment she swung her sword.

that the opponent is no longer there.

However, a remnant remains.

I could feel the flow of air right behind my back.


Seol-hui hurriedly turned around and swung the sword containing the bet, and immediately collided with the sword of the Taehwanggakju that appeared in the blink of an eye.

blah blah blah! Both of them were shocked enough to dig their ankles into the ground they were standing on.

However, unlike Seol-hui, who finished the attack, one more tomb was hidden in Taehwanggakju.

In a one-hit fight that was thought to be destroyed by a clash of bets, the energy of the shadow was sent out half a beat later.

'this!' late.

Under the circumstances, there seemed to be no time to unfold the time binding technique.

Seolhui had to receive the energy of the shadow that had been dug up secretly and quickly with her whole body.

Aww! The dark and hazy energy penetrated into two directions, left and right, and exploded as soon as it touched Seolhui's body.

Tsutsu side.

As the dust piled up on the floor due to the explosion, Taehwanggakju looked forward calmly.

And when the smoke slowly cleared, he smiled in a teasing voice.


Did you stop it?” It was said that it was blocked, but there was definitely damage.

Seolhui was clutching one shoulder, and he stood hard with his knee half-bent.

In order to prevent major damage, he had to pour a huge amount of internal air into this defense.

“But this time it will be different.” ji ey ing.

The flames and the energy of shadows that come out again from the tip of the sword.

three times enough.

A stronger force was leaking out than before.

'It is not easy to deal with.' Seolhui's expression hardened.

The two auras used by the Taehwang Pakju.

Surprisingly, each energy was loaded with the unique power of the completed martial arts.

In addition to that, unlike chemical technology, which has the property of exploding, the energy of the shadow has the property of encroaching upon it when it hits.

So, if you simply collided with the energy, you were the one who suffered.

'You have to use more special skills.' Whoops.

Seolhui once again got blood on the back of his hand, and as soon as he raised his head, his eyes opened.

I saw that the Taehwang Paksa disappeared.

'This time to the left.' Papa.

Seol-hui swung his sword at the place where the air current was flowing.

blah blah! Again, the interior collided with him.

Both men were pushed back at the same time because of the chemical explosion's characteristic explosion.

Seolhui hastily expanded the sense of humor in all directions.

He was trying to cope with the energy of the shadow that the opponent had shot.

'Where?' However, when she couldn't find a separate energy, Seolhui bit her lip.

There was no other way.

[Activates Ice and Air Depression.]

Time Binding.

Seolhui, who used his skills for defense rather than attack, looked around and said, 'Ah...

… .' found it then The image of the aura of the shadow floating above his head slowly descending.


Seolhui suddenly twisted his body and got out of there.

At the same time, the bonds of time are released.

Low low low! A streak of light struck down like a whip.

The repulsive force soared the pebbles on the ground into the sky.

"Well?" Taehwanggakju, who saw it, hesitated for a moment.

loss liquid.

After breaking through the soaring gravel, Seolhui's attack continued this time.

“Haab!” Taehwanggakju, who expected a strong offensive, chose to counteract.

The moment he met the sword, he noticed something strange.


'Ice ball?' For a moment, his movements stopped.

A strong wind pressure began to come from Seolhui's sword.

[I use the Super Wind God.]

Kuwaaaang! The wind rose.

A fierce storm smashed the Taihwanggakju's body with authenticity.

His body, which had been resisting strongly with Cheon Geun-ju, was quickly pushed up into the air.

“Now it’s over… … ?!” Seol-hui, who was about to unleash the Sura Explosion Ball, stopped.

He saw the sudden generated air current piercing under his body.


In addition!' [Activates Ice Reduction.]

Since the blood around the eyes has not yet hardened, this activation was a little easier.

The Taehwanggakju, which soared into the air, immediately appeared in front of him and swung his sword.

Of course, Seol-hui, who escaped due to time bondage, was supposed to hit his neck this time.

Suuuuuuuuuuuuuu- The energy of the shadows that followed him prevented him from approaching.

Seolhui stepped back and tried to use the Sura Explosion Ball.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa time bound blah blah! This time, the opponent avoided and moved farther back.

'how?' Seolhui was analyzing how the Taehwanggakju had attacked him.

You must have been hit by a super storm, how? Taehwanggakju opened her mouth as soon as she read Seolhui's appearance.

“The first was an illusion.” “… … ?” “I showed you a virtual scene with the divine law.

