Harry Potter's Catastrophe

Chapter 468: The Dragon Knight’s Dream

The thunder and lightning had not fallen for a long time, and their group had already attracted the attention of the people in the castle.

But they looked more like Gilderoy Lockhart teaching, waving a wooden stick, while the others stood in a row a little further away, as if waiting for Professor Lockhart to demonstrate magic.

"He has very bad luck." Carney looked at the lightning that had not fallen for a long time and hesitated whether to help.

"Boom!" A bolt of lightning struck in mid-air, and a blue-white trajectory suddenly appeared.

Lockhart's hand shrank in fear. He was still scared. He thought he still needed time to prepare.

"I suddenly felt sick to my stomach. I must have had a bad meal at lunch. We'll try again next time." Gilderoy Lockhart took back the thin iron rod and prepared to walk back.

"What was he talking about just now?" Ron Weasley shouted. They couldn't hear Gilderoy Lockhart's voice at all, but they knew what was going on by looking at Lockhart's tendency to walk towards them.

"I knew that guy didn't have the courage." Ron said.


Gilderoy Lockhart had just raised his legs and walked a few steps when lightning fell on his head. Gilderoy Lockhart's whole body was glowing blue and white, and the skeleton in his body flickered. .

"He's really got the guts." Ron Weasley sighed. He had changed his mind a little bit about Gilderoy Lockhart because it hurt just to look at him.

Gilderoy Lockhart's whole body began to smoke, his whole body was shaking irregularly, and his hair all stood up upside down. He looked like he had been tortured greatly.

The lightning strike lasted only seven or eight seconds, which for Gilderoy Lockhart was almost a lifetime.

His whole body was covered in black smoke and he fell to the ground motionless.

Snape immediately stepped forward, opened Gilderoy Lockhart's mouth and poured in a bottle of potion. Knowing that this was an act of seeking death, he had already prepared the potion.

"Is he okay?" Everyone took off their earplugs and crowded forward.

"It's hard to say, send it to Madam Pomfrey." Snape smiled, flicked his sleeves, and levitated Gilderoy Lockhart.

Seeing Snape taking Gilderoy Lockhart away with a smile on his face, they knew that Lockhart's life was not in danger.

"Cool!" George and Fred said together.

It started raining heavily immediately after the thunder and lightning struck, and they all took shelter in Hagrid's hut, although Carney allowed everyone to return to the castle without any rain.

"Which of you wants to..." Everyone had already responded to Carney before he finished speaking.

"I won't go." Everyone said in unison. Carney couldn't hold back his farts, so he wanted to go to the Forbidden Forest when he got bored staying in the house.

"I haven't said where to go yet." Carney said, the Forbidden Forest has become so unattractive.

"Are there no other places you want to go other than the Forbidden Forest?" Hermione said helplessly. They couldn't guarantee their safety where Carney went.

"Of course, have you seen that mountain range? Let's go hiking next week?" Carney suggested.

"Is it really just mountain climbing?" Hermione said uncertainly. She took a broomstick with her and flew directly up to the mountain. She also climbed the mountain? That's not what Carnedon meant.

"I want to catch a baby dragon and raise it." Carney said longingly, "I have always had a dream of a dragon knight, riding a fire-breathing dragon to marry the princess."

"Wow, Carney, you are so old-fashioned. Such an old story coming from your mouth is so inappropriate." George said in surprise. Carney has always been a very modern person with a Muggle mentality. .

"However, dragon knights are indeed the dream of many men since they were young. Charlie is a typical example. However, he did not become a dragon knight because it was too difficult. He could only become a nanny who took care of them. "Fred said.

Ordinary wizards cannot raise a dragon by themselves. It is illegal. Of course, if you have the ability to legalize it, that is another matter.

"There are dragons around Hogwarts?" Hermione always grasped the key point. This may be the special thing about women.

"There are no dragons around Hogwarts, but it's hard to say whether there are any on the other side of the mountain. They are usually in caves." Hagrid said, "But there are not so many dragons in the world for you to find."

"Basically all the known origins of fire dragons have been discovered, and most of the fire dragons have been captured by wizards. Otherwise, the Muggle world would have been attacked by fire dragons long ago, so there are very few wild fire dragons." Hagrid said.

Indeed, magical creatures are controlled by wizards, and magical animals can also be exposed to the wizarding world. The Ministry of Magic also has a department dedicated to dealing with exposure of magical creatures.

There are not many magical creatures in the world. At least the wizards on land and in the sky can guarantee their survival. The magical creatures in the water can only be discovered. The seabed itself and the wizards cannot explore it.

"Kani, it's a little difficult for you to be a dragon knight. You can definitely be a snake knight now."

"Yes, although it is not as powerful as the fire dragon, its size is no worse than that of the fire dragon." George said.

"I will become a dragon knight. I might pick up a dragon egg when I go for a walk in the Forbidden Forest." Carney shrugged. He is the protagonist. As long as he has urgent thoughts in his mind, a dragon egg will fall from the sky for him. Pick up.

"Come on Hermione, you'll be interested." Carney invited, going to the Forbidden Forest was the part that interested Hermione.

"It's better if it's something I'm interested in, rather than some boring invention." Hermione rolled her eyes and closed the book. Since Carney invited her alone, she was still happy to go.

Carney and Hermione walked out of the house and walked in the woods. Carney and Hermione turned the tips of their wands upward and used them as umbrellas, blocking the rain that fell twenty inches above their heads.

Like an invisible barrier, the rainwater flowed down the barrier and dripped at their feet.

Carney's shoes were okay, not because of his shoes, but because he had been freezing the dripping rainwater into frost so that the muddy ground would not stain his shoes.

Hermione's little leather shoes were different, with black and yellow mud covering them.

"I feel now that coming out with you was the wrong choice." Hermione gave up walking carefully. No matter how careful she was, the raindrops and the inertia of her heels would make her shoes and socks dirty.

"This is when you need to use magic." Carney generously covered the route they were going to take with a piece of frost. A little frost would not make them slippery.

"There's no way I can use magic and cast spells at the same time." Hermione tried to cast magic with her wandless hand, but it obviously failed.

The rain gradually became lighter, and the lush foliage of the trees blocked most of the drizzle. Only rolling water droplets slipped from the leaves from time to time, so they also put away their umbrellas.

Without the Acromantula, a scourge, the air in the entire forest has become fresher. The heavy rain has completely transformed the forbidden forest, and the buds and leaves have made the forest less dull.

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