Harry Potter's Catastrophe

Chapter 441: I am the master, and you actually want to boss me around

Those who were originally very interested in the Heart Charm were disappointed. In the course as usual, this matter was insignificant.

Carney ran out as soon as the afternoon class ended, and Heiyi had been in his pocket all afternoon.

He ran towards the Forbidden Forest in a hurry. The Forbidden Forest was not secretive enough. He originally planned to go to the Black Forest, but Dumbledore didn't seem to be in the school.

When passing by Hagrid's hut, I saw several first-year students digging for seeds in Hagrid's farmland.

"Hey, what are you doing? You want to poison the fruits and vegetables!" Carney saw that they were the first-year students, a few Gryffindor students.

"No, no, we are planting the seeds we learned in the herbal medicine class." A little wizard said, and showed Carney the planted soil and the small pits and beads dug. They were indeed planting seeds.

"Kani, don't tell me you're going to the Forbidden Forest again?" Hagrid walked out of the house, carrying a bunch of small planting tools, and gave them to the remaining Gryffindor wizards, "These are going to grow soon. It’s rusty, but it’s still usable. If you encounter any difficulties, you can ask me.”

Well, it seems that it is really simple to plant flowers and plants. Guys like them with low magical talents will still have some achievements if they specialize in herbalism. They will consider courses that do not require a wand.

"Of course not. What happened to the Forbidden Forest recently?" Although Carney was chatting with Hagrid, he kept his eyes on the little wizards.

Speaking of this, the movements of the little wizards slowed down and they dug into the soil carelessly. They were also concerned about things in the Forbidden Forest.

"Yes, a ferocious beast appeared a few days ago. It looked like a tiger. My lambs and calves were frightened. Fortunately, there was no damage. I have applied for a few house elves to help watch." Hagrid was carrying a crossbow and a small red umbrella, and was preparing to go on patrol in the afternoon.

Recently Hagrid had to go on two patrols, one after breakfast and one in the afternoon, so that he could be back in time for dinner.

"I am planning to go to the river to play and look for places suitable for fishing," Carney said.

"Oh, fishing, I have a few places to recommend." Hagrid was very enthusiastic and liked this kind of leisure activity very much, especially following them and Harry, it felt like he was back in his student days.

"Stop it, you have to find it yourself to find the fun. I'm leaving first." Carney couldn't chat with Hagrid anymore as he watched the time, and disappeared with a pop.

"Hey, I haven't had time to say where there is danger. Wait, when did he learn to disapparate?" Hagrid's eyes widened as he looked at the place where he disappeared. "In this case, he should be able to escape even if there is danger."

Hagrid was a little surprised. Carney had been thinking of ways to learn to apparate before. With his cleverness, he must have convinced Professor McGonagall or the principal.

"You little guys, don't go over there. There are cannibal werewolves and blood-sucking vampires there. Even Madam Pomfrey can't do anything if they bite you." Hagrid ordered to dig up all kinds of things in the ground. Little wizards.

"I know, we are here, not to mention there is Yaya." The little wizard looked at Yaya lying on the grass on the other side. He heard that Yaya was very delicious in the Forbidden Forest.

"Of course that's the best." Hagrid walked toward the grazing land. Those lambs and calves were precious, and he said he didn't have the money to buy them after losing them.

"Far enough." Carney suddenly appeared in the woods, bending each hand into a circle, placing it in front of his left and right eyes and looking at Hogwarts Castle, which was only as big as a palm.

Carney apparated to the opposite bank of the Black Lake along the river. Carney Hogwarts and the complete Black Lake can be seen in the distance.

"The decision is yours, come out, little black snake!" Carney put his hand into his pocket, threw the little black snake high, and shouted the lines.

Xiao Hei completed the transformation in the air with great cooperation, and turned into a cute person when he landed. Only then did Carney fully see Xiao Hei's appearance.

It has to be said that there is almost nothing that Carney dislikes. Even he, who is not interested in girls of immature age, is now shaken.

The only thing that seems lacking is the hair. Her hair was disheveled like a female ghost.

Her long hair, as black as a waterfall, hangs down her back, her delicate facial features are as if carved from powder and jade, and her eyes are deep black. I really didn’t expect that the original little black eyes would become so beautiful.

Wearing a Hogwarts suit, a wizard's robe and a school uniform top and bottom, his eyes moved downwards, and he did not notice the shoes. His white little feet just stepped on the ground.

"Master, what are you going to do today? Jungle adventure or a big meal?" Xiao Hei looked at Carney with expectant eyes.

"Ahem~" Carney finally came back to his senses and drew his attention back, "You can already speak human language?"

I heard her speak last night. Although she stuttered and only had a few words, I thought she only knew a little human language, but I didn't expect that she could speak so fluently.

"I know how to do it a long time ago. Xiaobai taught me. Master, can you come here?" Xiaohei stood still, dancing and stretching his arms to grab Carney.

"You can't come here by yourself, and you haven't understood that I am your master, and you actually want to order me around." Carney stopped just as he was about to lift his leg. How could he listen to her and accept her orders? , she should listen to me and not be deceived by appearance and then be nurtured against her.

"But... this is really difficult." The little black-haired voice almost made Carney soften.

However, Carney felt that the matter might not be that simple. Maybe it was Xiaobai's fault. As a monster, she saw that she had some charming and charming skills, so she might give Xiaohei an idea to prank him right now.

"How early did you become able to speak? How early?" Carney asked seriously, trying his best to show that he was not attracted by beauty. His pretense was still very technical. Xiaobai might have been like that in his time. The pig brother who can't walk and drools after seeing a beautiful girl, or the little rookie who looks dazed and swallows his saliva with his eyes shining brightly.

"Very early, very early, before playing in places with lots of water." Xiao Hei recalled, tilting his head, saying that he didn't understand what he meant.

Where is the place with lots and lots of water? In the river where we passed through the tribulation before? Carney thought for a while and then remembered that it was the time he took a cruise to participate in the Transformation Wizard Exchange Competition.

There is indeed a lot of water in the sea. Three many is really a lot. It seems that Xiao Hei still doesn't fully understand the language.

"That's the sea." Carney taught her that the place was called the sea.

"Yes, Xiaobai said that too, I forgot hehehe." Xiaohei pursed his lips and said with a silly smile.

Well, it seems that he is a bit stupid and not very smart. Xiaobai must also be very distressed when he meets Xiaohei. The kind that the head teacher can't do.

"Then you've been able to speak for a long time, why are you still hissing all day long?" Carney imitated Xiao Hei's hissing, and he got better at it after hearing it a lot, but the meaning was unclear, and Xiao Hei couldn't understand Carney either. What are you hissing?

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