Heavenly Demon Cultivation Simulation Chapter 134

Towards a higher world (2) The next day.

Seol-hui led the men to move.

Since he already knew where Matthew Dragon was, he moved at a fairly high speed.

Three sijins to traverse the mountain road.

“Let me breathe.

I'm taking a break here.” Seol-hui, who ordered to rest, looked around in the midst of it.

Climbing up a tall tree, I checked the location, and looked carefully to see if there were any squirrels.



Seolhui came down to confirm that it was safe.


Leader." "Well?" Yorim came and asked.

“Where the hell are you going? Do you have any other place to go?” "Well." Seolhui was silent for a moment, then nodded.

Come to think of it, the servants didn't say anything, but everyone must have been puzzled.

Usually, the search for a missing person is where he last appeared.

And the first thing to check is how much inaction he had and what kind of mission he was in charge of.

But Seol-hui knew the circumstances before and after, so she skipped all those steps and continued to run in a straight line.

Of course, the subordinates had no choice but to not know English.

“If you go a little further down from here, you will find the secret bunta of volcanic waves.” "Yes?!" “… … !” “… … !” At the sudden words, the servants' eyes widened.


Did the masked man give you that information?” “… … What.

That’s it.” Seolhui nodded his head briefly.

In fact, last time and even now, the masked Cheolgunseong pointed out this area.

However, he did not decide that Matthew Ryong had been captured.

Cheolgunseong believed that the volcanic wave was somehow related to this incident, so he informed the secret bunta of the volcanic wave that he knew.

But Seolhui knows.

That there is no Matthew Dragon in Secret Bunta.

Knowing that, I came here for a different reason.

“From now on, the commanders of the command should thoroughly investigate the terrain for one day.

From where we are right now, to where I will go again.” "Yes? what is that...

… .” “I’ll explain later.

Time is running out, so figure out which route you're going to go first.

In particular, do not miss the temporary paved road.” "Huh… … .” I knew it was going to sound strange, but things were too complicated to explain.

And there was no time.

'The third evening.' Seolhui knew what was going to happen after that.

For that reason, it was necessary to do preliminary work from here.

Time is of the essence for this mission.

Obviously, the AI had said that to Seolhui.

“This evening, the second disciple of the headmaster, Mahu’s servants, are attacking this place.” "What? What does that mean?” “When Matthew Ryong was captured, he passed on the information of the volcanic groups to Mahu.

That's why they're coming here to attack." third evening.

It was then that I saved Matthew Ryong in my previous life.

At that time, I did not know that the forces under the second disciple would come, so I performed the mission during the day when the sun was in the middle of the sky.

Based on that time, I had one day yesterday, so now there are only two days left.

Two days.

During that time, we had to secure an escape route.

The secret bunta of the volcanic group pointed out by the Cheolgunseong, and the secret branch of the volcanic group that he found through simulations in the past.

I had to memorize the path leading to these two places.

Two days later, if Mahu's men attack the volcanic wave, they will gather troops in these two places, and the arena of battle will be the area they are now investigating.


If Mahu's servants and volcanic waves collided at the same time as the time to rescue Matthew Dragon and escape, they would be more likely to return safely.


Leader? am i missing out? I'm not the commander-in-chief...

… .” Eummugi raised his hand to ask without noticing, and then shrugged as he received the cold eyes around him.

Except for Song-hwa, the five men began to thoroughly investigate the area around the area Seol-hui had set.

The area he suggested was 20 li per person.

A total of one hundred li of extensive terrain was to be investigated.

* * * “Heo Eok… … .


… .” After entrusting the search with his subordinates, Seol-hui was moving again with Song-hwa.

Even though his breath reached his chin, Songhwa somehow caught up with Seolhui.

“You’re catching up better than you think.” white face.

dwarf stature.

It was hard to imagine where such a power was hidden in that small body.

Seolhui's forced march looked quite difficult even for the commanders who were trained as warriors.



I have not neglected physical training since childhood!” Songhwa exaggeratedly rolled up her arms and boasted, but Seolhui just smiled.


I must have used a trick Is that the accelerator?' If not, I can't explain it.

Well, anyway, I was just glad it didn't spread because I was tired.



After about half an hour, Seol-hui arrived at a fairly high peak.

Where the secret branch in question can be seen.

Because of the terrain, there was no place that looked like a private house nearby.

It is a rough and slippery area, so it will be difficult to climb unless you are unattended.

“Where are you?” “It’s a place you should come to with your space movement.” Seolhui briefly answered Songhwa's question.

last night.

When he first heard what the men had to say, he couldn't easily believe it.

How can a person move through space? It's not even the legendary chumji method.

However, if you think about it, Songhwa is from the Giryosa University.

He handles all kinds of magic and magic, and is capable of turning a corpse into a gangster in the first place.

Then it would be good to have faith.

“Did you say that the duration of the ritual is one day?” "Yes.

The distance cannot exceed a hundred li.

In addition… … .” "heard.

It takes a lot of magic power to use it once.” space movement.

I wanted to test it in advance if possible, but once I write it, the songwriting stretches out for a day or two.

First of all, you have to believe and see for yourself.

“Perform the ceremony immediately.

this is where you arrive Probably the distance from the place of departure to here… … .” [Analyzing… … ◇]

Seolhui had already run the simulation, but confirmed it again.

- Found it.

- Distance 31.4km, from the entrance to the secret branch of the volcanic group to the present site.

The li (里), the survey method of this era, is about 80 li.

“It is about eighty li.

Is it possible?” “That is enough.

But, boss?” “Say it.” “Why are you trying to use my space travel technique? The captain and the captains, can't you do anything without the power of my magic?" Songhwa tilted, and Seolhui laughed bitterly.

