As the live broadcast ended, hundreds of thousands of Chen Xuan's fans saw the lonely eyes of Fat Orange Tiger, a warrior of pure love, being taken away.

This can't help but make all the fans in the live broadcast room secretly feel distressed.

After all, no one has ever given pure love to someone when they were young.

They seemed to see their former selves in Fat Orange Tiger, but they were unable to meet Taoist Master Chen Xuan when they were most helpless and lonely, and they had no chance to reveal the grievances they had encountered.

There is no woman in my heart; [It’s just like Lychee Oura. I thought that Fat Orange Tiger just met a scumbag, but I didn’t expect that she turned out to be a lesbian! ? ]

Go ashore and kill your sweetheart first; [Forget about being a lesbian, she actually found a boy with a defective character to raise fish. To be honest, when I found out the truth, I felt really sick! 】

There is no love in the world; 【So everyone, please be aware that love requires both parties to give, rather than one person giving everything. That is really humble and the easiest to be deceived! 】

Facial control kitten; 【To be honest, after seeing what happened to Fat Orange Tiger, I don’t know what it feels like. It’s so hard to understand, such a good boy.】

【I'm so angry that I'm about to get breast cancer. Why can't I meet such a reliable man?】

【Taoist priest, you just said that Fat Orange Tiger can get his money back. Is that true?】

【I think it’s a bit difficult to get back all the money you spent during your relationship, right? After all, donations are voluntary】

【ah? That would be too uncomfortable. After three years of playing singles until you vomited blood, you ended up losing both your life and money? 】

Chen Xuan also saw the anger and unwillingness of many fans in the barrage area.

"Don't worry, Pindao can get it back if he can. Nowadays, the relationship between men and women in society is so complicated, and some side industries have evolved from it. Now the government is cracking down."

Fans naturally know how valuable Chen Xuan's words are.

Wang Dachui; [Taoist Priest, what will happen to Ye Xiaofeng's future life? I think she does look pretty. After this incident, she will I really can’t accept the idea of using feelings to deceive people and traveling and clubbing all day long!】

【Yes, Taoist Master, if this kind of person can still live well in the future, I will definitely have nightmares tonight!】

【Damn, Fat Orange Tiger’s bench just now should be smashed down. If I don’t think I’ll hit her, she’ll be put into the ICU and put on a ventilator for a year! 】

Chen Xuan smiled and said,"She will not be well in the future. It can be said that her future life will be difficult."

【Haha, then I’m relieved!】

【Taoist priest, can you tell me more specifically? Tell me what will happen to that Ye Xiaofeng? ] When

Chen Xuan saw fans in the live broadcast room asking questions one after another, he also shook his head and said,"There is no need to go into depth on this topic. You still don't believe what I said?"

When Fat Orange Tiger and Ye Xiaofeng were in the private room just now, in front of hundreds of thousands of people in the live broadcast room The whole process is live broadcast.

Moreover, everyone could see and hear Ye Xiaofeng's proud and disdainful face, as well as the words underneath.

Even if this incident doesn't break out in Chen Xuan's live broadcast room, it will go viral on the Internet once it is released.

Therefore, Chen Xuan has already calculated that the hottest event tomorrow morning will definitely be lesbian Ye Xiaofeng, [the breaking news about the fish farmer who deceived a pure love warrior after three years of farming and drained her online boyfriend of 560,000 yuan].

And because this incident became so popular, it attracted many big V anchors to analyze the characteristics of women fishing, which directly or indirectly awakened many men and women who were obsessed with it.

However, Ye Xiaofeng caused too much trouble due to the pure love warrior Fat Orange Tiger incident, and she was suspected of defrauding up to 560,000 yuan. She entered the palace for the second time and was sentenced to 6 years directly this time.

Her actual age is thirty-five. She was released from prison six years later at the age of 41. Because she was beautiful, she was often taken care of by the elder sister in the cell. Coupled with the difficult conditions in prison, she suffered menopause at the age of 38 when water and electricity were cut off.

On the day Ye Xiaofeng was released from prison, many self-media people who had paid attention to the incident took photos and videos.

On the second day after he was released from prison, the incident involving the pure love warrior Fat Orange Tiger once again became a hot search topic on Douyin, Weibo, and other major platforms.

