Chen Xuan turned around and saw that they were four petite and cunning things.

Chen Xuan sighed, then pinched his fingers and pointed at the four people,"Come."

Only then did the four little ones dare to approach Chen Xuan, and even the two older ones began to kneel down to Chen Xuan. Although they He couldn't speak, but he knew that it was this adult who saved him and others.

Chen Xuan sighed, squatted down, and began to draw the salvation circle on the ground.

"The four of you just lament being teased by fate, shall I come to save you from reincarnation?"

As Chen Xuan drew the four magic circles, the four little guys also cooperated and moved into their own positions.

Chen Xuan pinched his fingers again and whispered the rebirth curse.

I saw that the black energy on the four babies began to ease. Slowly leaving themselves, their faces gradually changed from black to white.

"The reason why you are able to escape from the sea of suffering is all because of Xiaowen's kindness. The fate between you has become inseparable. In the future, you will be reincarnated as her children. In the next life, will you repay your mother's kindness?"

The four children instantly recalled Xiaowen, and they all nodded to Chen Xuan with tears in their eyes.

"Go ahead."

Chen Xuan pointed out and chanted the rebirth mantra again.

He saw the four children turning into four rays of light, winding into the City God's Temple and disappearing.

Seeing that the entrance to the underworld was still at the City God's Temple, Chen Xuan sighed,"I didn’t expect that the parallel world is also full of evildoers, and immortals and Buddhas close their eyes."

As the matter here has been completely dealt with,

Chen Xuan also returned while Xiaowen and hundreds of thousands of people in the live broadcast room were waiting nervously.

Just now, a dark wind suddenly roared behind the City God's Temple, followed by thunder, like a divine punishment. Everyone was They were worried about Chen Xuan's safety.

However, as Chen Xuan walked out of the shadows of the woods, Xiaowen burst into tears and knelt down in front of Chen Xuan excitedly.

"Taoist priest, Xiaowen doesn’t know how to repay you for your great kindness today."

A dozen other Suzhou and Hangzhou fans in suits also gathered around.

After seeing Chen Xuan's justice and strength, they had already regarded Chen Xuan as a god and respected him.

Chen Xuan helped Xiaowen up, and then glanced at everyone

"You are destined to have this calamity, and you are a noble person of Tianyi. Even if you don't encounter poor Taoists in this matter, there will be other high-level Taoists who will take action for you and turn disaster into good luck."

Xiaowen nodded, and immediately took out four broken clay dolls from the clothes package. She shed tears and said,"But they, they... all blame me."

Xiao Wen thought that the heads of the four clay dolls exploded and their souls were scattered.

But Chen Xuan smiled and didn't care at all that he would be punished for revealing the secret.

"Four of them have already passed away. In the future, you will have five sons. One of them is your destiny, and the other four are them. This is also your kind act tonight. You should enjoy the blessing of five sons in your later years. Report."

Will she have five sons in the future?

Xiaowen was a little confused.

For a moment, she didn't know how to respond to Chen Xuan.

And the dozen or so young people from Suzhou and Hangzhou around Xiaowen should know that Wen will have five sons in the future. , each one is as wilted as an eggplant beaten by frost.

Not to mention Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, in first-tier cities such as Suzhou and Hangzhou, the cost of a boy from birth to graduation from college is about 3 million at least..

And five?


15 million?

Xiaoqian didn't know. Everyone who had thoughts about Xiaowen sighed.

Seeing that everyone was depressed, Chen Xuan also ordered,"What happened tonight cannot be said or passed on. Poor people can withstand the backlash of heaven, but you can't."

More than a dozen fans nodded, ensuring that this matter must be rotten in their stomachs.

Of course, they must know what Chen Xuan meant. It was not what happened during the live broadcast, but what happened after Chen Xuan went to the bamboo forest just now. Although

Xiaowen was still connected to the live broadcast room, her mobile phone was in her pocket. Although hundreds of thousands of people in the live broadcast room heard Chen Xuan's words, they were too anxious to see it.

Chen Xuan nodded and told Xiaowen. After saying this, it turned into a stream of mist and dissipated in the midst of everyone's astonishment.

At the same time,

Chen Xuan, who was sitting cross-legged and meditating with his eyes closed, stopped pretending. He slowly opened his eyes in front of 650,000 fans in the live broadcast room.

Just as countless fans in the live broadcast room were about to post a barrage asking what happened behind the Chenghuang Temple, they heard Chen Xuan say something.

