Harry Potter's Catastrophe

Chapter 428: The disappearing black tree and the sudden appearance of the dragon

It seems that the leader in destroying spiders may have encountered something unexpected.

Carney arrived at the small camp he visited last time. It was in dilapidated condition, with spider webs everywhere and some broken arms and limbs, but they all belonged to spiders.

The body must have been eaten by spiders of the same kind. After all, there are not many animals in the Forbidden Forest, but there are quite a few mosquitoes. They should not be wasted.

"Hoo~ho~ho" is really troublesome. I can't speak human words, I can only yell. Carney was walking in the woods, and it took Xiao Hei half a day to eat. He had enough time.

"Hoo~ho~ho~" It seems that the spiders have been really rampant recently. Carney saw many spider corpses along the way, with arrows stuck on them that the men and horses had not had time to take back.

Spider threads can be seen on trees everywhere on the road, but there are none in the dark woods.

Carney came here again, approached a tree and scratched it hard with his paw, oozing out the sap of the tree.

"Ho~" Are you trying to trap me and suck my blood?

Carney gave the nearby trees a claw, one to teach them a lesson, and the other to leave a mark.

In the dark forest, Kani turned back into a human, jumping up and down the branches of the tree, looking for traces of the previous group of human-faced black ghast trees.

All the black trees that were about to move along the way were kicked and broken by Kani. After a while, he found the place where the trees were demolished before, a large area of ​​dead branches and dead trees.

"It seems like yesterday." Carney still remembers the first time he had trouble with these trees here.

Kani put on a broom and flew in the sky. Any tree Kani who had any ideas would be struck by lightning, and he flew out of the black forest in a short while.

"No, the black forest is not that short a distance."

Carney flew several times and found that the black forest was just that big, with no giant black-faced trees dozens of meters high or huge skulls.

"Xiehu, there are too many evil things in this world." Carney landed in the middle of the dark forest. This is the thickest tree in the area, and it already has a face.

"Tell me, where are your accomplices?" Carney thrust his clawed hand into the heart of the evil tree, if the tree had a heart.

"Say no!" Carney slapped the stiff tree's face with his backhand, knocking off the hard bark.

"I'll give you one last chance." Carney also inserted his other hand into the trunk of the tree. The black evil tree still didn't answer. Judging from his face, he was ready to fight to the death.

"What a tough talk." Carney pulled his hands left and right, and the black tree that needed two people to hug was torn in half.

"It's your turn next." Carney said to the other trees with faces. There are many trees here, and there might be one with a soft mouth.


ten minutes later.

"It turns out they can't speak. I overestimated their level." Carney wiped his hands clean, and nearby were black trees that were torn in half from the center.

Now Carney has finally confirmed that the place where the Black Ghast Trees are located should be in another dimension or the entire forest here has been enchanted. This should be the only explanation.

After all, a black tree tens of meters high should be obvious, especially if it is taller than other trees.

Otherwise Dumbledore and the Ministry of Magic would have discovered this long ago. The Forbidden Forest is actually a slightly special forest, where strange creatures and magical plants live.

For the little wizard, it is a forbidden forest. Nothing will happen to Carney when he flies in the sky on a broomstick. Of course, he is flying above the black evil tree, and there are no other creatures except the black evil tree.

In other woods, some man-eating creatures might pop up, but Carney was not afraid of these. The wand in his hand held magic and flew through the woods in various places, killing any one that appeared.

However, those guys seemed to be sleeping this morning, or were intimidated by his momentum, and did not attack Carney.

Carney flew out of the forbidden forest area. The forbidden forest area was bigger than he thought. The black forest was in the middle part of the forbidden forest. A little past it was a dense forest river, and beyond that was the mountain wilderness and mountain peaks.

Hogwarts has become the size of a bean and is still within the confines of the Forbidden Forest. After flying out of the unusual forest range, looking back, only a small dot remains of Hogwarts.

The broom was pulled up high, and Carnie was flying happily in the sky. Except for the broomstick's diaphragm touching the crotch, everything else was fine.

"Dragon!" After flying to the extreme height of the broom, Carney used a transformation spell on the broom.

The broom lost its ability to fly and began to fall downwards. Halfway through, it soared into the sky again. Carney controlled the swing of his wings and grabbed the horns on the dragon's back with one hand.

"To be honest, I love transformation." Carney feels that he is very domineering now. He feels like he is a dragon knight. He is only a real dragon away from the dragon knight.

A hot fireball suddenly flew towards Carney. Carney paused with the wand in his hand, and the entire dragon body stopped to avoid the fireball.

The fireball was as big as the dragon he had transformed into. Carney looked towards the source of the fireball and saw an even bigger dragon appearing out of nowhere and coming towards him menacingly.

The appearance of the dragon was different from the fire dragons Carney had seen. There were not many ferocious barbs and bone spurs. The body was almost covered with scales. Like the Hungarian Horntail Dragon, its front claws and wings were integrated.

However, it is worth mentioning that its size is several times that of an ordinary fire dragon. Although its appearance is not as ugly and scary as an ordinary fire dragon, it still gives people a scary and chilling feeling.

Carney had seen enough and immediately waved his wand to avoid a direct confrontation.

The ferocious fire dragon was big yet fast. The distance was getting closer and closer. He turned around and saw that the giant dragon opened its mouth as big as the gate of Hogwarts, and its throat was filled with fire.

A big fireball came out of his mouth, which was as big as the gate of Hogwarts. He immediately folded the wings of the fire dragon and let it fall freely to avoid the fireball.

"That shouldn't be a fire dragon, right? Can fire dragons breathe fire like this?" Carney drove the fire dragon and flew towards the mountains. Fire dragons have to be within the range of their suction chambers when they breathe fire. Why did they spit out fireballs and shoot them? so far away.

Carney saw the return ball fly all the way into the woods. Five or six trees were burned directly, and the flames shot out.

Fireball dragons will not touch fireballs, but they will spit out small fireball-shaped flames from their nostrils when they are angry. Fireball dragons are all walking flamethrowers.

So the dragon that suddenly appeared and chased him was definitely not a fire dragon, but more like a giant dragon, the kind he met in the Forbidden Forest when he was in first grade.

That one is much smaller, but slightly larger than the normal fire dragon, but compared to the other one, he is the younger brother among younger brothers.

Soon the dragon caught up with Carney and his Horntail Dragon, and kept pace with them. The dragon's eye, which was as big as Carney's crouched body, saw him.

'reptile? ’ The dragon’s eyes seemed to be able to speak. It was teasing at first, and then a little surprised when he saw him, which turned into disdain.

Carney was also fascinated by its eyes, what beautiful eyes, and the huge vertical pupils were like a perfect work of art.

Only then did I truly understand the size of this giant dragon. He was only the size of a dragon's eye, and the fake fire dragon on his crotch could be eaten in one bite.

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