As a result, no one wanted Ye Xiaofeng to find a job in the future. Not only did she not want to find a job, but in reality, everyone who saw her would make fun of her.

So Ye Xiaofeng stayed at home all day long and didn't go anywhere.

One day she was bored and scrolling through her phone, and suddenly she saw Fat Orange Tiger six years later. It turned out that she had met her true love long ago, got married, and had turned her companionship into a prosperous studio.

She regretted that she suffered from depression, overeating, and her only confident figure was greatly deformed. In the end, she could only find a gambler and get married hastily. As a result, she was unable to have children due to menopause and was beaten by her gambler husband all day long.

Of course, this is all for later.

As Chen Xuan made a promise in front of hundreds of thousands of fans in the live broadcast room, he said that Ye Xiaofeng would be very bad in the future.

Many fans did not ask any more questions, but urged Chen Xuan to quickly hand out the lucky bags.

After tonight's Fat Orange Tiger incident, the number of fans on Chen Xuan's account has exceeded the 400,000 mark, approaching 450,000+ followers.

The popularity of the live broadcast room has exceeded 500,000.

Looking at this scene, the senior executives of various departments of the Byte Group who were strongly opposed to signing Chen Xuan had expressions as if they had eaten a dead mouse.

As Chen Xuan nodded and handed out a one-yuan lucky bag, fans in the live broadcast room began to rush for it.

Ten minutes comes in the blink of an eye.

As the lucky bag opened, Chen Xuan also smoothly read out the nickname of the fan who won the lucky bag.

"Congratulations, [Young married woman, refuse to chat] won the lucky bag and needs online fortune telling to solve the puzzle. Please do a carnival in the live broadcast room. Failure to do so will be regarded as giving up."

After Chen Xuan finished speaking, a gift special effect unique to the carnival popped up in the live broadcast room.

Immediately after, the application for Lianmai was sent.

Chen Xuan accepted the Lianmai, and the screen was split into two.

Then a person with long light brown hair , the young woman wearing white silky pajamas appeared on the screen of the live broadcast room.

When they saw the young woman’s live broadcast background board, countless male fans in the live broadcast room posted comments:

[Wow, I knew it. Beautiful girls all live in big villas!】

【Ahhhh, seeing this girl aroused my hatred of rich people again. Why is my father not Jack Ma?! Otherwise, I could marry a school beauty like this!】

【As expected, she is the wife of a rich man, and she is a well-behaved woman. Look at the curtains in this room that are tightly drawn for fear of being spied on.】

【Yes, I always feel that her room is a little dark. With such a big floor-to-ceiling window, why not open it so that you can still see the stars?】


The sluts in the live broadcast room were all making fun of her.

But Chen Xuan frowned when he saw the young woman's face and her location in the corner of the room.

"Taoist priest, my name is Xiaowen. I really made everyone laugh. Dressed like this, I didn’t expect that I would win a lucky bag among hundreds of thousands of fans."

Xiao Wen's voice is very sweet. Combined with her long wet hair and her convex figure that can't be covered by white pajamas, she is really pure and lustful. The sluts are laughing at her.

Chen Xuan nodded and went straight to the topic,"Your home. , quite lively."

This sudden sentence directly broke the defense of Xiaowen, who had a normal face.

She quickly turned around and scanned the room, then got into the bed and covered her head with the quilt. She said in a trembling voice,"First of all, I brushed your Taoist priest. During the video, I still disdain to call you a liar, but now I believe you, Taoist Master, you are really a god."

The fans in the live broadcast room couldn't react when they saw this scene.

Many people were saying that it would be better to be more lively in the big villa, otherwise there will be fewer people and the lack of popularity will easily attract evil spirits.

Chen Xuan saw Xiaowen saying this, so he said," Please tell me specifically what happened to you recently?"

Xiaowen hid in bed and nodded, and began to talk about the strange phenomena that happened at home recently.

As Xiaowen talked about the strange requests after marrying her husband, and the various abnormal situations that happened at home recently, fans were confused.

And Chen Xuan's brows wrinkled again.

Obviously, what Xiaowen encountered was a bit difficult even for Chen Xuan.


There are a lot of people reading it. Why can’t the book reviews go up? Bailong is so anxious.

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