Harry Potter's Catastrophe

Chapter 285: Autohome Museum

After playing all morning, they had finished using the game coins. Claudia Dove took advantage of them to shop for clothes in the clothing street nearby while they were playing games.

He also asked Carney if he wanted to go. Of course Carney refused. He didn’t want to be so tired after going out to play.

At noon, they ordered hamburgers at the KFC store. The drinks inside were much better than pumpkin juice. The most important thing was that the store had heating. Carney paid for a second meal here, and this one was much cheaper.

They struggled in the store for a long time, and finally decided to go to the Dove Museum, the Automobile Home Museum, which Carney and Falls Lucci decided.

When Carney proposed to go, Falls Lucci agreed very much. Clodia Dove and Tenga Tans had already been to the places they wanted to go. This time they had no say, although the museum could only see , but they all agreed.

Now several other people have played all the games, and only Pepper Addis proposed to go to the amusement park. Although Luden Fajan also agreed to his proposal, he was still forced by the eyes of Falls Lucci. retreat.

"We are about the same distance from the museum as the amusement park, and the museum is closer." Falls Lucci said holding the map.

"Isn't that just right? You go to the museum and we go to the amusement park." Luden Fajan said happily.

"But the directions are opposite. The museum is in the north and the amusement park is in the south." Falls Lucci continued, "Let's take a taxi. This time I want to sit in the front."

Obviously, Falls Lucci was still thinking about the reason for the car air conditioner. If he found out that there was also car music, he would be shocked and his eyes would be straightened.

However, taxis rarely play music when working. If passengers need it, they will recommend their popular singles to you, and then recommend you to buy albums or records.

"Uncle, what is the principle of this heater?" Fowles Lucci asked after getting in the car and feeling the heater blowing from the front. Fowles Lucci and Claudia Dove were in the same car as Carney. Three other people make another one.

"Ah, this, this is because of the engine. When the engine coolant temperature is high, the coolant flows through the heat exchanger in the heater system, generally called the heater small water tank, to combine the air sent by the blower with the engine. The cold liquid undergoes heat exchange, the air is heated, and then is sent into the car through the air outlets by the blower. "The driver still knows something about the car.

Falls Lucci was stunned for a moment. What is the engine, what is the coolant, and the heater system? Heat exchanger? He generally knew about blowers, but he didn't know if there was any difference between the blowers in the wizarding world and the blowers in the Muggle world.

There are not many people in the Autohome Museum. After all, there are fewer people visiting the museum, which is far less interesting than those fun and interesting places.

You don’t need to buy a ticket to visit here. The Autohome Museum occupies a lot of space. One side is divided into a viewing area, which mainly contains old cars, from all ages, for people to watch.

On the other side is the car sales area, which sells the most popular cars today.

Viewing and selling at the same time is a good marketing model. People who buy cars can go to the viewing area to view old cars from different eras, and people who come to view can go to buy cars and look at them. Maybe they want to buy them after just looking at them. .

"Cool, that car is really cool." Pepper Addis looked at a car on the center stage of the car sales area. It was a convertible supercar with a red shell and a streamlined body. It looked fast.

"That's more expensive than Nimbus Two Thousand and One, and it's much more expensive, although it's not as fast as Nimbus Two Thousand and One," Carney said.

"Okay, let's take a look." Carney was going to look around one by one. If a group of people were watching, he wouldn't be able to deliberately look for the Autobot or Decepticon marks.

"Well, let's gather here at four o'clock and go back." Claudia Dove saw that the car buying area could actually be entered to experience it, and she quickly said and ran to experience it.

Luden Fajan and the others also went to the car sales area to take a look. After all, these brand-new cars are better looking than those old cars. Carney started looking for the old cars in the viewing area.

Carney looked at all kinds of antique cars and classic cars carefully, but they were all surrounded by viewing tapes, and they couldn't open the doors to look inside. However, Carney could still see through the glass what marks were on the steering wheels inside.

As the marks of the Autobots and Decepticons, they should be placed in very obvious places, such as the front of the car and the steering wheel. If they show the mark on the hood, there is nothing you can do about it. You can't look at it on the hood, right? The boss will kill me.

For some cars with higher wheels, Carney couldn't see the steering wheel inside and could only jump up to look. Carney hadn't let go of the chassis yet, and the Decepticons might do this.

Carney can almost see the bottom of the car just by squatting down and tilting his head, because the chassis of the old car is much higher than the chassis of the current car.

Carney's strange behavior didn't attract much attention. After all, he was a child, and the male staff in security uniforms just smiled on the sidelines.

Half an hour later, Carney didn't see any car. After looking through the old car area, Carney walked to the new car area where cars were sold.

There is no one in the old car area, and there is no one in the new car area. The ones in the new car area are not security uniforms, they are all staff in suits.

"Carney, what are you looking for?" Falls Lucci had noticed Carney's behavior a long time ago. He was also shopping in the used car area and carefully looked at the introduction board outside the car.

"Nothing, I just want to see their structure. Yes, they are covered in iron bumps." Carney explained, starting to get to know the new cars in the car sales area.

The seats of new cars are very low, and Carney has to stand on tiptoes by the door to look at the steering wheel carefully. Some car windows are not transparent.

Carney jumped up and down and looked around, and he was immediately attracted by a new car. It was a new Camaro, not a Chevrolet, but it still looked very similar.

He immediately headed towards the car, ready to take a good look, and had a feeling in his heart that this was what he was looking for.

Because this looks a bit like Bumblebee, and it really does. Maybe Bumblebee is not scrapped enough to go to a used car dealer at this time. It is far away from that time, and it is far away from Bumblebee coming to the earth to have sex with the other two Decepticons. The matter was already over in 1987.

But I immediately remembered that Bumblebee seemed to have gone to find Sam. Maybe it was doing well at this time, or maybe it was the car in front of me. The Bumblebee movie ended with the Camaro.

"Hello, kid, do you want to see the car? Where are your adults? Are you here with your adults?" Carney was caught by a sales girl before he even touched the car door.

"I came here with my brothers and sisters. We came to the museum to see the car. Can I get in and ride on it?" Carney pouted and said with big eyes. He tried it in front of the mirror. It was quite cute, as long as he didn't put his clothes on it. Take it off to expose your muscles.

"How cute. Where are your brothers and sisters?" the sales lady said, looking around.

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