Harry Potter's Catastrophe

Chapter 420: Get ready in advance

When the sky thunder fell, it didn't matter where it struck, nor did it strike Kani first and then hit Xiao Hei. Such a thick thunder and lightning directly expanded the scorched pit under his feet by more than a circle.

In the blue-white electric light, Carney's hair, brows, eyelashes, and clothes all turned into ashes, and then his skin, which was original at the beginning, turned red, and then turned black.

The whole body was completely skinless, and the flesh all over the body was covered with burn marks. Fortunately, Carney threw the wand out in time, otherwise the wand would have turned to ashes.

Now that the wand is gone, there is no need to resist forcefully. The whole body is torn apart, burned and paralyzed. Carney dare not move because it will cause more pain.

It took a while for the body to digest the power of thunder that had invaded and wreaked havoc inside the body.

Tianlei's saving time was quite long, because it gave Carney enough time to recover.

Xiao Hei couldn't see any changes. It was originally black, and the conjoined scales were still there, but they had become extremely ugly, and they couldn't be seen as snake scales at all.

"Ha~ It hurts so much that I forgot about it and screamed." Carney was convinced that it had completely different effects than the thunder that struck him before. This thunder was too destructive to the body.

Although such a thick thunder struck Kani and Xiao Hei together, the damage suffered by Xiao Hei was greatly reduced, and he began to use his spiritual power to recover his body.

Carney hooked his finger, and the wand flew back to Carney's hand.

Waves of lightning strikes were about to start again, Carney's magic power surged crazily, and red spots were seeped out of the magic stone again.

When the thunder fell, Carney's wand also burst into intense red light, and blue and red noises reflected in the sky and earth.

The lightning strike was caught, but the electric current followed the magic all the way down, climbed up the wand, and destroyed Carney in just a few seconds.

He successfully blocked the blow, but it wasn't over yet. Another thunder and lightning fell from the rolling dark clouds, and Carney had no choice but to wave his staff again and cast a spell to meet it.

Thunder and lightning collided with magic, and the electricity and thunder followed the magic and fell on Carney, but this was still within the tolerance range.

"Huh~" Not long after he took his breath, the third one came again, and Carney had to meet it again.

It was really an unwise choice to fight against Tian Lei. Carney's magic power was completely consumed by these three fatal attacks.

Magic is effective against Tianlei, but he doesn't consume that much magic power. Throwing the wand away again, I now relied on all my spiritual power.

Converging his spiritual energy into his fists, he punched Tianlei when it fell, beating Tianlei to pieces. But this was all his imagination, how could he hit the thick thunder and lightning with his small fists.

There was a loud noise, and the body was slammed into the ground with great force. The entire consciousness was blurred, and it felt like the body had lost consciousness.

This was the first time I had been struck by thunder. It had exceeded the pain of nerve cells, and the brain had no idea how to express the pain it received.

The spiritual power all over the body was scattered, and the power of thunder crawled all over the body, and then disappeared without a trace. The limbs and eight meridians spurted out a large amount of spiritual power, filling the body and restoring vitality.

The dark clouds above our heads are still there, and the thunder is far from over.

He felt something moving in the shape of a strip on his chest. He was relieved and concentrated on lying down waiting for the next thunder.

Next time you go through a tribulation, should you crawl on the ground by yourself? You will be beaten to the ground anyway, why not lie down in advance? Carney thought about what kind of posture would be comfortable.

He couldn't lie face up to the sky. It would be unimaginable to be hit by that place. Even though the thing below was not damaged after being struck by lightning several times, the thunder in the sky was quite generous this time. It must be a male dark cloud.

It's better to lie down. Although it will be pressed, it is impossible to get hard at this time.

From the corner of his eye, he saw the surrounding light up and knew that thunder was coming. Then his back felt like someone had used a rake to open up all the flesh. His whole body was struck by lightning. He couldn't feel the pain, but he could still feel the sensation behind his back.

Carney knew that his back must be in terrible condition right now. The skin and flesh would definitely be ripped apart, and the blood would not flow out at all, because it would be evaporated in an instant and the flesh and blood would be burned hard.

However, when the front was pressed against the ground, there was nothing other than the burnt black smell of meat. Carney once again felt that he could not feel the existence of his body and could not hear any sounds.

On the torn back, dark bones were exposed, and thin red silk threads set up a net on the back, and flesh and blood grew back.

But this was just pain to Carney. The acupuncture points opened in his body began to work again. Spiritual energy circulated in his body, and his body regained some consciousness. There was nothing but pain.

I didn't know anything about the recovery in my back, because the pain in my back was the most severe, it hurt to my bones, and the bones must have been split.

It's not possible to continue like this. You have to change your position, otherwise your back will be broken. Carney crawled before playing, and the next attack should be on the waist.

No, if you don't hit it accurately, you'll die if you get hit on the butt or somewhere else. Carney immediately crawled back again, probably on the shoulder.

White light suddenly appeared, the body lost control again, and then it started again.

"It seems that the thunder can't destroy my soul." Carney regained consciousness again. If he kept hitting him like this, there would be no problem, and his soul would not be harmed at all.

Seeing that the wave was stable, Carney twisted his shoulders. It seemed that the attack was on his back and shoulders this time. Fortunately, the effect of the dragon potion had not worn off so quickly, and his body still had the strength to move.

Taking advantage of the recovery of magic power, he summoned the wand and cast several spells on himself, "Recover quickly." "Wounds healed." "Strong." "Strong as stone."

After casting a few protective spells, he threw away the wand again. He was panting and waiting for the next wave of thunder. He didn't know how many thunders he had struck, and he didn't even count them. Anyway, they were definitely better than his. Lots of time.

Next came another series of blows, and Kani's body was shaken by the blows, like a dead corpse swaying left and right after being struck by lightning.

Carney's body was stronger than he thought, and his body regained consciousness again. He didn't know that his back had been beaten to pieces and only bones were left, so how could he still feel pain.

He wanted to move his arms to touch, but stopped halfway. He didn't dare. Touching his bones and the flesh and blood inside made him stand on his head. Although he no longer had any hair, there was not a single hair on his body. , the nose hairs are gone too.

I bent my head and saw that the dark clouds in the sky had stopped making noise, and the last wave of thunder would come next.

"It's finally over." The last thunderbolt fell on Carney. It did not dissipate after a few seconds, but continued.

Carney didn't feel anything. He could see two charred palms being destroyed by blue-white lightning. The charred objects were torn apart. The seeping blood immediately evaporated, and the flesh and blood melted bit by bit.

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