“Because the enemy is strong.” “… … Yes?" “There was no time to explain.

In short, there are few places we need to infiltrate from now on.

It's also volcanic.

One of the old file rooms that are hostile to the main school.” gulp! At Seolhui's brief remark, Songhwa swallowed.

“Not to mention the strong inaction, the number of enemies will be large in the first place.

If only we infiltrated like this, there is a high chance that we would be annihilated.” “… … Why did you receive such an assignment? no.

If that's the case, shouldn't there be another support unit?" “There are some circumstances.” At first it was just a search purpose, but now it is different.

Matthew Dragon.

Taking him was the most important thing.

Also, I had a plan.

Mahu, the second disciple of the headmaster.

his servants.

In the first place, they accepted this mission because they knew they would break in.

However, if you tell them in advance, you will only be asked, 'How did you know about that?' “… … You mean you have to do it even though you know you are going to die?” “… … ?” But, when I answered so vaguely, Songhwa's face hardened.

It seemed that I misunderstood something.

"All right.

The captain trusted me and entrusted his life to me! This song is a must! I will repay that trust!” Flutter! The kid pulled out a pile of amulets from his arms.

Then chuckle.

Moving around, I started attaching them one by one to the floor, to the tree, to the cliff.

“… … her." Songhwa attaches an amulet to a small body with fern-like hands.

As if there was no need to miss even an inch, he opened his eyes and judged the place to put the amulet.

It was just cute in Seolhui's eyes, so a smile came out.

“… … .” However, that smile immediately hardened.

After covering the whole area with a talisman, Songhwa bites my finger and bleeds.





It didn't suit him very well to write blood and apply blood to a small kid.

As I watched, something felt heavy in my heart.

“… … Do I have to do that?” "Ah.

I am still immature.” Seol-hui was all sick, but Song-hwa, who was bleeding, had a face that said it wasn't a big deal.

“Making requires mediation with the caster.

There was nothing like blood as a medium.

Blood is life itself.

And if what the captain said is true.” Whoops.


Songhwa sprinkled blood a few more times, painted over the amulet, and then after.

and sighed.

“Isn’t my life at stake? In order for me to live, this tactic must be successful.” “Your life?” “Infiltrating into enemy territory.

Aren't you with me too? How are you going to use teleportation without me?” “… … !” will that happen again Seolhui felt sorry again.


A child with soft, fluffy hair on his face now.

To put an excessively heavy burden on this child, and to drag him to a rough place where he might die together.

“… … Songhwa.” "Yes.

Leader!" Is it because I'm a bit sorry? After flirting with a kid with high expectations with innocent eyes.

and sighed.

“Can I ask you something?” “You can ask me anything!” There was not a single hesitation on his face.

The blind trust of an immature child.

It was even more burdensome, so Seolhui asked.

“Why did you say you would follow me?” When Songhwa wanted to join the command post, Seolhui initially refused.

The mission he will take on in the future will be tough, and it is difficult to protect a child from such danger.

Otherwise, you might lose your life, or you might not be able to protect it from danger.

"Huh… … You know what I said last time?” “I heard it, but I didn’t quite understand it.” understanding gain.

Your servants will honor you through this little boy.

I accepted the word that it would be connected with the strongest shaman unit at the school, but now that I see it, it seems like I've done something horribly wrong.

Songhwa is a child.

I don't know what this guy said he was going to follow, but what would he do by inserting such an innocent kid into the danger he would face in the future? "Well… … boss.

The captain is a man ordained by heaven for me.

As you know, I am a magician, so I use divination into the future.” Songhwa scratched his head, showing a slightly embarrassed look.

“Actually, when the gangsters and single-married couples rushed on that day, I initially expected something like that to happen.

Because I saw the fortune teller.” “… … okay?" At those words, Seolhui's inner curiosity aroused.

Indeed, that's why you expressed your opinion so proudly.

The fact that a young magician, who had not yet lost his fluff, set up a restraining force that was as strong as that of the head of the giraffe corps was possible because he knew what was going to happen in advance.

“And I was originally destined to die on the spot.” “… … ?!” Seolhui felt a terrifying feeling.

It's because Songhwa's face was too serious when he spoke so softly.

“What nonsense.

If I had known ahead of time by fortune telling, wouldn't it have been better to inform the runaway of Gangsi and avoid it?" "well.

If I did, would the elders listen to me? What do I look like?” Songhwa pointed to my young face.

Seolhui had something to say to him.

“My luck.

and luck.

Even after all this, I would have changed my name around that day.

It was never an inevitable death.

If you can't stop the runaway of the warehouse, you'll die at the hands of the gangsters, and if you run away from it, you'll be held responsible for failing to manage the school's important weapons...

… It was such a dead end road.

By the way… … .” "By the way?" “That’s where the captain appeared.

Someone who didn't show up on my fortune teller.


So I have no choice but to follow.


actually… … .” It was because Songhwa stopped talking for a moment and lowered his voice.

“Since I came to the command post, my fortune teller no longer shows my death.” “… … ?” “It’s all because of the boss.

A person who can choose his own destiny.

A person who can twist the original future.

So I have to follow.

Even for me to live.” Seolhui was absurd at the absurd theory of fate.

But I couldn't laugh.

It's like the situation you're in is contrasting like a child's words.

“As you said, what do you think this mission will be like? Can you even read it for fortunetelling?” So Seolhui asked.

I feel like I know what the future holds for me.


Actually, I've already tried it.


… .” Songhwa narrowly opened her eyes and asked carefully.

“Doesn’t the captain want to not only rescue one of the seven lions, Matthew Ryong, but also keep him under his command?” “… … What?!" At those words, this time Seolhui was surprised.

The child was reading his thoughts perfectly.

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