He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 397: Little Roaring Tiger and Little Wind Speed ​​Dog

(3 more!)


I lost...

Seeing this scene, Xiaomao finally couldn't help taking a breath, and took a few steps back, feeling a great sense of loss welling up in his heart.

He raised his palm and slowly retracted the water arrow turtle into the ball. His palm trembled a little. He didn't expect that there was such a big gap between himself and the masked man.

Thank you, Water Arrow Turtle...

Xiao Mao lowered his head that was always held high in the past, and his unwillingness made him clenched his fists.

Damn it, the Quartz Conference can only end here...?

Xiaomao still thought about being the champion of the conference in the first year, overtaking the champion on the second day, and becoming the will of heaven in the third year, proving immortality.

As a result, we can only reach the top 16 now! ?

Although his mentality has improved a lot after being beaten up by Boss Sakagi in the Viki Pan Gym, this situation still makes him a little autistic.

Xiaomao had the last Pokémon left, but the outcome of this match had already been decided. He even felt that there was no need to continue the fight, so he slowly raised his palm.

Referee, I think...


Xiao Mao, let's change.

Before he could finish speaking, a steady voice sounded out of nowhere in his mind, which made Xiaomao's body tremble instantly, and his expression was a little more surprised.

This is the voice of green.

As Qinglu said before, he doesn't bother to participate in this kind of children's competition, but now he is happy to see the masked man's strength?

Or do you want to help him get revenge when you see your good brother being abused?

Haha Brother Qinglu, you are indeed my good brother! I still have my last life, give me a good education on this masked man!

Thinking of this, Xiaomao's expression took on a pretentious look.


Qinglu just snorted coldly and didn't reply.


He wished that Xiaomao would be pierced six by a masked man, so that he would be able to jump around all day long, and even he would be disgusted at every turn.

This kind of person should be hanged and beaten several times, so that his mentality can achieve a healthy and long-term development.

As for why he wanted to intervene, it was not out of curiosity, there was simply one reason...


Xiao Mao closed his eyes, and in the next second, when he opened them again, the aura on his body had undergone an earth-shaking change.

The original frivolity and youthful vigor have completely transformed into a calm and introverted, skilled and seasoned temperament, with a sense of sight of a master in every gesture.


Bilan: Tsk tsk, you said you won't participate in this kind of children's fight...

In the two positions of the auditorium, two people raised their heads one after another. The faceless trainer controlled by Chi showed a somewhat curious expression, while Bi Lan directly snatched Xiao Lan's body, and couldn't help but mocked from the air.

Xiao Mao, why...

Among the crowd, the one who reacted the most was Dr. Oki. His eyeballs almost popped out. As a mature man, he could feel that his grandson in the arena below seemed to have undergone some earth-shaking changes.

Are you schizophrenic... Hey, after so many years, I haven't noticed that my grandfather is not qualified...

Dr. Oki couldn't help sighing, and then made up his mind with a firm expression.

After the game, I took Xiaomao to Jinhuang City. There are many mentally ill patients there, with experience, Xiaomao is young, maybe there is a rescue...



This boy, why...

Under the mask, he couldn't see the expression changes of the masked man clearly, but after traveling around the world for many years, he could feel that the young man in front of him seemed to be a completely different person, and the look in his eyes also showed a little less fighting intent, as if he was watching ...a trash fish?

Be fooled by yourself?

Still schizophrenic...?

Unexpectedly, Qinglu suddenly spoke at this time. Although she still used Xiaomao's voice, there was basically no similarity in the tone, and there was even a hint of disdain and arrogance.

Hmph, with a little wind speed dog, how dare you be arrogant in front of me?

These words made the masked man slowly put out a question mark.

Little wind speed dog?

Today I will show you what a real wind speed dog is!

After finishing speaking, Qinglu threw her elf ball in front of her fiercely, a red light flashed, and a big dog with the head of a lion appeared on the field, with a few black spots on its fiery red skin, and several bruises on its body. Brown mane, quite wild, automatic without wind.


As soon as it appeared on the stage, the wind speed dog roared to the sky, sounding like a giant drum, coupled with the lion's head with flying mane, this made the roaring tiger in front of him take a half step back, and his expression changed.

Intimidate feature activated!

Roaring Tiger's previous bodybuilding boosted attack power has dropped again.

This wind speed dog... so strong...

The masked man couldn't help but wiped the sweat from his forehead. He could feel the aura emanating from the big dog in front of him. It was terrifying. It was completely different from the previous Blastoise and Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus...


The masked man clenched his fists and his face was serious. There was one thing he wanted to argue with.

What little wind speed dog, in our hometown, the wind speed dog is called little roaring tiger!

The masked man said rather angrily.

Hmph, he hasn't taken the initiative to attack yet, yet you, a low-end version of Roaring Tiger, dare to attack first. Although the masked man has a good temper, he is also very firm in the face of principles.

Alola region? It's just a place I don't know much about. If you change it to any other region, you will call the Roaring Tiger a little wind speed dog!

Qinglu said coldly, there was already a bit of danger in her eyes.

He didn't intervene for revenge, nor was he happy to see Liexin, but simply hated the Blazing Roaring Tiger. He used the name of Wind Speed ​​Dog to show off his power outside, after all, he was a low-profile version of Wind Speed ​​Dog.

Qinglu is an old wind speed dog fan.

As for the Alola area, it is also a parallel area. When I was still in the electronic world, Qinglu heard that there was a first-generation champion inexplicably there, so I reimbursed the air tickets of Chi and Bilan in a hurry, and planned to snipe the first-generation champion. Send the warmth of the ancestors.

In the end, no one was seen, only the video of the first-generation champion riding Kentaro with a flaming arrow eagle on his head, spinning wildly on the spot.

Hmph, it really is a place where you can't get on the stage. When you hear my uncle Qinglu's name, you can only pretend to be a fool and dare not come out to meet him. It's really funny haha!!!

This was the thought in Qinglu's mind at the time.

Apart from pretending to be a fool, Qinglu didn't think there was any other deep meaning in that action.

Masked man: ...

He couldn't refute this point. After all, the Alola region didn't go out of the world. Except for the hometown, everyone didn't know the Flaming Roaring Tiger at all, but only the Wind Speed ​​Dog. Naturally, the Roaring Tiger was taken for granted as a small Wind Speed ​​Dog.

But everything he is doing now is to publicize everything in the Alola region to the world.

The wind speed dog is the low-profile roaring tiger! !

Thinking of this, a dangerous and fierce light appeared in the eyes of the two at the same time, and the third battle began decisively.

Wind Speed ​​Dog, use Loud Roar!

Roaring Tiger, use Loud Roar!

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