Harry Potter's Catastrophe

Chapter 449: Human and animal language

Voldemort is also considered a bad snake, but Xiao Hei didn't eat it, so he can't eat everything.

"It's from the basilisk? No way." Seeing Xiao Hei's eyes return to normal, the deformed snake in his hand collapsed and turned back into a branch.

"That's it. Xiaobai said I should have inherited its ability." Xiaohei blinked and adapted.

"Any creature that sees the basilisk's eyes will be killed. Those who see it indirectly will be petrified. You are not even as good as being indirect."

"Ah, it's so useless." Xiao Hei's face immediately changed as if he had suffered a big loss.

"It's okay, it's okay." Carney looked at Xiao Hei and felt that he was a treasure. Does he have the attribute of devouring? He can replenish what he eats, and he can do whatever he eats. He might be able to breathe fire after eating a fire dragon.

"Master, Xiaobai said that when you look like this, you are usually thinking about some daydream content." Xiaohei looked at Carney curiously, "What is it about?"

"No matter how old or young you are, are you allowed to ask about the master's affairs?" Carney said with a stern look. He was a novice who was blindly teaching a bad kid. "Xiao Hei, do you want to learn magic?"

"Okay, okay, when will you learn?" Xiaohei's eyes lit up.

"It would be best if you can transform for a longer time, maybe twelve hours." Carney estimated that it would be enough time for class.

"Really?" Xiao Hei rolled his eyes, "Why do you need to be able to maintain human form for twelve hours before learning magic? Master, can't you teach Xiao Hei now?"

"Me? No, no, no, I mean go to school, go to school with your classmates, and learn magic." Carney taught some attack magic, or spells, which was okay, but he was so-so about the theory. I can't teach Xiao Hei at all.

"Does Xiao Hei go to school with his master?" Xiao Hei asked.

"No, you have to go to first grade." Carney said, half a semester of first grade content should be enough for Xiao Hei.

"Xiao Hei won't go." Xiao Hei's cheeks puffed up with air.

"Why don't you go?" Carney was puzzled. He had happily agreed before, but he regretted it so quickly. Oh, Xiao Hei.

"Didn't I already know how to do it?" Xiao Hei took out his wand and performed the spells and magic he learned from Carney. "Master just needs to take Xiao Hei with him to class."

"Oh, that's true." Since Xiao Hei didn't want to, there was nothing he could do. As for taking Xiao Hei to class, it was indeed feasible. She could learn as much as she could, and it would also prevent her from sleeping during the day.

"I knew you were reluctant to leave me. Since you are so reluctant, forget it." Carney looked like he knew everything.

Not long after Xiao Hei smiled, he changed back to his original shape, and the wand he was holding fell to the ground.

"Can't you take away the things in your hands when you return to your original form?" Carney looked at the situation and realized that it was too much to drop the wand after returning to its original form.

"Hiss~" Xiao Hei stuck out her tongue in confusion. She didn't learn the magic of collecting things. She always wanted to try wearing real clothes, but after putting them on, she changed back to her original shape and fell off. It cannot change with the body.

"You don't know how?" Carney said, and Xiao Hei nodded.

"I'm not good at academics, look at mine." Carney thought, can lions communicate with snakes? By the way, let’s show Xiao Hei how his Animagus transformation transforms people, clothes and objects together.

"Ho~ho? Roar? Roar?" Carney transformed into a bear and lion, showed off his transformed clothes without a trace to Xiao Hei, and asked a few tentative questions.

"His? Hiss? Hiss?" Xiao Hei also hissed a few times in response, but Carney didn't understand it at all, but he did understand the question mark.

"Hello~" Carney reorganized his words.

Xiao Hei was stunned for a moment, as if he understood, his mind twisted, and he began to think.

"Xiao Hei understands, Xiao Hei has learned." Xiao Hei opened his mouth, and the sound that came out was either a hissing sound or the sound of Xiao Hei talking.

However, to the outside world, it sounds like Carney is roaring and Xiao Hei is hissing, but when this sound is transmitted to the other party's ears, it is understandable speech.

People have their own words, and animals have their own words. Sure enough, all animals in the world are one family.

"I think you have to learn Animagus transformation. I don't know what it will turn into, whether it will be a human or another animal type." Carney was not sure what it was.

After Xiao Hei recovered, she turned into a human again, picked up her wand, and then began to try to bring the wand and her apple.

Changing back into a snake and back into a human being kept trying, and the wand fell off, was picked up, and dropped again.

Finally, Xiao Hei made an amazing move, picked up the apple and threw it into his mouth. Xiao Hei performed a swallowing fruit online, and the apple was immediately disconnected.

Seeing that Xiao Hei was about to show off the magic wand with one hand, Carney quickly stopped her.

"Don't swallow this. If you can't take it with you, let me hold it for you." Carney closed Xiao Hei's mouth.

"Then what should we do next?" Xiao Hei put his hands on his hips and waited for Carney's arrangements. Is the entertainment session next?

"Oh, by the way, I haven't tried your power yet." Carney remembered that he needed to know Xiao Hei's strength. "We've fought each other before, so feel free to come over."

"This is not good. How can Xiao Hei hit the master?" Xiao Hei said embarrassedly. This was too difficult for her to do, so she did it like this.

If Xiaobai heard this, he might roll up his sleeves and get started. What a great opportunity. I begged her to take it. If I missed it, there would be no store in this village.

But Xiaobai didn't wake up. She might have slept for several months.

"I said go all out, you should know what I mean." Kani blinked. Go all out, of course, just don't pull with all your strength. If I, the master, fail to beat him, I will be very embarrassed.

"Ah~ I, I should know." Xiao Hei probably knew what Carney meant, but he didn't understand why he wanted to say something sarcastic. Just say don't use your full strength.

"Ahem, let's have an arm wrestling match." Carney was suddenly afraid that Xiao Hei wouldn't be able to handle it. He had already imagined how Xiao Hei would be beaten with a bruised nose and a swollen face. It would be even more difficult if he cried.

It was better not to do anything that would damage the relationship between master and servant. After all, he and Xiao Hei had not signed a contract.

"What is arm wrestling? Is it a game?" Xiao Hei asked curiously.

"That's right." Carney hardened the soil and raised it to form a stone platform. The wooden table could not support it.

"The two of us work hard together. Whoever can break the other's hand will win." Carney stretched out the unicorn arm of his right hand, and Xiao Hei stretched out his slender right hand in a stylish manner.

I heard that the thinner the arm, the more painful it is to hit someone. I don’t know if this is true. Carney suddenly thought that maybe his nose and face were bruised and swollen from the beating. Sure enough, the suggestion of arm wrestling was correct.

"Three two one, start!"

Carney was firing on all cylinders, and the power was concentrated in his right hand. He felt as if his right hand had become the most terrifying right hand in the world, unstoppable and invincible.

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