Harry Potter's Catastrophe

Chapter 439: Dubbing Greeting Card Battle

Dinner was the last moment of Valentine's Day. The originally serious Valentine's Day changed drastically during their closed class in the afternoon.

It has been reduced to a prank-like aspect, and the greeting cards that George and Fred have been hoarding have sold out, and they deeply regret that this Valentine's Day has turned into this.

People no longer only send greeting cards to give to others, but also want to see how the dwarves will make a person look ugly. The lyrics of the greeting card are a good weapon.

Yes, Slytherin and Gryffindor started a war with Valentine's Day cards, and all kinds of weird words were sung from the little dwarf's mouth in front of the big guys.

"How did it become like this?" Carney said while eating fresh meat pie, and the dwarfs ran back and forth between the Gryffindor table and the Slytherin table.

Wood grabbed a dwarf and handed it the written greeting card, which was addressed to Marcus Flint.

George and Fred didn't have time to answer Carney's question. They were stopped by the dwarf and forced to listen to the singing of the greeting card.

"It seems that many people in Slytherin were sent prank greeting cards, and they were tricked. They thought it was Gryffindor who did it, and then it became lively when you came and went." Colin ran over with a camera and reported. road.

The deans of both parties were not present at the dinner, and Professor Lockhart, who likes to show off, was not present either. I heard that Professor Lockhart received nearly a hundred greeting cards at noon, and went to other professors to show off this pile of greeting cards, planning to Take it apart on the spot and appreciate it.

Carney could already think of where the more than a hundred greeting cards came from, and he could also imagine that Lockhart already regretted the idea of ​​having a Valentine's Day.

In front of so many colleagues, he entered the infirmary with a bruised nose and face due to a little evil curse. If he had taken it apart one by one, he wouldn't have been so embarrassed.

Even when the deans from both sides came to the auditorium, they didn't notice anything strange, except that the dwarfs seemed to have a lot of work to do.

If you were deducted points for this matter, it wouldn't be worth it. Gryffindor first stopped, and Slytherin also restrained himself when he saw his dean walking in with a bad face.

Everyone tacitly understood it and racked their brains to write a "congratulatory message" that made people's eyes shine, and then left it to the hard-working dwarfs to humiliate the other side.

"You, Carney Strand!" A short man walked up to Carney. His voice was still sharp and not hoarse from singing more than a dozen tuneless songs. Maybe this was professionalism.

"Greeting card? Just put it on the table." Carney disagreed. If this little man could sing, then there would be no sound at all.

"I have a message with music that I personally conveyed to Carney Stern." The short man held the greeting card, but his previous impatience was gone, and his words were like a mechanical repetition.

"Oh, don't worry, come on, drink a glass of juice to moisten your throat and take a rest." Carney kindly handed over a glass of juice, with an innocent smile on his face.

"That's a good suggestion, I think it's okay." The little dwarf was stunned after hearing it. It had indeed been a long time since he had something to drink to soothe his throat, and the little wizard seemed quite kind. He asked uncertainly.

"Of course, why not, I have been paying attention to you. You are different. You work tirelessly and without complaint. You should reward yourself with a glass of juice. I am very happy to provide it for free." Carney said sincerely and put it Depicted like a hardworking little bee.

"Thank you very much. You are such a kind little wizard." The little man felt that he deserved a reward for being so hardworking, so he took the juice politely.

"Come, let's drink this cup together." Carney motioned to Harry and Ron and the four of them, and everyone raised their cups symbolically.

"Gulu gulu, very delicious juice." The little dwarf drank it all in one gulp. He had never drunk such delicious juice.

Carney smiled with satisfaction, "Three, two, one, down!"

The little man held the cup and savored the deliciousness of the juice. Hearing Carney count down, his eyes darkened and he fell to the ground.

"Poof!" "Poof!" "Poof!" "Poof!"

Harry Ron Simonaway looked at the little dwarf who fell to the ground and immediately squirted out the juice he was drinking.

"The juice is poisonous!" Ron said in horror.

"Only that cup has the sleep medicine." Carney said, and sure enough, the little dwarf immediately let out a loud snore after falling to the ground, but in the noisy auditorium, only the people nearby could hear it.

Carney took the greeting card from the little dwarf's hand. As expected, there was nothing good written in it. Flames ignited from his fingers, burning the card until even the ashes disappeared.

He didn't want to know who wrote the card, although he could, and no one would prank him now.

"Wouldn't this be good?" Neville looked at the little dwarf sleeping on the ground.

"No, they were invited by Lockhart, and Lockhart is not here." Ron also felt that these dwarfs were too noisy, because he was sitting next to Harry, and most of the messages Harry received were Abnormal.

"Carney, give me a cup of sleepy juice. If they come again, drink them down." Ron held out the cup. He felt that he had learned the essence of Carney's deception. If any dwarf came over, he would perform it live.

"They won't be fooled again." Carney poured Ron a drink. The little dwarf sleeping next to him had been helped away by his companions. They chattered a lot and then put the sleepy dwarf aside. Trying different ways to wake up the sleepy dwarf.

But the sleepy dwarf turned over and continued to sleep, while the other dwarfs threw it away and continued working.

"Harry Potter, there's another greeting card with a soundtrack." The little man squeezed over from under the next table, holding the greeting card and getting ready to sing.

"Mr. Dwarf, please have a glass of juice to moisten your throat." Ron handed the juice over, "It's free."

"No, thank you for your bad intentions, I'm not as stupid as Bundy." The shorty rejected Ron's hypocrisy and sang loudly.

"Your lightning is as charming as an earthworm. I am deeply fascinated by it. It is as beautiful as a corpse stain. I want to be able to appreciate it every day."

You didn't need to guess where this came from. Harry had heard enough of these words, and he was not angry about it, because Malfoy had no choice but to use his words and was no match for him.

"You, Carney Strand, I have a musical message to convey to you." Another dwarf came to Carney.

Carney wasn't sure if he was going for Stellan, after all, they both had the same name.

"I won't ask for your juice. I'll leave after I finish singing." said the little dwarf.

"No, you're overthinking. Listen." Carney snapped his fingers. To outsiders, it sounded like an ordinary snap of fingers, but when it reached the little man's ears, it turned into a heavy lullaby.

"Boom." The little dwarf could no longer hold on, fell to the ground and had a sweet dream.

They were now a little quieter. The two dwarfs fell asleep and it was no big deal. The dwarfs never planned to come to Kani again.

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