"Well, I had a comfortable sleep this time."

This sentence directly broke the defenses of many fans in the live broadcast room.

Wang Dachui; [I have opened a VIP, what else can't I watch? What happened to the Taoist priest just now?]

Killing knife woman's waist; [ The Taoist priest borrowed one to speak?】

【Taoist priest, we have no grievances, why do you treat us like fools and look like we just woke up?】

【Hahaha, has someone finally discovered it? I really laughed to death. The Taoist Master’s poor acting skills are really nothing to say.】

【By the way, what happened to the evil man behind Ah Hua? Are you fighting in a place where we can't see? ]

Specializes in large band-aids; [Brother Taoist priest, are you injured? I have a bandage here that will stop the bleeding very well.】


When Chen Xuan saw many fans asking questions and even denying various speculations, he said,"Don't talk nonsense about fighting skills or souls leaving the body. Everyone must believe in science."

When Chen Xuan said this, the live broadcast room exploded again.

However, at this moment, Xiaowen from Lianmai and a group of fans from Suzhou and Hangzhou stood up to testify for Chen Xuan.

"Don't lie, everyone, what I just said was not possessed at all, but I was trying to imitate the aura of the Taoist Priest to scare off the evil monk, but I failed.

Xiaowen naturally knew what Chen Xuan was facing and continued,"It's a pity that I am a girl and cannot imitate the aura of a Taoist priest.""

At this time, I don't know where a fan in Suhang got a set of Taoist priest's robes, which appeared directly in front of Xiaowen's camera.

He explained with a smile,"Yes, the one you just looked like the Taoist priest's back This person is the one I pretended to be. The Taoist priest is really awesome. He only imitated one or two points and scared the evil Taoist to death and ran away."

"That’s right, the Taoist priest is awesome!"


When two people acted and a group of people echoed it, it immediately felt like the real thing.

Chen Xuan was slightly startled when this scene happened, but he immediately cooperated.

"Yes, that's it, why didn't I think of that?"

Wang Dachui; [Okay, but, but, emmm, you always feel like being insulted?]

Yan Control Kitten; [At this moment, I deeply understand what it means to pretend that a deer is a horse?】

【Ah ha ha ha...Whether you believe it or not, I believe it anyway, even more than I believe that my wife is a foot-picking man.】

【Yes, any superstitious theories are all nonsense. Brothers, join me in sending out positive energy!】

【Positive energy +1】

【Positive energy +9999999]

Afterwards, after being told by Chen Xuan, Xiaowen finally felt relieved. At first, she was worried that Ahua would take revenge on her family.

But after getting the results given by Chen Xuan, Xiaowen felt relieved and decided to go back to her hometown first.

In Chen Xuan's deduction, as the five ghosts' money-lucking skills were broken, Ah Hua was instantly entangled in a huge karma. He drank and drove back desperately to seek revenge on Xiao Wen.

Unexpectedly, drunk driving caused the car to break down while passing a high-speed cliff. The man and the car rushed down the cliff and were burned to ashes.

Of course, the above are the facts that Chen Xuanneng told fans in the live broadcast room.

What cannot be said is that Ah Hua will endure all kinds of torture after his death. It is not until the four children are reincarnated and grow up to have a family and start a business that Ah Hua can barely escape from hell. The reincarnation struggles between duck and fish until he is cleansed of his sins.

Xiaowen turned off the wheat with extreme gratitude.

The popularity of the live broadcast room at this moment has reached its peak.

Among them, even the Byte executives who had remained motionless, as well as the government bosses who did not take Chen Xuan seriously at first, started to compete for this opportunity that almost changed their lives.

As Chen Xuan's third lucky bag was sent out.

There are 650,000 people in the live broadcast room, and there are actually 647,000 people fighting for it.

This scene is enough to show the power and convincingness of Chen Xuan's previous two online fortune tellings.

As ten minutes passed, the lucky bag opened.

Chen Xuan immediately read out the fan who won the lucky bag

"Congratulations, [Moyu Xiaolin] won the lucky bag, please send a carnival in your hand within the limited time, otherwise it will be regarded as giving up."

After Chen Xuan finished speaking, carnival special effects immediately appeared in the live broadcast room, as if Xiao Lin was extremely eager.

(This chapter is over, the follow-up story will be more exciting, if you like it, remember to support it, and say goodbye)

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