If any new law reaches the ultimate, it can realize a figure similar to that of Lee Hyeong-hwan.” “… … You should know that I'm as quick as a mouse." “You can do anything.

Rather… … .” Taehwanggakju looked at him as if he was counting something, and then opened his mouth.

“Where did you get the ability to play with time?” “… … !” Seolhui was perplexed.

Even though he was a Taehwanggakju, he did not know that he could grasp his abilities so accurately.

“And then there’s the ice ball and the four great magic balls… … .

Heh heh heh, I really can't believe it.

I thought it was just garbage, but to have so many things in such a short time...

… .” cleavage.

He looked quite surprised.

The recalled face was mixed with excitement as well as other emotions.

“At this point, can’t you guess who is stronger?” “No, I don’t know yet? Aren't you the one who suffered the damage?" "okay? What if...

… .” Seolhui smiled and continued.

“This time, I will definitely blow your body away.” “You’re wrong a little while ago.

He said he would gently step on his face.” “Of course I will.” Tsutsutsutsu.

A strong qigong flowed from Seolhui's sword.

He promised himself.

'It should be blown away in one shot.' The two magic attacks have a gap in time and a gap in temperament, and attack by crossing.

There was a way to counterattack by blocking both attacks, but there was no need to do that.

with the first blow.

It is enough to crush it with overwhelming force.

Sura Blastfire.

If it was the magic that Seolhui could use, it was possible.


Seol-hwi, who had blood on his eyes, took the lead again this time.

easy profit.

The Taehwang Pakju displayed a movement that could not be tracked with the naked eye using a new method.


Seol-hui, who read the flow of air, took a step forward.

This time he extended his sword toward the upper left.

Aww! An explosion occurred due to a clash of two chemical bombs.

This was what Seolhui intended.

Shh it.

And as soon as I saw the energy of the dark clouds that followed.

[Using glacial pore reduction.]

Time bound.

He straightened out his sword, breaking out of the dark energy that penetrated his body.

But is it because of the repeated use of special techniques? Taehwanggakju evaded Seolhui's sword by cutting his shoulder slightly.

However, it was also within the predicted range.

[I use a thrifty sword.]

Rumble! “… … !” The wind was blowing from all directions.

A typhoon lifted Taehwanggakju's body, desperately trying to escape, into the air.

And catch the falling point in the air.

After reaching a distance that was absolutely unavoidable, he showed his special skills as it is.

“It’s over!” [Using Sura Explosion Ball.]

An explosion of density that had never been experienced before, exploded with a huge noise towards the overturning Taehwang Pillar.

Not once, but four times.

In particular, the last explosion was enough to turn Seol Hwi's body upside down.

The whole area was turned upside down.

Gu woo woo woo - how intense it was, and when it erupted, the wind that followed it back flowed.

“Hey, I had to step on your face… … .” Seolhui sighed in the dust that obscured his vision.

Once he was in a rush to kill, the goal of humiliating his opponent had not been achieved.

“Well, it was because there was a lot of resistance in its own way.

Satisfied with this...

… What?!” It was then.


A stream of air flowed in from the dust that was slowly being lifted off, and Seolhui doubted her own eyes.

for that momentary hesitation.

Shh! The energy of the dark spirit penetrated into his chest in an instant.

“Uh-huh!” Kuwang! With a deafening roar, Seolhui's body was pushed back greatly.

Wow! I barely managed to avoid it.

However, while protecting a vital point, he injured his right foot and could not get up immediately.

"Nonsense… … .” A red dawn shot into the eyes of Seolhui who sat down.

The one who walks slowly, wiping away the dust in the crowd.

It was Taehwanggakju.

Surprisingly, he was smiling as he looked at himself without a single wound.

“It’s an interesting ability, but do you think only you have that ability?” “Stand, please… … ?” At that, Seolhui's gaze went down to his arm.

The sword the opponent is holding.

I took a closer look at his weapon, which at first glance seemed ordinary.

There was a single grain on the blade that looked like it had been added to the blade.

Taehwanggakju smiled at that sight.

“Yeah, I’m a new recruit called Absorption Jangdo.

This guy, just by shaking his head from side to side, can block any kind of energy at once, right?” “… … Ah!" It was then that Seolhui realized.

Taehwanggakju didn't have the ability to block his attack in the first place.


He had a new recruit who could use special skills.

Just like Seolhui himself.

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