Harry Potter's Catastrophe

Chapter 401: The arrival of the Autobots

The small robots in the big group fight nearby were all eliminated by them, and then one of them began to shirk responsibility. Finally, the Starscream patrol came to the scene to end it.

‘Let’s go over now and see where the place with the words mentioned is. ’ Carney apparated to the roadside, and Xiaobai led the way.

‘Right here. ’ Xiaobai came to a collapsed wall with a blank wall above it. ‘Why is it gone? ’

‘You are such a jerk, I didn’t ask you to come here just to look at the wall. ’ Carney opened his magic eyes and senses to see the surrounding situation at a glance, without any trace of magic.

"I remember a magic spell to restore the scene." Carney took out the wand.

"The traces are revealed." Carney cast a spell on the ruins, and dust floated in the air.

‘I remember this, but adding prefixes and suffixes to magic can have special effects. I also forgot whether there are 2 or not. ’ Carney scratched his head, and the dust immediately changed.

A small snake gathered in one place and was looking at the wall.

'That's where we were. ’ Xiaobai said.

Then a layer of powder gathered on the wall, and a line of Chinese characters appeared, 'Either I devour you, or you devour me.' ’

After a while, there was nothing else left in the ruins, which meant that only one sentence appeared here from beginning to end, or magic could not reveal the trace.

Carney copied the handwriting and said to Xiaobai, "Write it again."

Xiaobai temporarily took over Xiaohei's body, raised his tail and scratched on the wall, making a line of words like dragons and phoenixes, and Carney couldn't even tell if they were Chinese characters.

"The case was solved, not you, but someone else." Carney dissipated the magic, and Xiaobai's scrawled words were completely different from the other.

‘What, I can also change the characters. ’ Xiaobai was not happy.

‘Have you also been enlightened? The words here prove that you had already eaten at that time. This really happened, and it was not you now, so nothing happened. ’ Carney knocked on the little black head.

"Hiss..." Xiao Hei is about to cry but has no tears. Why are you knocking me?

‘Then it’s only in the more distant future. ’ Xiaobai reacted immediately.

‘Hey, this is really troublesome, my time is going to be messed up. ’ Carney covered his head. The person who was swallowed was Xiaobai who didn’t know when or something else.

‘So changing time is a very dangerous thing. ’ Xiaobai said.

‘I won’t use it if I can. ’ Carney felt that he should block the idea of ​​using the time turner, so he took the time turner off his neck and put it into the box and then into the pendant.

"Resuscitate quickly." Carney waved his wand to wake up the unconscious Auror.

The awakened Auror immediately disapparated after identifying the location. Carney did not return to the wizarding world, but continued to hide in the previous building, using a telescope to look in the direction of the Decepticon base.

An hour later, Carney suddenly appeared at the corner of the slope, took a step, and then a robot cut out its weapon and fired at him.

"It's finally over, time has returned to its original place." Carney took a deep breath and lay on the ground to rest.

Not long after he lay down, the unique electric wave of the sound wave came again, forcing Carney to cheer up.

"The Autobots are close to the earth and are about to break through the atmosphere. The predicted crash location is north of Princeton." A voice came from the watch, and Carney immediately looked towards the sky.

Five fireballs appeared in the sky, and then hit the ground with a string of flames. They were not in New York, but in a city southwest of New York.

It was at least 90 kilometers away from New York, and Carney could only see a few small fireballs.

The Decepticon base must have received the news, but there was no movement. The Decepticons continued to do whatever they were supposed to do.

Megatron didn't want to take the initiative to trouble Optimus Prime, and he didn't even have to look for it when pushing the box. He could just wait for Optimus Prime to come to his door.

The Autobots and their positions were still visible when they landed, but then they disappeared, apparently camouflaging themselves to avoid Soundwave's sight.

Carney apparated to the woods where Bumblebee was. Bumblebee was no longer there. He must have received the signal and went to respond.

The locations of the other Autobots were unknown, but Bumblebee's location was being monitored by Soundwave, and the yellow dot on the watch kept moving.

Carney slowly apparated over and stood on top of a building waiting for Bumblebee to stop.

Carney, who was leaning quietly against the railing, was paying attention to his watch and looking at the sky. Many wizards appeared and appeared, almost all for the five falling 'meteorites'.

Or maybe it's some other reason. Anyway, it has something to do with the Autobots. Maybe the White House has invited wizards from the International Confederation of Wizards to discuss a plan to eliminate the robots. It's also possible that the Autobots just hit the muzzle of the gun.

The Bumblebee stopped on the watch. Carney looked at the position and immediately apparated to the scene. However, he did not appear directly at the scene, but landed on the top of the building.

However, this building was too low. It was only a two-story building. It was a simple factory. Carney was discovered the moment he landed.

"Hey, no one told me that humans on Earth would be so capable." A silver-white Autobot pointed it at Carney. As long as Carney had any intention to attack, he would immediately give Carney a new life. .

Bumblebee made a strange noise, slapped away the gun pointed at Carney, and then pointed at him as if to explain to Carney.

"Is this a magical Earthling?" A man in a yellow car looked at Kani with interest, and even touched Kani's limbs with his hands and feet, trying to find out what was different from other humans.

"My name is Optimus Prime. We are mechanical organisms from the planet Cybertron, also called Autobots." A big blue and red robot stood up. He was Optimus Prime and came to Carney. "You are Carney. Ni Stran, the human who knows the location of the fire but doesn’t want to reveal it?”

Optimus Prime's skin is a little different from the Optimus Prime in Carney's impression. Maybe it's because there aren't many good trucks in this era, or there are no good trucks here for him to scan.

"Uh, yes." Carney returned anxiously. Optimus Prime's aura made him answer obediently, and a leader's aura hit his face.

"I didn't want to reveal it to the Autobots but I revealed it to the Decepticons, drink." A big black man said unceremoniously, "Humans are really asking for trouble."

"Bumblebee, since you knew that the source of the fire was on Earth, you didn't inform us immediately." After hearing this, Bumblebee lowered his head consciously, waiting for Optimus Prime's punishment.

"Bumblebee is not to blame for this." Optimus Prime said

"Bumblebee has told me that you are considering humanity and it is reasonable. If you can ensure that the Decepticons are not found, I also fully agree." Optimus Prime said to Carney.

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