Harry Potter's Catastrophe

Chapter 484: Resurrection of Optimus Prime

Shockwave had already understood this and fired at Carney the moment Megatron got out of trouble. Huge purple tongues of flame shot out from his laser cannon.

The laser cannon exploded, shooting out with fire and thick smoke. It exploded into an unusual white smoke, and the swirling smoke immediately enveloped the nearest shock wave.

"You two are very bad." Human voices came from all directions, so loud that the base could hear them.

The Decepticons were frightened. Is it okay for Lord Shockwave to fire a gun at such a close range?

When the smoke dissipated, there was no trace of the shock wave. There was only a human child holding a toy and holding a bubble head.

They zoomed in on the toy in their hands and saw that it was Lord Shockwave.

Wait, what he stepped on was Lord Megatron who was just about to dodge the transforming fighter!

Master Megatron was still burning blue flames from behind, but it was of no use. Carney kicked him into the ground, and his figure, which was the size of a toy, couldn't fly. Carney's five toes pointed at him. Mountain.

"Everyone, continue."

Carney picked up Megatron, looked at the many trampled places and shook his head, "Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, it's a nice airplane model, why bother."

"Fire!" The natural enemies were happy for a moment to see Megatron's misfortune, but he was not stupid, and now was a good time to eliminate them in one fell swoop.

The Decepticons led his team to shoot wildly at Carney. The Decepticons were stunned on the spot, not knowing whether to follow the fire or fire at the Optic Enemies. After all, they were now firing at their own leaders.

"Decepticons! Fight back!" Megatron's voice came out, shouting.

After receiving the order, the Decepticons immediately raised their guns and started fighting with the team of natural enemies, and the fight was fierce and fierce.

Looking at the source of fire held by Yu Tian Enemy, he phantomed himself behind Yu Tian En Enemy, grabbed the source of fire and kicked Yu Tian Enemy in the back.

"Ah!" The natural enemy raised his sword and turned around to slash, but there was nothing.

Carney withdrew his magic, hugged the source of fire and left the scene of the firefight with two toys.

Carney detached Optimus Prime's arm from Megatron's hand, and moved quickly towards the sun under the influence of magic, with Carney following closely behind.

After twisting and turning in the base and reaching the lowest level, Optimus Prime's head and body had been completely separated. They were cut into eight pieces, leaving only a huge mechanical head.

Soundwave and the others had also found the other parts of Optimus Prime, legs and body, and moved them in.

"Restored as before." Carney cast a spell on the limbs and body, and the removed arms and legs were reattached, and finally the head was placed back.

Optimus Prime still didn't wake up, there was a big hole in his chest, it couldn't be repaired, and there was nothing Carney could do.

"Optimus Prime will owe me a big favor." Carney took out the energy matrix and inserted it into Optimus Prime's chest. The energy flow instantly filled Optimus Prime's body, making his whole body tremble with electricity.

Carney jumped from Optimus Prime's chest and waited for him to rebel in Optimus Prime's head.

"Kani." Optimus Prime slowly opened his eyes and saw a human child with a transparent bubble. He recognized who it was at a glance.

"Welcome to life, Optimus Prime." Carney jumped on the console and stood with his hands behind his back, because otherwise he would have to hold his head high.

"Where am I?" Optimus Prime stood up unsteadily, his mind obviously going crazy.

"Under the moon base."

"Where are the other Autobots, and where is Bumblebee?" Optimus Prime saw Carney and Sound Wave behind him, and his mind gradually turned around. Carney must have brought Bumblebee and the others to save him.

"I came here alone. I have no contact with the Autobots on Earth." Carney didn't feel the need to contact them. It was too troublesome and they couldn't fly. "Optimus Prime, what you did is too miserable, isn't it?"

"Shockwave betrayed us, even though I knew he was trustworthy." Optimus Prime said to Carney, "Carney, Stellan, I owe you a life."

"Now we have to escape from the moon base. Megatron will soon find out that I have been reborn." Optimus Prime took a short rest and returned to his state.

"Megatron has discovered it a long time ago, you see." Carney said to Optimus Prime who didn't know why Megatron became motionless from the moment he opened his eyes and Shockwave, who looked hopeless. Look at the column.

Megatron may have wanted to pretend to be motionless and deceive Optimus Prime by pretending to be a toy, so as not to let his old enemy see his miserable state.

However, Carney did not live up to his wish, and was specially brought out to appear. Megatron had nothing to say, because no matter what he said, he was just a clown.

"Oh!" Optimus Prime was really surprised. Is this his old opponent? His hands were removed, his whole body was covered with injuries, and he had become so small.

"Isn't this my old rival? You seem to be missing two small parts." Optimus Prime pinched his chin and said, since the two culprits are here, he doesn't have to worry so much.

"He tore you into pieces and attached your arms to his body." Carney slapped a booger on the console. "Now the Decepticons outside are fighting with the Natural Enemies, and they are planning to destroy the sun."

"Then it's time to end this." Optimus Prime stood up and left the bottom floor with the source of fire. He was going to end the battle above.

"Okay, let's go up and watch the show. Just think of it as going out to watch the majesty of the universe." Carney jumped into the sonic car with his toys.

"Soundwave, why!" Megatron said unwillingly.

"*\u0026%¥#@!\u0026*%" A string of Cybertronian tones came from Soundwave's radio. Carney couldn't understand it, but Shockwave and I could understand it.

Because you are too weak.

By the time Soundwave drove to the moon base, the sound of cannonballs could no longer be heard, and all the Autobot prisoners in the prison were released by Optimus Prime.

There is no trace of the natural enemy or any Decepticon anymore, only a dozen corpses are left.

"They escaped." Optimus Prime threw away the sword and "open the space bridge!"

"Optimus Prime, there is a lack of fire source." The Autobot said, "If there is no fire source, our remaining energy is not enough to turn it on."

They took most of the energy and several spaceships with them before leaving. The energy of the moon base was simply not enough to open the huge space bridge.

"The source of fire? I got it." Carney threw the source of fire towards Optimus Prime, hoping to get it. Since they need it, they should return it to its original owner.

"Friend, thank you for your help." As soon as Optimus Prime got the source of fire, the wounds on his body healed quickly.

"Open the space bridge, hope they are safe on Cybertron."

The fire source embedded energy was extracted from the machine, and the space bridge lit up in a circle. The space bridge lit up with white light, and the light rotated. At the other end of the light was Cybertron.

Everyone was on guard, aiming their weapons at the exit of the space bridge. As long as a Decepticon rushed out, they would shoot it into a hornet's nest.

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