Harry Potter's Catastrophe

Chapter 446: The enchanted apple

Finally, Xiao Hei took a light hand on the durian, the king of fruits, and the durian king survived very well.

After more than 20 minutes, he was able to control the strength to grasp. Carney cleaned up the residue of the fruit and increased the number of cups, books, and papers.

The cup has a handle and requires another gesture to hold it. Some of the things in daily life are found on the table.

Carney himself is not idle either. He has already planned to make some magical gadgets. The first thing that comes to his mind is eating. There is an endless supply of ice cream in the anime, which is a real thing.

Just do what you say, take out an apple, and make sure that after taking a bite, the apple will return to its original shape, so that you can never finish it and it will not go bad.

It was very difficult, so Carney immediately started experimenting, taking out an apple and casting the spell.

He tried replication spells, growth spells, restoration spells, repair spells and other spells, but none of them worked as Carney thought. It would be replenished after one bite and would not deteriorate.

"Maybe I'm making things complicated." Carney stared at the red apple and said to himself. These spells could not achieve the effect he wanted, because these spells did not apply outside their effects.

He thought that the copying spell could keep the apple in a copying state. After being bitten, the copying spell would take effect and fill the gap, but this seemed to only last for a while.

After the apple is picked, it can no longer maintain its vitality. It can maintain its growth state, but it only takes effect once.

"It's like a prank greeting card. It's one-time use. You have to cast it again after using it." Carney thought about it and quickly figured out the solution.

Just like hair, Harry said that Vernon could never cut off his hair, and it would still grow the next day after shaving it. Why?

Because Harry is unwilling, he hopes that he has hair, so the hair will grow back, but this requires consuming magic power. Harry is a wizard himself, and his body will restore magic power, so there is no such problem.

But Apple is not a wizard and cannot restore its magic power on its own, so it needs external help.

At this time, there are two questions: whether he gives the apple magic power, or whether he gives the apple a magic core that can restore magic power. But the magic core requires too much technology. Ancient magic words are used to arrange it into a circular magic array core. , so that it can work by itself.

This is difficult to explode, especially for something as small as an apple. The apple core is a good place to make a core, and it can be maintained without damaging the core.

Ron's car, the big guy, is like this, it can restore its magic power by itself and does not need to rely on gasoline to move. As long as the important parts of the car are not broken, it can still move.

"The blind spot of knowledge is really scary." But there is also a way to give him magic, but the consumption of apples will be deducted from Carney's magic power. It is like Carney has transformed into a house. It is exquisite, always there, and can also transform into a house. All kinds of little animals come out.

But if Carney dies, those conjured things, the items that exist by magic power, will disappear in an instant, or return to their original form.

But Carney is not so strong that he can give magic power to appear. If it is just a small apple, he can give it a try.

After the magic stone disappeared, his own magic power recovered much faster. The magic power consumption of an apple was negligible, so he started with the apple.

Xiao Hei's practice was completely thrown aside by Carney. Xiao Hei diligently grabbed the book, cup, and paper.

Is that apple that pretty? Do you watch it better than me?

Is that apple that easy to touch? Is it easier to touch than me?

Xiao Hei squinted at Carney as he couldn't put it down, playing with the apple, and felt sorry for himself. However, it was just a look of resentment in his eyes, and Carney didn't notice it at all.

Carney pointed the tip of his wand at the branch of the apple. From here, it was a direct passage to the core of the apple, and magic was given to it. From the perspective of the magic eye, it indeed turned into a magic apple.

At the core, after Carney cast the spell, he also felt a little bit about the apple and had a connection with himself, because he drew the magic power directly from Carney. As long as Carney is still there, the apple will always have magic power.

Carney took this apple, and now he had to find a white mouse, not a little black snake, to test it.

"Xiao Hei, you are tired. Come and eat an apple." Carney smiled and handed the apple over.

"Master is so kind!" Xiao Hei was so moved that she almost cried. It turned out that the red apple that the master had been tinkering with and couldn't put down was actually given to her to eat. It seems that her status is higher.

Hum, I'm going to eat you up.

"Ah~" Xiao Hei smiled proudly, opened his mouth wide and put the apple into his mouth, swallowing it in one bite.

It was so late that Carney had no time to react and could only shout a few times subconsciously.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" Carney said "Hey" three times and was too late to save his precious apple. He watched helplessly as Xiao Hei swallowed the apple into his throat, stretched his neck and finally fell into his stomach.

? ? ? Swallowing such a big apple like this?

Carney was really afraid that his neck wouldn't be able to hold it up, but he felt that the whole scene seemed familiar. Yes, even the little black swallowing dragon crystal could hold it up so big.

"It doesn't taste good." Xiao Hei smacked his lips. Now that the apple has been eliminated, the owner's attention will be on me again.

After entering Xiaohei's belly, the connection between Apple and Carney was completely severed, and Apple was digested. . . . . .

Xiao Hei couldn't think like a normal person. He didn't expect that Xiao Hei wouldn't even bite.

"You... it's wrong for you to eat like this. You have to bite, otherwise there will be no taste." Carney sighed.

"I haven't bitten it. I swallow everything I eat." Xiao Hei blinked, his eyes full of innocence, "I don't have teeth, so the fangs are probably used for eating."

"Feel what's on your mouth." Carney said angrily.

"Oh, I forgot, I have teeth now." Xiao Hei touched it and saw a row of white teeth. He suddenly realized that he almost forgot that he would have human teeth after he became a human, so he could chew food.

"I felt my fangs, here." Xiao Hei tilted his head happily and pointed to Carney. It was a small tiger tooth, pointed and tender, like a small bamboo shoot.

"You are now practicing gestures and finger movements. The thumb collides with the index finger, middle finger, ring finger, and little finger respectively, just like this." Carney demonstrated to Xiao Hei. This can flexibly flex the fingers, so that he can use normal pens and feathers later. Pens, chopsticks, knives and forks will be helpful.

Carney arranged for Xiao Hei to continue studying apples, and another apple was transformed by him. Following the same pattern, another magic apple was made.

Coming to Xiao Hei, yes, let Xiao Hei eat it.

"Don't move, keep in touch, and I'll feed you." Carney didn't intend to let Xiao Hei eat it by himself, so he wouldn't swallow it again, or bite the core himself.

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