Harry Potter's Catastrophe

Chapter 406: Beat him up when he is not prepared

Carney was also shocked, he didn't expect that he actually controlled so many Transformers.

Looking down from the Decepticon base, densely packed Transformers stood there, and almost all the Transformers in New York City stopped what they were doing.

Some Transformers who were not under control saw this situation and followed everyone to a stop.

"Cool, I didn't know the watch had this function. When did it get it?" Carney was surprised.

"The signal tower we just had built at Megatron's request has only been slightly modified," Soundwave said.

"Oh, Soundwave, this change is awesome."

For a moment, there were only Starscream, Thunderbolt and Skywarp flying three times in the sky. They were all confused looking at this situation.

The Transformers who stopped looked at Carney with dull eyes, looked at Carney's raised hand, and looked at the watch on his raised hand.

"Blow up the signal tower!" Megatron was anxious. He had no time to care about Carney. Optimus Prime beat him back with every move.

"Nice job." Ironhide pushed away the mid-fight enemy and turned to attack the Starscreams in the sky.

"I just said that my signal detector will not make mistakes." The detective held the smoke pipe in his mouth.

Bumblebee, who was dealing with the enemy inside the base, also found that the enemies were motionless. He punched him casually and continued to search for the location of the fire source inside the base.

Starscream and Thundercrackers left and attacked Kani. Bullets poured out, but they were all blocked by the detective and Ironhide.

The signal tower was not destroyed even by Skywarp's missiles. Defense measures were already in place when it was built.

"Megatron, your doom has come." The headwind turned into a tailwind in an instant. Optimus Prime threw Megatron to the ground and beat him. The ruthless iron fist hit Megatron's metal head hard without caring about the friendship of the year.

A large mouthful of green liquid spit out from Megatron's mouth, and half of his face's headgear was lost.

"It's not over yet." Megatron's momentum remained unabated, and he pushed his bow leg against the branch of Optimus Prime, then kicked Optimus Prime away, and then knocked Optimus Prime away with an uppercut.

Optimus Prime was knocked out of the base and fell down. Fortunately, there were many Transformers cushioning him underneath.

"Soundwave, cut off the signal tower connection." Megatron immediately contacted Soundwave. It was useless to rely on Starscream. He couldn't even organize a picnic.

Just as he was about to attack Carney, Jazz rushed forward, stomped on Megatron's queen's knees, stepped on Megatron's back and mounted on Megatron's shoulders.

The whole action was done in one go. Just when he was about to hit Megatron on the head with the hand cannon, Megatron dodged with a tilt of his head and then tore Jazz off.

Jazz's size was like that of a human child in front of Megatron. Megatron was a strong adult and could lift Jazz up with one hand.

The next step is probably to be torn in half. Carney doesn't have much confidence in his magic, and there is no guarantee that the magic will have a big effect on Megatron.

"Save the Autobot." He immediately threw Xiao Hei over and threw it directly on Megatron's arm. After receiving the mission, Xiao Hei directly expanded, and his body quickly wrapped around Megatron's hands.

Megatron planned to tear Jazz apart with his hands, but something happened just as he was about to tear him apart. A giant snake entangled his hand, and the hand that was halfway pulled was stuck.

"Ah." Jazz was almost torn apart.

"Hiss." Xiao Hei's speed was extremely fast, and he circled Megatron's hand in a figure-8 shape. Due to his size, he could only circle once.

Under Xiao Hei's body shape, Megatron's hands look short and weak.

Blackie wrapped around Megatron's arm, and the muscles all over his body were tense and compressed. Megatron could only be helpless and furious. The armor on his arms was crushed one after another, and the Autobots in his hands could no longer hold on. Jazz fell to the ground.

Xiao Hei rolled up Jazz on the ground and pulled him back. Megatron's two arms were immediately torn off by Xiao Hei, and green liquid and a bunch of wires came out.

All this happened in a blink of an eye. The situation changed so fast that the other Autobots didn't even react.

Optimus Prime had the upper hand just now, and then he was knocked away. Megatron was about to tear Jazz apart, but his arms were taken away the next second.

He immediately planned to transform into a vehicle and take off. When he jumped up, he was suddenly restrained by an unknown pressure and fell back to the ground.

"There are many obstacles!" Carney's magic acted on Megatron, preventing Megatron's next actions. Megatron could not be allowed to run away, otherwise it would be difficult to find him.

Although there were two undercover agents, Soundwave and Shockwave, there was nothing Carney could do if Megatron had been in space, not to mention that Soundwave did not carry out Megatron's orders this time, which would definitely arouse his suspicion.

It is best to kill villains without leaving any room, otherwise some villain BOOS will become more and more difficult to deal with and die the more you fight them.

The most annoying thing is that the villain is beaten but not killed, and then causes trouble later. The protagonist tries to kill but fails to kill the protagonist. The villain grows again, looks for trouble again, and finally develops into a big BOOS.

Carney was annoyed by this kind of thing the most, so he killed Tang Yugang very decisively. If he didn't want to know the origin of this group of people, he wouldn't even save their souls.

"Ah—" Megatron cut off in the middle of his roar. He was interrupted. He was really interrupted.

Optimus Prime jumped up and hit Megatron on the head with a roundhouse kick, interrupting his roar. Megatron's head came into close contact with the ground.

If a Cybertronian was hit in the head, he would probably be confused and in a trance. You can tell by looking at Megatron's overwhelmed look, his eyes are dull and distracted.

But they woke up immediately. Their brains can process things very quickly, so they were fine immediately.

But a red sword was inserted into Megatron's fire chamber, the blade penetrated from his chest, and Megatron's red eyes completely dimmed.

"Starscream and the others ran away." The detective came over with his weapon on his shoulder, "Sir, how are you?"

"He's not dead yet, he was almost torn in half." Jazz was lying on the ground, and the ambulance was giving him simple treatment.

"Thanks to this big-little guy." Jazz watched as the giant snake Xiao Hei transformed into a small black snake and crawled back to Carney's shoulder.

"It can actually become so small! What kind of species is this? I've never seen it before." Tiepi said. They have been wandering in space for so long and haven't seen any species before. But this kind of bar-shaped pet that can be big or small is really rare. Saw it.

"The wizard's pet." Carney said, greeting them, "No need for treatment, we will go directly to the Tinder Room, everyone holding hands."

"Why didn't you go to the Spark Room in the first place?" Optimus Prime asked. Why did Carney bring them here since he could go directly to the Spark Room.

"Do you know how to catch a turtle in an urn or beat a dog behind a closed door? Besides, I'm worried that Megatron will run away, but you guys don't take advantage of the sudden opportunity and beat him in a group when he's not prepared."

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