Harry Potter's Catastrophe

Chapter 498: 1314 Vault

"Oops, why are you so careless! Really, you have to force me to use my brain." One mistake will cost him his life. Carney had already put on his sunglasses at this time, and moved the wand to float the vampire with over-developed leg muscles. He climbed into the sky and burned quietly, stepped on the winged one with one foot, pulled the wings with one hand and stomped his head, which can be regarded as subduing them both.


Carney ripped off the pair of wings that were in the way and crushed the vampire's head under his feet.

There was no flesh and blood splattering or brains spilling out, but a pile of lumps, like stones, cold stones. The vampire's body had long lost its vitality, and all its organs were dry and hard.

Seeing the wandering eyes and slowly moving steps of the dozens of vampires who had just arrived, Carney felt that he had to do something immediately.

"No, my magic power is not enough, what should I do?" Carney shouted and removed the strong light of the wand, showing an exaggerated performance.

The vampire was ecstatic after hearing this. He had no magic power, and the wizard was weaker than an ordinary person without magic power.

"People in the middle, listen, do you think you can scare us by killing a few Lese? You are already surrounded. Put down your weapons and surrender immediately. If you hand over your true blood, maybe adults will be lenient and let you become immortal like us. "The villain with a lot of nonsense is here.

"You should look up at the sky!" Carney reminded kindly, but it was already too late.


The moment they raised their heads, more than a dozen missiles landed on their heads accurately.

Carney turned his back, a real man never looks back at the explosion.

But it was exploded around them, and he could see the explosion wherever he turned.

"Let's go." The vampires surrounding them had turned into scum, and only the ten meters of land near Carney was still intact.

The KN fighter jets patrolling outside the earth's atmosphere received the news when they left the bar, and they arrived just in time for a perfect ending.

"I feel much more relieved to have killed so many vampires at once."

"My decision was really right. Okay, it's time to get to work." Carlos and the other three slowly disappeared into the night.

The sound of bombing alarmed London, and the air defense sirens were sounded immediately. However, when the police arrived at the scene, there were no other clues except the shell craters created by the bombing.

Three days passed quickly, and there was no movement at the orphanage church. Considering that so many vampires were killed, they probably were included among them.

Someone came to the door before dawn on the third day, and a sparrow kept knocking on Carney's window. Carney was woken up by the sound.

He pushed Xiao Hei away and got out of bed to see who was playing a prank.

Standing by the window and looking out, I saw three people standing on the road. It seemed that they had collected nine thousand nine hundred gold galleons.

Carney put on his clothes in a few seconds, and with a flick of his wand, he disappeared from the room and appeared on the road with a snap.

"You guys are really anxious." Carney rubbed the corners of his eyes that were still stained with gum.

"I'm really sorry to disturb you so early. It's been too hard during the day. I didn't expect you to be so young. You are really young and promising," Carlos said.

"I don't think you will be so embarrassed until you come here with nearly 10,000 gold galleons." He is such a polite vampire, and he can also flatter him. Carney did not see the big bag behind them, and Carney became slightly wary. stand up.

"Of course not," Carlos joked, "it's too heavy after all."

"This is the key to Gringotts' vault, as well as the transfer letter. You are welcome to check it." Carlos handed over an agreement and a gold key with 1314 engraved on it.

The key to the ancient spirit vault? It seems that vampires are not too old-fashioned.

"I'll be right back." Carney apparated away with the key and transfer document.

"It's really convenient." Carlos said as he looked at the disappearing position.

When Carney came to Gringotts, the door of Gringotts was still open even before dawn. Gringotts was open all day long, and they would not refuse to accept money at any time.

"Who is so rich and has scattered so many pounds?" Carney looked at a lot of pounds scattered on the street and wondered who had paid them.

Carney followed the principle of picking up money on the ground and started picking up money all the way, because the money was just like giving it for free, and there was no need to watch videos or anything.

After a few spells, all the banknotes on the street floated towards Kani. They were neatly folded one by one. It took more than ten minutes just to pick up the money.

After he collected the money with satisfaction, he thought about what he was here for, and walked into Gringotts with the key and transfer letter.

"Hello, help me check how much money is in this vault, and this is the transfer letter." Carney handed the key and the transfer letter to the old goblin.

"Vault No. 1314, 9,900 gold galleons were deposited just three hours ago. The owner is Carlos Guzman, and it was transferred to the owner of the key." The old goblin found the latest entry into vault 13141 from many tables. bill.

"Do I need to take you to the vault to have a look?" The old goblin pushed up his glasses.

"Of course." Carney took back the key, and the transfer document was destroyed on the spot. If you want to get the money in the vault, you must have the key. This is not a private account, and Carney does not intend to transfer it to his own account.

They got on the rail car that led to the underground and drove there casually for a few times. This process did not take less than a minute.

"Oh, I thought I would see the fire dragon guarding the treasury door." Carney said.

"Sir, if you are willing to spend a thousand gold galleons to upgrade the protection level of your property, we will transfer your property to the vault protected by the fire dragon." The old goblin said, as long as you spend money, let alone a fire dragon, I'll get ten heads for you.

"Okay, forget it." Carney shrugged.

The golden key was inserted into the keyhole of vault No. 13141. After turning it slightly, the entire door began to click. The moment the door opened, the shining gold galleons almost flashed into Carney's magic eye.

Carney, who appeared on the road again, was already smiling, throwing the box over and asked. "One last thing, the origin and function of this thing, I am very interested in the origin of this thing."

"Oh! You're back," Carlos said, taking the box and immediately opening it and taking out the fangs.

"Where's the origin? Do you know Dracula?" Carlos said after confirming that it was correct.

"Count Dracula? No Si?" Carney said.

"No, it's not Dracula, it's Dracula."

"The count with the fangs that bite people everywhere?"

"That's right."

"Are these Dracula's teeth?" Carney suddenly felt that this thing was unusual, perhaps less than ten thousand.

"Of course not, it must be at least five hundred years old. These should be his third or fourth generation teeth. You should understand this." Carlos took out the teeth and estimated in his hand.

"Oh, Dracula bit one person, and the bitten person bit another person, and the bitten person bit another person. That person must be the fourth generation."

(PS: Does anyone still read this trash novel? I just messed around with it since there was no one around, even though I kept messing around with it.)

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